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Packet buffer

Packet buffer (or pbuf) is buffer manager to handle received data from any connection. It is optimized to construct big buffer of smaller chunks of fragmented data as received bytes are not always coming as single packet.

Pbuf block diagram

Block diagram of pbuf chain

Block diagram of pbuf chain

Image above shows structure of pbuf chain. Each pbuf consists of:

  • Pointer to next pbuf, or NULL when it is last in chain
  • Length of current packet length
  • Length of current packet and all next in chain
    • If pbuf is last in chain, total length is the same as current packet length
  • Reference counter, indicating how many pointers point to current pbuf
  • Actual buffer data

Top image shows 3 pbufs connected to single chain. There are 2 custom pointer variables to point at different pbuf structures. Second pbuf has reference counter set to 2, as 2 variables point to it:

  • next of pbuf 1 is the first one
  • User variable 2 is the second one
Block structure
Block number Next pbuf Block size Total size in chain Reference counter
Block 1 Block 2 150 550 1
Block 2 Block 3 130 400 2
Block 3 NULL 270 270 1

Reference counter

Reference counter holds number of references (or variables) pointing to this block. It is used to properly handle memory free operation, especially when pbuf is used by lib core and application layer.


If there would be no reference counter information and application would free memory while another part of library still uses its reference, application would invoke undefined behavior and system could crash instantly.

When application tries to free pbuf chain as on first image, it would normally call :cpp:func:`lwesp_pbuf_free` function. That would:

  • Decrease reference counter by 1
  • If reference counter == 0, it removes it from chain list and frees packet buffer memory
  • If reference counter != 0 after decrease, it stops free procedure
  • Go to next pbuf in chain and repeat steps

As per first example, result of freeing from user variable 1 would look similar to image and table below. First block (blue) had reference counter set to 1 prior freeing operation. It was successfully removed as user variable 1 was the only one pointing to it, while second (green) block had reference counter set to 2, preventing free operation.

Block diagram of pbuf chain after free from *user variable 1*

Block diagram of pbuf chain after free from user variable 1

Block diagram of pbuf chain after free from user variable 1
Block number Next pbuf Block size Total size in chain Reference counter
Block 2 Block 3 130 400 1
Block 3 NULL 270 270 1


Block 1 has been successfully freed, but since block 2 had reference counter set to 2 before, it was only decreased by 1 to a new value 1 and free operation stopped instead. User variable 2 is still using pbuf starting at block 2 and must manually call :cpp:func:`lwesp_pbuf_free` to free it.

Concatenating vs chaining

This section will explain difference between concat and chain operations. Both operations link 2 pbufs together in a chain of pbufs, difference is that chain operation increases reference counter to linked pbuf, while concat keeps reference counter at its current status.

Different pbufs, each pointed to by its own variable

Different pbufs, each pointed to by its own variable

Concat operation

Concat operation shall be used when 2 pbufs are linked together and reference to second is no longer used.

Structure after pbuf concat

Structure after pbuf concat

After concating 2 pbufs together, reference counter of second is still set to 1, however we can see that 2 pointers point to second pbuf.


After application calls :cpp:func:`lwesp_pbuf_cat`, it must not use pointer which points to second pbuf. This would invoke undefined behavior if one pointer tries to free memory while second still points to it.

An example code showing proper usage of concat operation:

.. literalinclude:: ../../examples_src/pbuf_cat.c
    :language: c
    :caption: Packet buffer concat example

Chain operation

Chain operation shall be used when 2 pbufs are linked together and reference to second is still required.

Structure after pbuf chain

Structure after pbuf chain

After chainin 2 pbufs together, reference counter of second is increased by 1, which allows application to reference second pbuf separatelly.


After application calls :cpp:func:`lwesp_pbuf_chain`, it also has to manually free its reference using :cpp:func:`lwesp_pbuf_free` function. Forgetting to free pbuf invokes memory leak

An example code showing proper usage of chain operation:

.. literalinclude:: ../../examples_src/pbuf_chain.c
    :language: c
    :caption: Packet buffer chain example

Extract pbuf data

Each pbuf holds some amount of data bytes. When multiple pbufs are linked together (either chained or concated), blocks of raw data are not linked to contiguous memory block. It is necessary to process block by block manually.

An example code showing proper reading of any pbuf:

.. literalinclude:: ../../examples_src/pbuf_extract.c
    :language: c
    :caption: Packet buffer data extraction

.. doxygengroup:: LWESP_PBUF