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Grab AI for S.E.A. 2019

The Computer Vision Challenge

How might we automate the process of recognizing the details of the vehicles from images, including make and model?

This is a data science assignment where you are expected to create a data model from a given training dataset.


Given a dataset of distinct car images, can you automatically recognize the car model and make?

You can use the "Cars" dataset and the "Training" dataset for this challenge.

You are expected to create a Data Model based on the "Cars" dataset in order to solve the problem statement(s).

You should also provide step by step documentation on how to run your code. Our evaluators will be running your data models on a test dataset.


From the Model Performance section:

Note that your model must output a confidence score for every classification.

Submissions will be evaluated by accuracy, precision and recall. Given that several solutions have been published for this problem before, we recommend you emphasise how your solution differentiates, for example, according to the other listed evaluation criteria (originality, code quality, etc).


tl;dr: Model Performance

In the last 6 runs using the Parameters/Hyper-Parameters and ResNet152 torchvision model (as listed in the notebook), and the environment in Part 6, the test accuracies achieved are as follows:

Test Accuracy: 92.39%, 92.39%, 92.51%, 92.54%, 92.54%, 92.55%

According to [Dehghan et al., 2017] (see Citation #4 at the bottom), the Top-1 car classification accuracy on Stanford car dataset is reproduced in the table below:

|                        |  Top-1   |    
| Methods                | Accuracy |
| ---------------------- | -------- |
| Sighthound [See Note]  |   93.6%  |
| Krauze et al. [2]      |   92.8%  |
| Lin et al.    [3]      |   91.3%  |
| Zhang et al. (2016)    |   88.4%  |
| Xie et al.   (2015)    |   86.3%  |
| Gosselin et al. (2014) |   82.7%  |

Based on this Vehicle Recognition Benchmarks as cited by [Dehghan et al., 2017], the highest test accuracy of 92.55% achieved in this solution is only 0.27% lower than that achieved in the original [Krauze et al., 2015] paper.

Note on Sighthound

Sighthound's Computer Vision Solutions are not open-source.


The solution is loosely based on, but is a heavily-modified version of,'s Practical Deep Learning for Coders, v3: Lesson 1 - ImageClassification. This Lesson 1 uses the The Oxford-IIIT Pet Dataset by O. M. Parkhi et al., 2012 which features 12 cat breeds and 25 dogs breeds. In contrast, the Stanford Cars Dataset has 196 classes.

Packages Used (and Version)

  Package      Version
. python       [3.6.8]       
. numpy        [1.16.2]      
. pandas       [0.24.2]      
. matplotlib   [3.0.3]       
. scipy        [1.2.1]       
. opencv       [4.1.0]       
. fastai       [1.0.53.post2]
. pytorch      [1.1.0]       
. torchvision  [0.2.2]       

Execution Time and OS Environment

On an Asus ROG G752VS with QuadCore Intel Core 2.70GHz i7-6820HK, 48GB RAM and 8GB GTX 1070, running Windows 10 Pro (Version: 1809, Build: 17763.557), this solution runs in 5.5-6.0 hours.


The Stanford Cars Dataset Overview states:

"The Cars dataset contains 16,185 images of 196 classes of cars. The data is split into 8,144 training images and 8,041 testing images, where each class has been split roughly in a 50-50 split. Classes are typically at the level of Make, Model, Year, e.g. 2012 Tesla Model S or 2012 BMW M3 coupe."

From the link above, download the training images - cars_train.tgz, testing images - cars_test.tgz, devkit - car_devkit.tgz, and test annotations - cars\_test\_annos_withlabels.mat. Place these 4 files in the DATA_PATH folder, which in our case is './data/'.

Folder Structure

If you followed the dataset download instruction above, your project folder structure should look similar to this beginning folder structure. (This is how it looks in Windows 10.)

|--- data
|    |--- car_devkit.tgz
|    |--- cars_test.tgz
|    |--- cars_test_annos_withlabels.mat
|    |--- cars_train.tgz
|--- 98-test-conda-setup-v19-0615-pt11.ipynb
|--- folder_structure.jpg
|--- gaiforsea-cv-FINAL.ipynb


Train/Valid Split

We will split the Train data (8,144 images) using a 90%/10% ratio, resulting in the following:

Train: 7,330 Files; Valid: 814 Files

I tried ratios of 80%/20% and 85%/15% but the 90%/10% chosen above produced the best results.


