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File metadata and controls

304 lines (224 loc) · 12.7 KB

Running the program

In the following we will assume to have a valid user input file for the water molecule called h2o.inp, e.g. like this

.. literalinclude:: h2o_getkw.inp

To run the calculation, pass the file name (without extension) as argument to the mrchem script (make sure you understand the difference between the .inp, .json and .out file, as described in the previous section):

$ mrchem h2o

This will under the hood actually do the following two steps:

$ mrchem h2o.inp > h2o.json
$ mrchem.x h2o.json > h2o.out

The first step includes input validation, which means that everything that passes this step is a well-formed computation.

Dry-running the input parser

The execution of the two steps above can be done separately by dry-running the parser script:

$ mrchem --dryrun h2o

This will run only the input validation part and generate the h2o.json program input, but it will not launch the main executable mrchem.x. This can then be done manually in a subsequent step by calling:

$ mrchem.x h2o.json

This separation can be useful for instance for developers or advanced users who want to change some automatically generated input values before launching the actual program, see :ref:`Input schema`.

Printing to standard output

By default the program will write to the text output file (.out extension), but if you rather would like it printed in the terminal you can add the --stdout option (then no text output file is created):

$ mrchem --stdout h2o

Reproducing old calculations

The JSON in/out file acts as a full record of the calculation, and can be used to reproduce old results. Simply pass the JSON file once more to mrchem.x, and the "output" section will be overwritten:

$ mrchem.x h2o.json

User input in JSON format

The user input file can be written in JSON format instead of the standard syntax which is described in detail below. This is very convenient if you have for instance a Python script to generate input files. The water example above in JSON format reads (the coords string is not very elegant, but unfortunately that's just how JSON works...):

.. literalinclude:: h2o_json.inp

which can be passed to the input parser with the --json option:

$ mrchem --json h2o


A user input file in JSON format must NOT be confused with the JSON in/out file for the mrchem.x program. The file should still have a .inp extension, and contain all the same keywords which have to be validated and translated by the mrchem script into the .json program input file.

Parallel execution

The MRChem program comes with support for both shared memory and distributed memory parallelization, as well as a hybrid combination of the two. In order to activate these capabilities, the code needs to be compiled with OpenMP and/or MPI support (--omp and/or --mpi options to the CMake setup script, see :ref:`Installation` instructions).

Shared memory OpenMP

For the shared memory part, the program will automatically pick up the number of threads from the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS. If this variable is not set it will usually default to the maximum available. So, to run the code on 16 threads (all sharing the same physical memory space):

$ OMP_NUM_THREADS=16 mrchem h2o

Note that this is the number of threads will be set by OMP_NUM_THREADS only if the code is compiled without MPI support, see below.

Distributed memory MPI

In order to run a program in an MPI parallel fashion, it must be executed with an MPI launcher like mpirun, mpiexec, srun, etc. Note that it is only the main executable mrchem.x that should be launched in parallel, not the mrchem input parser script. This can be achieved either by running these separately in a dry-run (here two MPI processes):

$ mrchem --dryrun h2o
$ mpirun -np 2 mrchem.x h2o.json

or in a single command by passing the launcher string as argument to the parser:

$ mrchem --launcher="mpirun -np 2" h2o

This string can contain any argument you would normally pass to mpirun as it will be literally prepended to the mrchem.x command when the mrchem script executes the main program.


For best performance, it is recommended to use shared memory within each NUMA domain (usually one per socket) of your CPU, and MPI across NUMA domains and ultimately machines. Ideally, the number of OpenMP threads should be between 8-20. E.g. on hardware with two sockets of 16 cores each, scale the number of MPI processes by the size of the molecule, typically one process per ~5 orbitals or so (and definitely not more than one process per orbital). The actual number of threads will be set automatically regardless of the value of OMP_NUM_THREADS.

Job example (Betzy)

This job will use 4 compute nodes, with 12 MPI processes on each, and the MPI process will use up to 15 OpenMP threads. 4 MPI process per node are used for the "Bank". The Bank processes are using only one thread, therefore there is in practice no overallocation. It is however important that bank_size is set to be at least 4*4 = 16 (it is by default set, correctly, to one third of total MPI size, i.e. 4*12/3=16). It would also be possible to set 16 tasks per node, and set the bank size parameter accordingly to 8*4=32. The flags are optimized for the OpenMPI (foss) library on Betzy (note that H2O is a very small molecule for such setup!).

.. literalinclude:: betzy_example.job

--rank-by node
Tells the system to place the first MPI rank on the first node, the second MPI rank on the second node, until the last node, then start at the first node again.
--map-by socket
Tells the system to map (group) MPI ranks according to socket before distribution between nodes. This will ensure that for example two bank cores will access different parts of memory and be placed as the 16th thread of a numa group.
--bind-to numa
Tells the system to bind cores to one NUMA (Non Uniform Memory Access) group. On Betzy memory configuration groups cores by groups of 16, with cores in the same group having the same access to memory (other cores will have access to that part of the memory too, but slower). That means that a process will only be allowed to use one of the 16 cores of the group. (The operating system may change the core assigned to a thread/process and, without precautions, it may be assigned to any other core, which would result in much reduced performance). The 16 cores of the group may then be used by the threads initiated by that MPI process.

