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1D Wave Equation Discretized using Finite Differences and Solved via Parallelizing the Jacobi Method with MPI

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1D Wave Equation Discretized using Finite Differences and Solved via Parallelizing the Jacobi Method with MPI

Background: Parallel Programming

The parallel strategy used is Domain Decomposition. The problem (global domain) is decomposed into sub-domains (smaller processes). "Workers" in the sub-domains perform the calculations and then communicate the results with the master (global domain). This link provides a basic example behind the Master/Slave concept.

Background: Wave Equation (A)

The Wave Equation takes the form:

    Utt = c^2*Uxx

1D version of the Wave Equation:

    d^2 u/dt^2 - c^2 * d^2 u/dx^2 = 0

    c is the speed of the wave, u is the displacement (field), t is time and x is the spatial component of the wave.

    space-interval: [x1, x2]
    time-interval: [t1, t2]

    Initial Conditions

    u(x,t1) = u_t1(x); u(x,0) = g(x,t=0) = sin(2*pi*(x-c*t))
    u(x,t1) = ut_t1(x); dudt(x,0) = h(x,t=0) = -2*pi*c*cos(2*pi*(x-c*t))

Boundary (Dirichlet) conditions:

    u(x1,t) = u_x1(t); u(0,t) = u0(t) = sin(2*pi*(0-c*t))
    u(x2,t) = u_x2(t); u(1,t) = u1(t) = sin(2*pi*(1-c*t))

Discretized version of the wave equation:

    uxx = (u(x+dx,t) - 2u(x,t) + u(x-dx,t))/dx^2
    utt = (u(x,t+dt) - 2u(x,t) + u(x,t-dt))/dt^2

After some algebra and simplification, we end up with the final finite difference equation:

    u(i,n+1) = -u(i,n-1) + 2u(i,n) + CFL^2(u(i+1,n) - 2u(i,n) + u(i-1,n))

where n represents the nodes in the time direction and i represents the nodes in the spacial direction.

Background: Wave Equation (B)

In the last equation, the term CFL was introduced. This represents the Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy condition. It takes the form:

    CFL = c*dt/dx,

where c is the wave speed, dx the spacial step and dt the time step. This condition ensures that every node in the discretized mesh is calculated. The value of CFL needs to be in range:

    0.5 < CFL < 1

If we have:

    CFL > 1,

then nodes will be missed and the solution will not be smooth and becomes unstable leading to errors.


  • Operating Systems: Ubuntu 20.04.
  • Compiler: gcc 9.4.0.
  • mpich so MPI can be used.
  • Text Editor. Any can be used. E.g. Visual Studio Code, Vim, Emacs, gedit etc.

Installing MPI

MPIcan be downloaded here or at the command line (see below).

  • $ sudo apt-get install mpich

Running the Application

Running make will create the default appication. That is, running 1 process. The number of required processes to be used can be specified by -np (see below), where 4 have been used. The compiler optimisation flag in the Makefile has been set to -O3. This can be changed of course.

  • $ git clone
  • $ make
  • $ mpirun -np 4 ./main_wave


The results of the calculations can be found in the results folder. 1, 2 and 4 processors were used.


1D Wave Equation Discretized using Finite Differences and Solved via Parallelizing the Jacobi Method with MPI







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