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Internals: Road map

Michael Burr edited this page Oct 15, 2021 · 1 revision

Projects in the Pipeline & Roadmap (5/10/2020)

  • non-commutative Groebner Bases (Mike and Frank)
  • benchmark with other garbage collectors
    • look into Julia's GC
    • look for ideas from Gary Furnish's cgc1
  • using multithreading in more places in the engine
  • new functorial ChainComplexExtras package (Mike and Greg)
  • documentation
    • presentation: e.g. better LaTeX support
    • content: future documentation workgroup/workshop
  • internal improvements (to be discussed next meeting?)
    • documentation: doxygen (sphinx?)
    • renaming things + removing dead code + documenting
  • automate interfacing with external libraries
    • use Polymake as a library
    • Arb for ball arithmetic
  • jupyter interface (Radoslav)
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