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ThingsPro Window Code Coverage Build

Demo page



<tp-window [name]="name" maxStateNumber="3" [loading]="loadingObservable" [optionPortal]="portal" (stateChange)="onStateChange($event)">
  <tp-window-state [name]="" [icon]="state.icon" [type]="Button">
    <!-- Your DOM template -->   
  <tp-window-state [name]="" [icon]="state.icon" [type]="Button">
    <!-- Your DOM template -->   

API Document

tp-window (WindowComponent)

Property Type Description
name @input string The name will be showed on the title of component.
maxStateNumber @input number Limit the total number of icons on the tool bar. The rest of icons will be sorted to menu list as the number of icons exceeds it. This setting could be used to RWD.
loading @input Observable<any> It Will show a loading bar before observable completed.
optionPortal @input Portal<any> Add customized actions or information by using CdkPortal
stateChange @output EventEmitter<WindowStateComponent> emit clicked state component.

tp-window-state (WindowStateComponent)

Property Type Description
name @input string The name will be showed on the menu item or tooltip.
icon @input string The name of Angular Material Icon ,please see Icons
type @input string Button(�A state contains a icon without a content page.) Content(�A state contains a content page without a icon.)State(�A state contains a icon with a content page.)