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Script to transfer raw Bruker data to an XNAT instance


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This application transfers raw Bruker data to an XNAT instance and stores it as an MR Session. DICOM conversion is achieved using Dicomifier and NIFTI files are generated using BrkRaw. In XNAT the NIFTI files are uploaded into a resource folder called BIDS while the Bruker Raw Data is uploaded into a resource folder called RAWDATA.

Basic usage

The main Python executable is and is called with command-line arguments which are described further below. By default the [XNATProjectID] is expected to have already been created on the XNAT instance which minimizes errors.

A minimally viable call to is shown furher below using docker. This would create an MR session called [XNATSessionID] for a subject [XNATSubjectID] within an existing project [XNATProjectID] on an XNAT hosted at [XNAT host URL].

The workflow first copies the rawdata initially situated at [path/to/raw/bruker/data] to a unique subfolder within the work directory specified by --workdir at [path/to/work/directory]/[XNATProjectID]/[XNATSubjectID]/[XNATSessionID]/rawdata. All subsequent processing takes place using this copy of the rawdata to avoid data corruption. DICOMs for the raw data will be stored at [path/to/work/directory]/[XNATProjectID]/[XNATSubjectID]/[XNATSessionID]/dicoms and a zipped version of this folder will also be stored at [path/to/work/directory]/[XNATProjectID]/[XNATSubjectID]/[XNATSessionID]/[XNATSubjectID]_[XNATSessionID]; NIFTIs for the raw data will be stored at [path/to/work/directory]/[XNATProjectID]/[XNATSubjectID]/[XNATSessionID]/niftis. During processing, users will be asked for their userid and password for gaining access to the specified project in XNAT. These credentials can also be passed to the script to minimize interaction and this is discussed in more detail in the Advanced Usage section below.

docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/mnt aacazxnat/xnatbruker:0.3 python  /src/ \
                            [path/to/raw/bruker/data] \
                            --workdir [path/to/work/directory] 
                            --host [XNAT host URL] 
                            --subject [XNATSubjectID] 
                            --session [XNATSessionID] 
                            --project [XNATProjectID]

Advanced Usage

A number of enhancements can be used to automate functionality and extend metadata management.


Userid and passord can be passed automatically either by using the parameters --user and --password or by using a credentials json file through the --credentials parameter. The latter is a more secure way to do this especially if the credentials file is secured using chmod 0400 credentials.json

An example of a credentials json file is shown below:

    "user": "admin",
    "password": "admin"

In summary then, the workflow will initially use userid and password passed using --user and -password. If these are missing then the credentials file will be used to obtain the login parameters. If neither of these approaches provides the required credentials then the user will be asked to manually enter them.

Subject, Session and Project Labels

Rather than pass the Subject, Session and Project Labels directly it is also possible to pass an assignments file using the parameter --assignment which associates metadata stored in the raw bruker data with the required labels. The assignments file is a json file with 3 sections, Labels, CustomForms and Standard. The subject, session and project labels are stored in the Labels section as shown below:

    "SUBJECT_LABEL": "_subject.parameters['SUBJECT_id']",
    "SESSION_LABEL": "_subject.parameters['SUBJECT_study_name']"

values prefixed with _subject.parameters are fields queried within the Bruker Raw data. If these labels are not defined in the assignment file then the code will also look within the field _subject.parameters['SUBJECT_remarks'] which is actually the additional info field that is available on the bruker console. It will be expecting a string in the form Project:XNATProjectID Subject:XNATSubjectID Session:XNATSessionID from which the labels can be determined

In summary then, the workflow initially looks for labels defined directly by the parameters --project, --session and --subject. If these are not present then it looks in the Labels section of the assignments file for the keys PROJECT_ID, SUBJECT_LABEL and SESSION_LABEL. Finally if these are not present then it attempts to parse the additional info text which is stored in Pvdataset._subject.parameters['SUBJECT_study_comments'] which should be in the format Project:XNATProjectID Subject:XNATSubjectID Session:XNATSessionID

Metadata Assignment

In addition to the project, subject and session labels the assignment file can be used to update additional subject and session metadata once the session is created.

Custom Forms

Starting in XNAT 1.8.8 custom forms can now be conveniently created in XNAT to handle extensions to the standard XNAT datatypes. in the CustomForms section, these fields can be defined by specifying the FormUUID as a dictionary element and individual fields within that form can be defined with the source of the data and the datatype.

In the example below, the group variable on the form 14906760-70e0-4056-b9d6-e4f90b30231b will be updated from the bruker raw data as _subject.parameters['SUBJECT_referral'] and it will be stored as a string (text).

        "14906760-70e0-4056-b9d6-e4f90b30231b": {
        "group": [ "_subject.parameters['SUBJECT_referral']", "text" ],
        "animalType": ["_subject.parameters['SUBJECT_type']", "text"],
        "animalModel": ["_subject.parameters['SUBJECT_remarks']","text"]
        "d8ad043c-cfe6-4cf6-8618-43c256e0f5db": {
        "navigationScore": ["_subject.parameters['SUBJECT_version_nr']", "integer"],
        "completedTrailFollowingTask": ["_subject.parameters['SUBJECT_study_nr']","boolean"]
        "sessionAnasthetic": ["True","boolean"]

Standard XNAT assignment

Standard XNAT fields can also be set in a similar way using the Standard section.

           "weight": ["_subject.parameters['SUBJECT_weight']","float"],
           "gender": ["_subject.parameters['SUBJECT_sex_animal']","text"]
           "coil": ["_subject.parameters['SUBJECT_comment']","text"]


In the example folder there is some test data in a zip file which you can extract and test in an XNAT instance.

Here is an example call which assumes that the docker call is made in the top folder of the git repository:

cd xnatbruker/example
unzip 20190724_114946_BRKRAW_1_1
cd ..
docker run --rm -it -v $PWD/example:/mnt  aacazxnat/xnatbruker:0.3 python /src/ \
                            /mnt/20190724_114946_BRKRAW_1_1 \
                            --workdir /mnt/work \
                            --host \
                            --assignment /opt/work/assignments.json \
                            --credentials /opt/work/credentials.json \

Version 0.3 Changes

  • Credentials and Assignments file added to improve automation and support metadata assignments
  • Improved error handling for missing keys in metadata assignments
  • Basic handling of duplicated data - either upoad is skipped or existing data is overwritten. This behavior is managed at a granular level using --dup_session, --dup_nifti, --dup_raw and dup_metadata parameters.

To do for next Version 0.4

  • Provide --cleanup flag to clean out the work directory.
  • Add Project_ID to the file to further distinguish it.
  • Complete the BIDS conversion workflow.
  • Incorporate code to convert DWI bvecs correctly.