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Engineer Show Handover

r0nd0n edited this page Feb 18, 2018 · 6 revisions

Duty and Show Handover Procedure for MSP Waves Operations Staff

Process Owner: r0nd0n
Process Sponsor: globocop

Related Documents Show Handover Instructions DJ

1 Operational Security

OPSEC: Logon Details are given personally to each authorized and trained person individually. No logon details or server addresses must be divulged to anyone without prior authorization my the CTO or COO.

2 Expectations


  • All text communication for this process must take place in the MSP Waves Operations Discord server.
  • If Discord is not operational, MSP Waves Operations takes place on the platform. Follow this Invite Link
  • The MSP Waves engineer on hand-over duty is designated by the Show Handover Duty role.
  • An MSP Waves engineer on hand-over duty who cannot fulfill duty must ensure cover. If no response via Discord, please call another engineer via Telegram.


3 Duties

1. MOBS (Master Open Broadcaster Software) Maintenance

Until further notice, the MOBS must be restarted every 24 hours to avoid latency. We have more than one MOBS server for contingency purposes. Server 1 is assumed until otherwise advised in the MOBS Status channel on Discord.


  1. Log into the MOBS via RDP (Credentials in #show-handover-resources)
  2. Stop the stream
  3. Close OBS
  4. Wait 5 seconds
  5. Open OBS
  6. Start stream
  7. Verify that Discord Radio Bot is broadcasting. Please see also Section 4 - Discord Stream Bot

Show Handover for Engineers

Any trained MSP Waves engineer is expected to be available at agreed times and handle show handover duties and technical support during this time.


  1. Coordinate with upcoming DJ in #show-handover channel to determine handover signal.
  • Handover Signals (Choose for both start and end of show):
    • Preferred: DJ and OPS agree on exact hh:mm:ss UTC to begin the show via
    • On-Air DJ signals "Now LIVE: [Upcoming DJ]" in #mspwaves-audience at the moment of signing off on-air.
  1. RDP into Master OBS Server(MOBS) 10-15 mins before handoff

  2. Check LIVE time on the bottom-right of OBS to ensure 24 hr mark doesn't occur during upcoming show (Consider restarting OBS if it does)

  3. Tell upcoming DJ to Start Streaming to their Default MSP Waves OBS profile at least 5 mins before start time, at least 15 mins before if audio needs checked.

  4. On MOBS: Select the dj's name from the scene list in OBS (ordered alphabetically)

  5. Confirm with DJ they have started stream

    • 6.1 If the OBS Preview (left screen)remains black for 20 secs after confirmation, refresh VLC source by selecting the "[dj] stream" Source, clicking the gear below, and first selecting "Stop when not visible, restart when visible", then "Always play even when not visible"
    • 6.2. If Preview is still black after another 20 secs, open VLC>Tools>Preferences>Video tab>Output dropdown menu, and select either "XVideo output (XCB)" or "X11 video output(XCB)" (whichever one isn't selected upon opening). Hit save and cycle the [dj] stream Source again.
    • 6.3 If Preview is still black, open the feed locally on your computer with VLC with the appropriate rtmp address in #show-handover-resources. If you have their feed on your local computer, repeat steps 6.1 and 6.2
  6. Once DJ feed appears in OBS Preview (resize to fit to screen if necessary), wait until agreed time and push live (usually 5 seconds until the hour)

  7. Adjust [dj] stream volume in Mixer if necessary, mute other volume sources

  8. Open Discord and assign the On-Air DJ server role to Active DJ by right-clicking the DJ's name and selecting it from the roles listed. Remove the role for the DJ going off-air if applicable and assign upcoming DJ or Backfill to the role.

  9. Close RDP connection until next handoff

👍 Contingency If for some reason the above steps cannot be accomplished: -Direct Upcoming DJ to set OBS Profile to "Backup" -Perform "Stop Streaming"----GO signal-----"Start Streaming" between DJs

4 Discord Stream Bot Instructions

If the @mspwaves bot ever quits playing the stream in the MSP Waves Listening channel, do these following steps: Note: all commands starting with mspw! must be made in the #mspwaves-audience channel

  1. First use mspw!np to see if it is playing live, if not use mspw!stream rtmp://
  2. If no response try mspw!restart and repeat step 1.
  3. If the bot doesn't rejoin the voice channel, or doesn't respond after restarting from discord, use ssh in PuTTy or a terminal window (password can be found in #show-handover-resources on the Ops discord server) NOTE: Don't share credentials with anyone!
  4. Use the command tmux a -t mspwaves to bring up a nested terminal console
  5. If the bot is running, use ctrl+c to stop the running process
  6. Ensure you're in the ~/djbot/MusicBot directory; if not, use cd ~/djbot/MusicBot to get into it
  7. Run the sudo ./ command to start the bot
    • If bot doesn't automatically join the MSP Waves Listening channel, use mspw!summon in Discord
    • If bot doesn't automatically start playing the stream, use: mspw!stream rtmp://localhost/live/live in Discord to start it.
  8. To exit, focus on the terminal window, then press keys ctrl+b and then the letter d to detach
  9. Use ctrl+d or the X on the corner of the window to exit the ssh connection

Staff Trained and Operational

Staff with vnc access and trained are

r0nd0n YES
globocop YES
ma1neevent Trained but not avail, except in emergency

tags: mspwaves ops operations mspops handover


MOBS: Master Open Broadcaster Software
SHD: Show Handover Duty

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