I tried both DenseNet161 and ResNet152, doing dozens of training runs on each. The highest accuracy I got for DenseNet161 was 92.19% (range: 91.78-92.19) and for ResNet152 is 92.55% (range: 91.97-92.55). I settled for ResNet152, not only because it produced the highest accuracy but it also produced consistently high (92.39+) accuracies.


Here I chose [accuracy,top\_k_accuracy]. We can thus see the following training progress statistics/metric per epoch:

epoch  train_loss  valid_loss  accuracy  top_k_accuracy  time

Image Size and Batch Size

We will use an image size of 224x224 for our ResNet152 model. As noted in the official TORCHVISION.MODELS page, all the models have a default image size of 224x224, except Inception v3.

Important: In contrast to the other models the inception_v3 expects tensors with a size of N x 3 x 299 x 299, so ensure your images are sized accordingly.

I chose a batch size of 16, primarily because of GPU memory limitation. On my 8GB GTX 1070 GPU, I always get an out-of-memory CUDA error whenever I tried a batch size > 20. (I did try a batch size of 20, but i didn't notice any increase in the accuracy.)

It's certainly worth a try in the future to do a batch size of 32 or even 64 and/or an image size of 299 or 448.

Data Batches

Here we utilize's ImageDataBunch object, as follows:

data = ImageDataBunch.from_folder(DATA_PATH, 'train', 'valid', 
                              ds_tfms=get_transforms(do_flip=False, flip_vert=True, max_rotate=MAX_ROT), 
                              size=IMG_SIZE, num_workers=N_WORKERS, bs=B_SIZE).normalize(imagenet_stats)

For the get_transforms() method, I left most attributes in their default values except do_flip, flip_vert, and max_rotate. For max_rotate I changed the value from the default 10.0 to 5.0 which produced better results. (See MAX_ROT variable.)

Training - Initial

Finally we train our model using's cnn_learner using 30 epochs. During the initial training, all layer groups in the model except the last are untrainable (i.e. requires_grad=False).

Looking at the Loss vs. Batches processed graph produced by the recorder.plot_losses() method, we see that the Train and Validation Loss curves are OK without any overfitting.

Training - Final

Once we determine that the model is working, we use's Learning Rate Finder. As the official docs state, "Learning rate finder plots lr vs loss relationship for a Learner. The idea is to reduce the amount of guesswork on picking a good starting learning rate."

After a lot of experimentation with the dataset, I found that a max_lr=slice(1e-5, 1e-3) value works best.

We then unfreeze the model, setting every layer group to trainable (i.e. requires_grad=True), and do our final training using 30 epochs again.


When making predictions on the Test dataset (Part 3 in the solution notebook), we make use of the test annotations file "cars_test_annos_withlabels.mat".

We apply "Test Time Augmentation" using's learn.TTA() method.

Then we get the test accuracy with the following line:

acc = accuracy(preds, y)

Confidence Score

As stated in the Model Performance section, "your model must output a confidence score for every classification".

This means that the output file should contain T rows (corresponding to the number of testing images) with each row containing 196 entries/probabilities (corresponding to the number of classes) totaling 1.0.

This file, preds_proba_ALL.csv, is generated in Part 4 of the solution notebook.

Precision and Recall

As stated in the Model Performance section, "submissions will be evaluated by accuracy, precision and recall".

Accuracy is computed in Part 3 of the solution notebook.

Precision/Recall is computed in Part 5 of the solution notebook.


[1] 3D Object Representations for Fine-Grained Categorization. PDF here

Jonathan Krause, Michael Stark, Jia Deng, Li Fei-Fei
4th IEEE Workshop on 3D Representation and Recognition, at ICCV 2013 (3dRR-13). Sydney, Australia. Dec. 8, 2013.

[2] Fine-grained recognition without part annotations. PDF here

Jonathan Krause, Hailin Jin, Jianchao Yang, Li Fei-Fei
2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). Boston, MA, USA. June 7-12, 2015.

[3] Bilinear CNN Models for Fine-grained Visual Recognition. PDF here

Tsung-Yu Lin, Aruni RoyChowdhury, Subhransu Maji
2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV). Santiago, Chile. Dec. 7-13, 2015.

[4] View Independent Vehicle Make, Model and Color Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Network. PDF here

Afshin Dehghan, Syed Zain Masood, Guang Shu, Enrique G. Ortiz
arXiv:1702.01721v1 [cs.CV]. Winter Park, FL, USA. Feb. 6, 2017.


Grab AI for S.E.A. 2019






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