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Log the temperature, humidity and dew point from OMEGA iServers


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Logs the temperature, humidity and dewpoint from OMEGA iServers to a database and creates a web application to interact with the data. The web application is accessed through a web browser at http://<host>:<port>.


pip install


To start the web application and to log the data from the iServers, run

omega-logger /path/to/config.xml

To see the help for the omega-logger command, run

omega-logger --help


The documentation for the endpoints that are available in the web application can be accessed at http://<host>:<port>/help once the web application is running.

Example config.xml

This package requires a configuration file that is compatible with MSL-Equipment

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

    <!-- The directory to save the databases to. -->

    <!-- The serial numbers (separated by white space and/or a comma) of the iServers. -->

    <!-- The calibration reports. -->
        <omega serial="4370757">
            <report date="2018-07-21" number="Humidity/2018/386">
                <temperature unit="C" min="18" max="24">
                      The 'coefficients' element represents the polynomial coefficients
                      c0, c1, c2, c3... to apply as the calibration equation. You can
                      either separate the coefficients by a comma or a semi-colon.
                      The calibration equation is
                          x_corrected = x + dx
                          dx = c0 + c1*x + c2*x^2 + c3*x^3 + ...
                <humidity unit="%rh" min="30" max="85">
            <report date="2016-02-22" number="Humidity/2016/322">
                <temperature unit="C" min="17" max="23">
                <humidity unit="%rh" min="30" max="80">
        <omega serial="12481415">
              If an OMEGA iServer uses multiple probes then you can
              include a 'component' attribute for a 'report' element.
            <report component="Probe 1" date="2018-07-21" number="Humidity/2018/388">
                <temperature unit="C" min="18" max="24">
                <humidity unit="%rh" min="30" max="85">
            <report component="Probe 2" date="2018-07-21" number="Humidity/2018/389">
                <temperature unit="C" min="18" max="24">
                <humidity unit="%rh" min="30" max="85">
          If an OMEGA iServer does not have a calibration report then
          create an empty 'omega' element and specify the 'serial' attribute.
        <omega serial="58741657"/>

    <!-- The path to the Equipment Records (see MSL-Equipment). -->

      The path to the Connection Records (see MSL-Equipment).
      A relative path can be specified, where "relative" refers to the
      directory where the configuration file is located and not to the
      working directory where the "omega-logger" executable was run.

    <!-- Optional: Change how the logging information is printed to stdout. -->
    <msg_format>Lab={alias!r} Sn={serial} T={0}&#176;C H={1}%rh D={2}&#176;C</msg_format>
    <msg_format nprobes="2">{model} T1={0} T2={3} H1={1} H2={4} D1={2} D2={5}</msg_format>

    <!-- Optional: Change the number of seconds to wait between logging events. -->

    <!-- Optional: Change the host and port values of the web application. -->

    <!-- Optional: Change the settings of the Current Readings tab. -->
        <!-- The number of seconds to wait to refresh the page. -->
        <!-- The size of the font to use to display the readings. -->
        <!-- The amount of whitespace to separate the values by (on the same line). -->

      Optional: Change the settings for the DatetimeRangePicker.
      Each sub-element is also optional.
            <weeks>-1</weeks> <!-- relative to the current date -->
            <days>0</days> <!-- relative to the current date -->
            <hour>7</hour> <!-- absolute value between 0-23 -->
            <minute>0</minute> <!-- absolute value between 0-59 -->
            <second>0</second> <!-- absolute value between 0-59 -->
          for valid date and time formats.
        <date_format>D MMM YYYY</date_format>
        <time_format>h:mm:ss a</time_format>
          for supported style options.

    <!-- Optional: Use a validator to validate the data before inserting it into the database. -->
    <validator hmax="60" dmin="10">simple-range</validator>

    <!-- Optional: Whether to disable logging on the WSGI Server. -->

      Optional: Change the directory to save the database backup to.
      If not specified, uses the "<log_dir>/backup" directory.

    <!-- Optional: Specify the settings for sending an email (see MSL-IO). -->
      <!-- Can include multiple people to send the email to. -->
