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MUTOR Template

Setting up a new MUTOR course

In order to set up a new MUTOR course, you will begin with a copy, not a clone, of this repository. There are a number of ways to do this--the following steps will take you through one of them.

Create an empty repository on GitHub

Let's say we want to create a course called Underwater Basket Weaving. We would start by making a new, empty repository on GitHub: .

Make your repo Public, not Private, and be sure to NOT include a README, license or .gitignore--those will be provided by this Template.

Click Create repository.

The following instructions use the commandline to set up your repo. (It may be possible to do this with the Desktop client, but probably easier to use the terminal...)

Create a copy of this MUTOR Template repository

Make a new empty directory for the class, and initialize it as an empty git repo:

$ mkdir UnderwaterBasketWeaving
$ cd UnderwaterBasketWeaving
$ git init .

Next, we pull a copy of this template into our new repository. This is a different process than cloning the Template repo, as it does not set the remote origin.

$ git pull

Now pull the submodules:

$ git submodule update --init --recursive

Edit _config.yml with the details of your course

_config.yml contains a number of site-wide variables that need to be set with the details of the new course. See that file for instructions.

The only variable that really must be set for relative links to work on the site is baseurl; set it to the name of your repo, i.e. /UnderwaterBasketWeaving.

Link your local repo to GitHub

Now we set the remote origin to point to the GitHub repo we created above, and set the branch to main:

$ git remote add origin
$ git branch -M main

Finally, push your repo up to GitHub, setting it up to track the remote in the process:

$ git push -u origin main

Set up GitHub Pages

Go to the GitHub page for your repository (e.g. and choose Settings from the top menu. Scroll down to the GitHub Pages section, and select the main branch from the dropdown menu and hit Save. The site will now be published at, e.g.,

Add content

Top level files

The top level files such as,, and will need to be filled with information regarding the new course.

Some files such as, and are autopopulated from the material contained in the units.

The file contains information that people will see when they go to the GitHub repository (, but will not be rendered as part of the website ( It should contain information that the contributors and maintainers of this particular course may need in order to build content and adjust the website to suit the needs of the course.

Adding units

A unit consists of a folder named with a two digit number (01, 02, 11, 12, etc.) that contains an file, and any supporting media (images, audio files, videos, etc.).

The dropdown menu for the site will automatically add units as they are added to the _units folder, and similarly, autopopulated top-level files like will pull from newly added units.


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