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Study Project Advanced Coding (Online-Shop)

Project participants in this case were in total "three" persons (project team).

Degree program: Master Digital Business Management

Short Exposé:

The course provides an overview of the basic interaction between the various components (browser, web server, database server), page description and scripting languages ​​and their application in modern, responsive and interactive web applications.

Building on the event "Coding", in which the basic features and functions of the page description and Scripting languages ​​HtmL, CSS, PHP and Javascript have been introduced, as part of this event advanced concepts discussed. These include in particular function modeling, recursivity, data encryption, cookies and sessions, design and Addressing web services, as well as the integration of extensions using the example of mail delivery and PDF generation.

As part of a classic IT project management, it will first discuss which wishes from the perspective of the operator and the customer System to be addressed. The wishes expressed are analyzed and translated into data logic, functions and output modeling differentiated. Processes are outlined and requirements modeled. Then the project becomes subprojects and work packages dissected, their effort estimated, dependencies uncovered and split among the students.

Successively, the participants return their own programmed modules and see the jointly created project grow. Finally, the system undergoes an integration and user acceptance test.

This project has been completed and will only be updated inappropriately for testing purposes. This project is not suitable for productive use.