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Managing Rackspace (obsolete)

Matti Picus edited this page Jul 7, 2021 · 1 revision

Managing the Rackspace account (obsolete)


Rackspace no longer makes these assets available to us

The Rackspace account belongs to the scikit-learn team. Rackspace donated these resources to the scikit-learn team, and Olivier Grisel kindly let us use them.

We are currently only using a sub-account that can upload to a Rackspace cloud files container (see Rackspace cloud files) on a content delivery network (CDN) (see Rackspace CDN).

The scikit-image team set up a URL to point to the container at You can also use the raw rackspace URL.

Chris Barker and Matthew Brett and Olivier Grisel have the credentials to this account at the moment.

Using the content delivery network

The container is on a content delivery network (CDN), so the files do not become live until a short while after they get uploaded. New files appear relatively quickly (say 5 minutes). You may have to wait up to 15 minutes for files to update from previous versions. This is due to the CDN time-to-live feature. If you are waiting for new wheels to arrive, you may want to wait 15 minutes, or refresh the directory listing to get the file modification times.

Setting up new Rackspace containers

Rackspace containers are not the same as directories on a file-system; they cannot have sub-directories.

If you want to make a new container for wheels upload, you can do this via the rackspace web interface.

Get to the root directory for the account (you get there from the initial login). Create a container. You probably want to enable CDN so the files are visible via http / https. You may also want to set the CDN time-to-live to the minimum value (currently 900 seconds == 15 minutes) so the files become visible and get updated as quickly as possible.

If you want to enable web directory listing on these containers, you need to jump through some hoops. It is most easily done with a pyrax script - see set_directory_listings. This automates the manual procedure