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Mastering-CSS-Essentials: Dive into the core of CSS with comprehensive guide. From selectors to flexbox and grids, we cover it all. Perfect for beginners and pros alike, this repository is packed with examples and best practices to build stunning, responsive websites.

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CSS Documentation

Introduction to CSS

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of HTML or XML documents. There are three primary ways to apply CSS:

Inline CSS

  • Definition: CSS rules within the style attribute of an HTML element.
  • Example: <p style="color: red;">This is a paragraph.</p>

Internal CSS

  • Definition: CSS rules within <style> tags in the <head> section of an HTML document.
  • Example:
        body {
          background-color: lightblue;

External CSS

  • Definition: CSS rules in a separate .css file linked to an HTML document using <link> tag.
  • Example:
      <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css" />

Using Classes and IDs in CSS

  • Classes: Defined with a dot (.) prefix and applied to multiple elements.

  • IDs: Defined with a hash (#) prefix and unique per page.

  • Examples:

    <div class="container">Content</div>
    <input type="text" id="username" />
    .container {
      color: red;
    #username {
      padding: 0.4rem;

Font Styles in CSS

  • Font Family: font-family: 'Courier New', Courier, monospace;
  • Font Size: font-size: 16px;
  • Font Weight: font-weight: bold;
  • Font Style: font-style: italic;

Color in CSS

There are six ways to specify colors in CSS:

  1. By color name: color: red;
  2. By hexadecimal value: color: #1f2633;
  3. By RGB value: color: rgb(23, 39, 51);
  4. By RGBA value: color: rgba(23, 39, 51, 0.5);
  5. By HSL value: color: hsl(240, 80%, 15%);
  6. By HSLA value: color: hsla(240, 80%, 15%, 0.5);

Text Style in CSS

  • Text Alignment: text-align: left;, right;, center;, justify;
  • Text Decoration: text-decoration: underline;, overline;, line-through;, none;
  • Text Indent: text-indent: -5px; or 5px;
  • Text Transform: text-transform: uppercase;, lowercase;, capitalize;
  • Text Shadow: text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px blue;
  • Line Height: line-height: 20px;
  • Word Spacing: word-spacing: 10px;
  • Letter Spacing: letter-spacing: 12px;
  • Word Wrap: word-wrap: normal;

Box Model Properties


  • Float: float: left;, right;


  • Clear: clear: left;, right;, both;


  • Margin: margin-left: 5px;, margin-right: 5px;, margin-top: 5px;, margin-bottom: 5px;, margin: 5px;, margin: 0px 5px;


  • Padding: padding-left: 5px;, padding-right: 5px;, padding-top: 5px;, padding-bottom: 5px;, padding: 5px;, padding: 0px 5px;


  • Border: border-width: 5px;, border-style: solid;, border-color: green;, border: 5px solid green;


  • Outline: outline-width: 5px;, outline-style: solid;, outline-color: green;, outline: 5px solid green;

Outline Offset

  • Outline Offset: outline-offset: 10px;

Background and Gradients

  • Background: background-color: red;, background-image: url("image.jpg");, background-repeat: repeat;, no-repeat;, repeat-x;, repeat-y;, background-position: top;, left;, right;, bottom;, center;, %, px, rem;, background-size: cover;, contain;, 50% 20%;, 200px 100px;, auto;, background-clip: border-box;, padding-box;, content-box;, text;, background-attachment: scroll;, fixed;, local;

  • Linear Gradient: background: linear-gradient(to right, red, blue);, background: linear-gradient(45deg, red, blue);

  • Radial Gradient: background: radial-gradient(circle, blue, red);

  • Conic Gradient: background: conic-gradient(red, blue, green);, background: conic-gradient(red 90deg, yellow 50deg, blue);

  • Repeating Gradient: background: repeating-gradient(red, blue 10px, gold 50px);, background: repeating-gradient(circle 10px, red, blue 50px);

Columns and Shadows

  • Columns: column-count: 3;, column-fill: balance;, auto;, column-gap: 10px;, column-rule: 2px solid red;, column-span: all;, none;, column-width: px;, %, rem;

