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GraphicSVG 3.0 Pre-Release

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@CSchank CSchank released this 02 Nov 16:58
· 68 commits to master since this release

GraphicSVG 3.0 brings performance improvements and exciting new features. Compile faster with Elm 0.19. Create full-page apps and change the browser title bar with GraphicSVG's new app. Clip your shapes using others to create neat new subtractive effects. Write better type signatures thanks to a fully redesigned internal type system. Discover all this and more with GraphicSVG 3.0.

There are some known issues:

Clipping with groups appears broken.
There continue to be some issues with how functions like scaleX and scaleY compose with other transformations
Please submit your feedback or bug reports as GitHub issues.

Thanks to everyone who has contributed and continues to contribute to the library and / or Outreach in general.