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How To Use the ANGLE NuGet Package

Austin Kinross edited this page Aug 24, 2016 · 5 revisions

Ready-to-use binaries of ANGLE are distributed via NuGet. This page describes how to install the ANGLE NuGet packages into your project.

There are two ANGLE NuGet packages:

If you wish to use ANGLE in a classic "desktop" application then you must obtain the binaries via another method. For example, you could compile ANGLE from source.

These instructions assume that you are using Visual Studio 2013 Update 4 as the IDE, but the steps are very similar for Visual Studio 2015.


  • Visual Studio 2013 Update 4 or newer, or Visual Studio 2015
  • Active internet connection

###Steps to install the NuGet package

  1. Right click on the solution and select "Manage NuGet Packages For Solution..." from the context menu.
  2. When the NuGet package management dialog opens, make sure "" or "Online |" is selected as the source.
  3. In the search box, search for ANGLE.
  4. Select the appropriate ANGLE.WindowsStore entry and click Install.
  5. In the project selection dialog, make sure all projects using ANGLE are selected and click Install/OK.
  6. Close the package management dialog

Note that NuGet will automatically use the correct version of ANGLE in your project.

###Using ANGLE in your code

After you've installed the NuGet package, you can include the OpenGL ES headers in your source code like this:

#include <EGL\egl.h> 
#include <GLES2\gl2.h>
#include <GLES2\gl2ext.h> 

NuGet will link your project against the ANGLE libraries for you.