  • Shadows: text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px 2px red;, box-shadow: 0px 0px 2px 2px red;, 0px 0px 2px 2px red, 2px 0px 2px 2px red, 0px 2px 2px 2px red;


  • Transform: transform: translate(10px, 20px);, translateX(10px);, translateY(20px);, scale(1.2);, scaleX(1.2);, scaleY(1.2);, rotateX(90deg);, rotateY(90deg);, rotateZ(90deg);, skew(20deg, 20deg);, skewX(20deg);, skewY(20deg);, transform-style: preserve-3d;, perspective: 100px;, perspective-origin: right;, left;

Resizing Elements

  • Resize: resize: horizontal;, vertical;, both;, none;

Transitions and Animations

  • Transition: transition-property: width;, height;, transition-delay: 3s;, transition-duration: 2s;, transition-timing-function: linear;, ease-in;, ease-out;, ease-in-out;, cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0, 25, 1);, transition: width 0.3s linear;

  • Animation: animation-name: slideIn;, animation-delay: 3s;, animation-duration: 2s;, animation-timing-function: linear;, ease-in;, ease-out;, ease-in-out;, cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0, 25, 1);, animation-iteration-count: infinite;, animation-play-state: paused;, running;, animation-fill-mode: none;, forward;, backward;, both;, animation-direction: normal;, reverse;, alternate;, alternate-reverse;


    -will-change: animation, transition, opacity, and so on


  • Filter: filter: blur(2px);, brightness(200%);, drop-shadow(0px 0px 2px red);, grayscale(100%);, opacity(20%);, none

Display and Visibility

  • Display: display: inline;, block;, inline-block;, flex;, inline-flex;, grid;, inline-grid;, none;

  • Visibility: visibility: hidden;, visible;


  • Flex Direction: flex-direction: row;, row-reverse;, column;, column-reverse;

  • Wrap: flex-wrap: wrap;, nowrap;, wrap-reverse;

  • Grow: flex-grow: 1;, 2;, any number;

  • Basis: flex-basis:, %, px;, rem;

  • Shrink: flex-shrink: 1;, 2;, any number;

  • Justify Content: justify-content: flex-start;, center;, space-around;, space-between;

  • Align Items: align-items: flex-start;, center;, baseline;, stretch;

  • Align Content: align-content: flex-start;, center;, space-around;, space-between;

  • Align Self: align-self: flex-start;, center;, baseline;, stretch;

Grid Layout

Grid Template Columns

  • grid-template-columns: 100px 100px; means 2 columns; can also use px, %, rem, em, fr, minmax(min-width-value, max-width-value), repeat(how many column, width of each column))

Grid Template Rows

  • grid-template-rows: 100px 200px; means 2 rows; can also use px, %, rem, em, fr, minmax(min-width-value, max-width-value), repeat(how many row, width of each row))

Grid Template Areas

  • grid-template-areas: "a b c d"; means 4 columns;
  • grid-template-areas: "header header header", "menu main aside", "menu footer footer"; means 3 columns and 3 rows;

Grid Area Placement

  • grid-area: header; or name of the item;

Spanning Grid Items

  • grid-column: start/end;
  • grid-row: start/end;
  • grid-column-start: column number;
  • grid-row-start: row number;
  • grid-column-end: column number;
  • grid-row-end: row number;
  • grid-auto-column: 200px 50px;
  • grid-auto-row: 100px 50px;
  • grid-auto-flow: row, column, dense;

Justify Content, Items, and Self

  • justify-content: flex-start;, start;, flex-end;, end;, center;, space-around;, space-between;, space-evenly;
  • justify-items: flex-start;, start;, flex-end;, end;, center, baseline;, stretch;
  • justify-self: flex-start;, start;, flex-end;, end;, center;, baseline;, stretch;

Align Content, Items, and Self

  • align-content: flex-start;, start;, flex-end;, end;, center;, space-around;, space-between;, space-evenly;
  • align-items: flex-start;, start;, flex-end;, end;, center;, baseline;, stretch;
  • align-self: flex-start;, start;, flex-end;, end;, center;, baseline;, stretch;

