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ITK pipeline using provided tensorflow .pd model.
Heavily based on Neargye/hello_tf_c_api Feel free to contact me if you need new itkTensorFlow features, for example multiple inputs/outputs.

System Badge
OSX/Linux build - Travis Travis (.org)
Windows build - AppVeyor AppVeyor
Downloads GitHub Releases (by Release)

How to use the executable

You can download the library and the executable from here. Options available for the executable execution:

>> itkTensorFlowExe -h
Use: itkTensorFlowExe
	 -r inputRgbFilePath
	 -g inputGrayFilePaths, can be used multiple times
	 -m inputGraphPath tensor flow model/graph (in .pb format)
	 -o outputDirPath
	 -s scale (multiply output values by this value)
	 -h help

Example 1: one rgb image as input

If you want to use one rgb image (Windows command line):

itkTensorFlowExe.exe -r "image2.jpg" -m "path/to/model.pb" -o "output"

OSX/Linux command line:

./itkTensorFlowExe -r "image2.jpg" -m "path/to/model.pb" -o "output" 

Example 2: several grayscale images as input

If you want to use one or more grayscale images (Windows command line):

itkTensorFlowExe.exe ^
                    -g "image0.dcm" ^
                    -g "image1.dcm" ^
                    -g "image2.dcm" ^
                    -m "path/to/model.pb" ^
                    -o "output"

OSX/Linux command line:

./itkTensorFlowExe \
                    -g "image0.dcm" \
                    -g "image1.dcm" \
                    -g "image2.dcm" \
                    -m "path/to/model.pb"  \
                    -o "output"

You can find examples of using executable here:

How to compile


git clone
cd itkTensorflow
git submodule update --init --recursive
cmake . -Bbin -DITK_DIR_HINTS="../ITK_install"
cmake --build bin


git clone
cd itkTensorflow
git submodule update --init --recursive
cmake . -Bbin -G"Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=install -DITK_DIR_HINTS="../ITK_install"
cmake --build bin --config RELSEASE --target INSTALL

Models/Graphs tested

The sample model used in tests can be found in a nice jupyter notebook:
In this notebook, to get the image indexing right, I was playing with rotated image:


  • How to see model in a tensorboard
python ~/Code/tensorflow/tensorflow/python/tools/ --model_dir tests/testData/model.pb --log_dir tests/testData/log
tensorboard --logdir tests/testData/log



Reason for using 3d itk input images

These are the ways to provide n 2d input images:

  • itkImage with third dimension as the n-th image
    Pro: can be defined in the runtime
    Con: breaches the logic behind itk image
  • itkImage with n-dim vector type
    Pro: makes sense with itk logic
    Con: have to be defined at the compile time
PixelType = itk::Vector< float, n >; // n has to be static, cannot be defined in the runtime
ImageType = itk::Image< PixelType, 2 >;
  • n inputs to a itkImageFilter class
    Pro: makes sense with itk logic
    Con: number of itkImageFilter have to be defined in a constructor. itkImageFilter constructor does not accept arguments. Hence the n has to be defined in the compile time
    Partial solution: allow big number of inputs

In this project I went with the first option.

Git and conventional commits

I am trying to follow the convetional commits guide:
