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User Guide

antoniasmithmrc edited this page Jul 18, 2022 · 16 revisions

1. Opening the Software

Once downloaded from here, move the Wave.exe file to a location you will run the software from on your computer (NB: you will need to move it from the downloads folder). To open the software, double click the Wave.exe file from this location. It may take a couple of minutes before it opens.
Alternatively, to install and run Wave using Pycharm, click here for instructions.

Once the software is open for the first time, it is advised to run a test file to check the software is working on your machine. Please see information on the Example files page to download the test files.

2. Home Screen

The home screen can be broken down into 3 sections:
1. Files: section for loading files and setting the output folder
2. Output Settings: section to switch between file types and edit the settings for the results
3. Processing: section to display the loaded files, select files, submit the processing and display the status of processing files

3. Loading Files

Files can be loaded by browsing that allows for single and multiple file selection.

Browse (single and multiple file selection)

  • Use the 'Browse' button to open a dialog box and select either one or multiple files so they appear in the 'File name:' box.

  • Click 'Open' to confirm the file selection. This will populate the file list under the Processing > Data tab.

If you cannot browse for the data files, you can use single file selection and type the following in:

  • Enter the full path, including filename and extension (e.g. .cwa or .bin), into the Data Files: dialog box and click submit.
  • This will populate the file under the Processing > Data tab. Only one file at a time may be accepted using this method.

4. Load Output folder

  • Select the Output Folder browse button.

  • Navigate to the desired folder and click 'Select folder'

  • This will populate the 'Output Folder' box at the top of the screen with the selected folder. In order to save the folder as the output location click 'Submit' and 'OK' in the pop up window.

  • A pop up box will open to confirm the location. Ensure this is where you want to just double check the output location is correct.

  • The output folder will then appear at the bottom of the software, beneath the processing box

5. Output Settings

There are three areas to the output settings in Wave; Monitor type, Output Resolution and Output Variables. Each can be edited as outlined below.

  • Monitor Type

    • The initial configuration is for Axivity, but this can switched easily between file types to select GeneActiv for processing.
  • Output Resolution (in minutes)

    • More resolutions are supported and can be added by double clicking in the resolution box and typing the desired resolution for the output (in minutes).
    • Resolutions can also be removed by double clicking on the specific resolution until you can type to remove the number of minutes.
  • Output Variables

    • These can be selected and deselected with a checkbox if you wish to edit which variables are included in the output.
    • Use the scroll bar to view all options.

6. Additional Settings

  • To create a new template in order to edit additional settings, click 'View' at the top of the page and 'Settings'. The following settings window will open:

  • Adding a new Template
    To create a new template, click in the 'Template Options' box and type the new template name. Click 'Add'.

The new template name will appear in the 'Templates' drop down menu and the settings will no longer be greyed out so can now be edited.

  • Statistics

    • Processing Epoch (seconds): The epoch at which the raw data is processed can be edited by clicking and typing in the 'Processing Epoch' box.
    • Noise Cutoff (milli-g): The threshold set for still bout detection can be edited by clicking and typing in the 'Noise Cutoff' box.
  • Plotting

    • Plotting can be switched on and off by switching between 'Enabled' (to output plots) and 'Disabled' (to stop outputting plots).
    • Additional epochs at which the plots are outputted can be added by double clicking in the 'Epoch' box and typing the desired epoch (in minutes).
    • Plotting epochs can also be removed by double clicking on the specific epoch until you can type to remove the number of minutes.
    • NOTE: when adding plotting epochs, the plot epochs needs to match the output resolutions in order to generate plots.
  • Thresholds

    • The thresholds are designed to generate intensity variables, based on the defined lists. It will give a variable representing the proportion of time spent above the First Section Point, then produce a variable for each increment until it reaches the Last Section Point.
      • For example, for the default first list, it will give the proportion of time spent above 1mg, 2mg, 3mg, 4mg and 5mg as it is working at increments of 1.
    • The threshold categories can be edited by clicking and typing in the 'First Section Point', 'Last Section Point' and 'Increment' boxes or alternatively, using the up and down arrows to alter the numbers.
  • Save changes:

    • Save any changes made to the template by clicking 'Save' and 'OK' in the pop up window.

  • Use template (additional settings):

    • To use the selected template for processing files, click 'Submit' and 'OK' in the pop up window. Then close the additional settings window.
  • Default settings:

    • To change the settings back to the default, use the drop down option in the 'Templates' box to select 'Default'. Click 'Submit' and then 'OK' in the pop up window to use the default for processing files.

7. Selecting files

Files to be processed can be selected by two methods;

  • 7.1 individually checking the box next to the file name and path

  • 7.2 clicking the 'Select all' button to select all of the files that have been loaded

  • Use the 'Clear selection' button to deselect all the selected files

8. Processing files

  • When the files to process have been selected, and output folder confirmed, select 'Run' at the bottom of the page to start the processing and 'OK' in the pop up window.

  • Click on the 'Status' tab to check the progress of the processing. The file(s) will display as 'Pending', 'Running', 'Complete' or 'Error' in the progress column.**

    • Pending: the file is queued for processing
    • Running: the file is currently being processed
    • Complete: the file has finished processing and any outputs will be in the folder displayed under the 'Output' column.
    • Error: the file has ran into an error whilst processing. The software will move onto the next file.
  • The folderpath of the data file and output folder will be displayed. The folderpath can be copied and pasted should you wish to use this method to navigate to the output folder, for example.

  • The status bar at the bottom of the status window summaries the current state of Wave.
    • E.g.
    • the number of files currently being processed by the software: 'Processing: 1 of 1'
    • status as ready to process: 'Not Processing'

Cancelling a process

  • It is possible to cancel the processing of files. In the 'Status' tab, click 'Stop' at the bottom of the Status page to cancel the files that are currently being processed and those queued for processing.

  • Click 'Yes' to confirm you want to stop the processing. It may take a few seconds for the process to quit and update status in the page.

  • The status will then appear as 'Cancelled' in the Progress column.

NOTE: to add more data files, follow section '3. Loading Files' again and return to the 'Data' tab to confirm they have populated in the window.

9. Data Dictionary

  • A data dictionary for the outputted variables can be viewed by selecting ‘View’ and ‘Data Dictionary’. The following window will appear:

  • Use the ‘Filter pattern’ box to type and search through variable names, variable examples or variable descriptions.

  • Use the ‘Filter syntax’ drop down box to sort by:
    • Fixed string: Most filtering can be done with a fixed string, which uses the letters and characters to simply match themselves in the data dictionary.
      • Example: the fixed string 'temp' will match any text containing 'temp'. You can enable a case-insensitive mode that returns text containing Temp or TEMP as well.

Other search filters are available from the drop down menu however the fixed string function will capture the most results.

  • Use the ‘Filter column’ drop down box to change between sorting by either ‘Variable’, ‘Example’ or ‘Description’.

  • Case sensitive filter and case sensitive sorting can be switched on and off by checking and unchecking the boxes.