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Party, Player Party, Scenarios

LordMidas edited this page Apr 15, 2022 · 3 revisions

Party, Player Party, Scenarios

MSU adds a robust movement speed system for parties on the world map. This is accomplished via new fields, new functions as well as some modified vanilla functions.


New fields

MSU adds the following new fields to party:

  • BaseMovementSpeedMult
  • MovementSpeedMult
  • RealBaseMovementSpeed which is equal to BaseMovementSpeed
  • MovementSpeedFunctions which is an array to which functions can be added which change the MovementSpeedMultiplier

New functions

MSU adds the following new functions to party:

  • setBaseMovementSpeed ( _speed )

Sets the this.m.BaseMovementSpeed field to _speed.

  • resetBaseMovementSpeed()

Sets the this.m.BaseMovementSpeed to this.m.RealBaseMovementSpeed.

  • getBaseMovementSpeedMult()

Returns this.m.BaseMovementSpeedMult.

  • setBaseMovementSpeedMult( _mult )

Sets this.m.BaseMovementSpeedMult to _mult.

  • getMovementSpeedMult()

Returns this.m.MovementSpeedMult.

  • setMovementSpeedMult( _mult )

Sets this.m.MovementSpeedMult to _mult.

  • getFinalMovementSpeedMult()

Calls all the functions in the this.m.MovementSpeedFunctions array and multiplies the returned values together. Then returns this resulting multiplier.

  • updateMovementSpeedMult()

Sets this.m.MovementSpeedMult to the return value of getFinalMovementSpeedMult(). Intended to be called after any movement speed factors might have changed.

Modified functions

  • getMovementSpeed()

Now returns the produce of this.m.BaseMovementSpeed and this.m.MovementSpeedMult.

  • onUpdate()

Hooked to set this.m.BaseMovementSpeed equal to getMovementSpeed(). Calls resetBaseMovementSpeed() after onUpdate().


Calls resetBaseMovementSpeed() and sets this.m.BaseMovementSpeedMult to 1.05 to result in the vanilla player party movement speed of 105.

New Functions

  • getRosterMovementSpeedMult()

Queries any movementSpeedMult changes due to the roster, checks for getMovementSpeedMult key in each brother. Returns mult float.

  • getStashMovementSpeedMult()

Queries any movementSpeedMult changes due to items, checks for getMovementSpeedMult key in each item in the player stash. Returns mult float.

  • getOriginMovementSpeedMult()

Queries any movementSpeedMult changes due to the origin/scenario, checks for getMovementSpeedMult key in the origin. Returns mult float.

  • getRetinueMovementSpeedMult()

Queries any movementSpeedMult changes due to the retinue, checks for getMovementSpeedMult key in each follower. Returns mult float.

Modified Functions

  • create()

Hooked to push the previous four functions to this.m.MovementSpeedMultFunctions.


The following scenarios were hooked to conform to the new MSU standards while achieving the same results as vanilla:

  • Rangers scenario: onInit() was hooked to reset the this.m.BaseMovementSpeed to 100 and then added the getMovementSpeedMult() function to return the appropriate value to achieve the same speed as vanilla rangers scenario.
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