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Daniel Gallardo Grassot edited this page Nov 5, 2013 · 1 revision

Developed in c++ with the OpenCV libraries, SLVision is a vision tracking software developed for SecondLight. It tracks 6DoF Markers, hands and fingers and sends the tracked data by using TUIO2 Messages trough a TCP socket to a client application.

###What is it? Second Light Vision System SLVision is a camera based tracking software originally developed for Microsoft Second Light. It can track several fingers, hand gestures above the table and ReacTivision inspired 6DoF markers.

Second Light Schema

Hands Fingers and Figures

SLVision reports the data of the captured objects not only on the surface also beyond it.

Captured Data

6DoF Figures

These figures are designed to easy recognize their position ,roll, pitch , yaw angles and also their unique ID assigned at a each pattern.

6DoF markers

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