Place Content, Items, and Self

  • place-content: flex-start;, start;, flex-end;, end;, center;, space-around;, space-between;, space-evenly;
  • place-items: flex-start;, start;, flex-end;, end;, center;, baseline;, stretch;
  • place-self: flex-start;, start;, flex-end;, end;, center;, baseline;, stretch;

Column Gap, Row Gap, and Gap/Grid Gap

  • column-gap: 5px;
  • row-gap: 5px;
  • gap/grid-gap: 5px;

Pseudo-classes and Pseudo-elements

Input Pseudo-class

  • :autofill, :enabled, :disabled, :read-only, :read-write, :placeholder-shown, :checked, :interminate, :valid, :invalid, :required, :optional, :in-range, :out-of-range

Linguistic Pseudo-class

  • :dir(ltr,rtl), :lang(en-us)

Location Pseudo-class

  • :link, :visited, :target

Tree Structure Pseudo-class

  • :root, :empty, :first-child, :last-child, :nth-child(n), :nth-last-child(n), :only-child, :first-of-type, :last-of-type, :nth-of-type(), :nth-last-of-type(), :only-of-type

User Action Pseudo-class

  • :hover, :action, :focus

Functional Pseudo-class

  • :not(), :is(), :where(), :has()


  • ::first-line, ::first-letter, ::after, ::before, ::cue, ::placeholder, ::selection

CSS Selectors

Simple Selectors

  • Element Type Selectors: p {color:red;}
  • Class Selectors: .container {color:red;}
  • ID Selectors: #img {padding:5px;}
  • Universal Selectors: *{padding:0;}
  • Element Type and Class Selectors: p.into {padding:5px;}
  • Multiple Element Type Selectors: h1, a, p {padding:5px;}

Attribute Selectors

  • Attribute Existence Selector: input[required] {color:red;}
  • Attribute Value Selector: input[href=""] {color:red;}
  • Attribute Value Start Selector: input[href^="https"] {color:red;}
  • Attribute Value End Selector: input[href$="com"] {color:red;}
  • Attribute Value Contain Selector: input[href*="google"] {color:red;}

Combinator Selectors

  • Descendant Selectors: section div p {color: red;}
  • Child Selectors: div > p {color: red;}
  • Adjacent Sibling Selectors: h1 + p {color: red;}
  • General Sibling Selectors: h1 ~ p {color: red;}


  • Position: position: static;, relative;, absolute;, fixed;, sticky;

  • Top: top: 50px;, px;, %;, auto;

  • Right: right: 50px;, px;, %;, auto;

  • Bottom: bottom: 50px;, px;, %;, auto;

  • Left: left: 50px;, px;, %;, auto;

Overflow Property

-Overflow: The overflow property controls what happens when content overflows its box. It can be set to hidden, visible, scroll, or auto.

Responsive Design

  • Media Queries: @media (max-width: 768px) { }, min-width;, max-height;, orientation;

  • Viewport: @viewport { width: 360px; height: 640px; }, min-width;, max-height;


  • Tab Index: tabindex="1";, 2;, any number;

  • Keyboard Navigation: :focus;, active;, hover;

  • Screen Reader: aria-labelledby;, describedby;, hidden;

CSS Variables

  • Variable: --mycolor: blue;, white;, border;

  • Usage: color: var(--mycolor);, background: var(--mycolor);


-Z-index: 1 or any number; -Box-sizing: border-box; -Caret-color: red ; -unicode-bidi: bidi-overide;


CSS is a powerful tool for designing web pages, offering numerous properties and techniques for styling elements. Mastering CSS enables developers to create visually appealing and responsive web interfaces.


Mastering-CSS-Essentials: Dive into the core of CSS with comprehensive guide. From selectors to flexbox and grids, we cover it all. Perfect for beginners and pros alike, this repository is packed with examples and best practices to build stunning, responsive websites.







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