Advanced option: Alternatively one can get full control of task placement using the Slurm workload manager by replacing mpirun with srun and setting explicit CPU masks as:

~/my_path/to/mrchem --launcher='srun --cpu-bind=mask_cpu:0xFFFE00000000, \\
0xFFFE000000000000000000000000,0xFFFE000000000000,0xFFFE0000000000000000000000000000, \\
0xFFFE,0xFFFE0000000000000000,0xFFFE0000,0xFFFE00000000000000000000,0x10000, \\
0x100000000000000000000,0x100000000,0x1000000000000000000000000 \\
--distribution=cyclic:cyclic' h2o

--cpu-bind=mask_cpu:0xFFFE00000000,0xFFFE000000000000000000000000,... give the core (or cpu) masks the process have access to. 0x means that the number is in hexadecimal. For example 0xFFFE00000000 is 111111111111111000000000000000000000000000000000 in binary, meaning that the first process can not use the first 33 cores, then it can use the cores from position 34 up to position 48, and nothing else.

--distribution=cyclic:cyclic The first cyclic will put the first rank on the first node, the second rank on the second node etc. The second cyclic distribute the ranks withing the nodes.

More examples can be found in the mrchem-examples repository on GitHub.

Parallel pitfalls


Parallel program execution is not a black box procedure, and the behavior and efficiency of the run depends on several factors, like hardware configuration, operating system, compiler type and flags, libraries for OpenMP and MPI, type of queing system on a shared cluster, etc. Please make sure that the program runs correctly on your system and is able to utilize the computational resources before commencing production calculations.

Typical pitfalls for OpenMP

  • Not compiling with correct OpenMP support.
  • Not setting number of threads correctly.
  • Hyper-threads: the round-robin thread distribution might fill all hyper-threads on each core before moving on to the next physical core. In general we discourage the use of hyper-threads, and recommend a single thread per physical core.
  • Thread binding: all threads may be bound to the same core, which means you can have e.g. 16 threads competing for the limited resources available on this single core (typically two hyper-threads) while all other cores are left idle.

Typical pitfalls for MPI

  • Not compiling with the correct MPI support.
  • Default launcher options might not give correct behavior.
  • Process binding: if a process is bound to a core, then all its spawned threads will also be bound to the same core. In general we recommend binding to socket/NUMA.
  • Process distribution: in a multinode setup, all MPI processes might land on the same machine, or the round-robin procedure might count each core as a separate machine.

How to verify a parallel MRChem run

  • In the printed output, verify that MRCPP has actually been compiled with correct support for MPI and/or OpenMP:

    MRCPP version         : 1.2.0
    Git branch            : master
    Git commit hash       : 686037cb78be601ac58b
    Git commit author     : Stig Rune Jensen
    Git commit date       : Wed Apr 8 11:35:00 2020 +0200
    Linear algebra        : EIGEN v3.3.7
    Parallelization       : MPI/OpenMP
  • In the printed output, verify that the correct number of processes and threads has been detected:

     MPI processes         :      (no bank)                             2
     OpenMP threads        :                                           16
     Total cores           :                                           32
  • Monitor your run with top to see that you got the expected number of mrchem.x processes (MPI), and that they actually run at the expected CPU percentage (OpenMP):

    PID   USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S   %CPU  %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND
    9502  stig      25   5  489456 162064   6628 R 1595,3   2,0   0:14.50 mrchem.x
    9503  stig      25   5  489596 162456   6796 R 1591,7   2,0   0:14.33 mrchem.x
  • Monitor your run with htop to see which core/hyper-thread is being used by each process. This is very useful to get the correct binding/pinning of processes and threads. In general you want one threads per core, which means that every other hyper-thread should remain idle. In a hybrid MPI/OpenMP setup it is rather common that each MPI process becomes bound to a single core, which means that all threads spawned by this process will occupy the same core (possibly two hyper-threads). This is then easily detected with htop.

  • Perform dummy executions of your parallel launcher (mpirun, srun, etc) to check whether it picks up the correct parameters from the resource manager on your cluster (SLURM, Torque, etc). You can then for instance report bindings and host name for each process:

    $ mpirun --print-rank-map hostname

    Play with the launcher options until you get it right. Note that Intel and OpenMPI have slightly different options for their mpirun and usually different behavior. Beware that the behavior can also change when you move from single- to multinode execution, so it is in general not sufficient to verify you runs on a single machine.

  • Perform a small scaling test on e.g. 1, 2, 4 processes and/or 1, 2, 4 threads and verify that the total computation time is reduced as expected (don't expect 100% efficiency at any step).