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Introduction to Python

This repository contains a basic introduction to programming using Jupyter notebooks and Python.
It is meant to introduce the concepts of programming in an accessible way for those new that are new to the skill. It is not exhaustive or comprehensive, it truly is meant only as an introduction to some of the very basic concepts (variables, loops, flow control, functions). If you are looking for a more complete introduction to programming, especially in Python, I recommend checking out Al Sweigart's excellent guide, Automate the boring stuff with Python. Working through that book along with the exercises is an excellent way to understand the Python language and all it has to offer.

This guide is broken up into several notebooks which are intended to be completed in numerical order. Jupyter notebooks allow for there to be an explanation of how a concept works followed by a "live" example and provides space for learners to experiment. There is also a notebook to apply what you learn here (and with a bit of research on your own) which will give you an opportunity to practice programming.

Absolutely the best way to become a proficient programmer is to practice solving problems. The reason this is so important is because you will learn to think like a programmer, so don't skip the practices and if you get stuck, you are welcome to open the answers notebook and see one way to solve the challenge. Once you've worked through these challenges, head over to Codewars and try working on a few puzzles there.

The best place to start is at the beginning, click here to get started.

Learning Resources

Automate the boring stuff with Python
The Python Tutorial