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Internals: Release Checklist

Daniel R. Grayson edited this page Dec 10, 2020 · 8 revisions

Before every release:

  • uncategorized packages should get a keyword:
i23 : select(separate_" " version#"packages", p -> (readPackage p)#Keywords === {"Uncategorized"})

o23 = {SpecialFanoFourfolds, GKMVarieties}
  • check existing keywords for sensibility and near duplicates
i11 : stack sort unique flatten apply(separate_" " version#"packages", p -> (readPackage p)#Keywords)

o11 = Algebraic Geometry
      Algebraic Number Theory
      Algebraic Statistics
      Applied Algebraic Geometry
      Combinatorial Commutative Algebra
      Commutative Algebra
      Convex Geometry
      Deformation Theory
      Edge Ideals
      Equivariant Cohomology
      Examples and Random Objects
      Flag Varieties
      Graph Theory
      Groebner Basis Algorithms
      Group Theory
      Homological Algebra
      Intersection Theory
      Lie Groups and Lie Algebras
      Linear Algebra
      Noncommutative Algebra
      Numerical Algebraic Geometry
      Numerical Linear Algebra
      Real Algebraic Geometry
      Representation Theory
      Toric Geometry
      Tropical Geometry
  • DebuggingMode should be turned off in packages:
i24 : select(separate_" " version#"packages", p -> (readPackage p)#DebuggingMode)

o24 = {RationalMaps, RelativeCanonicalResolution, SlackIdeals, PencilsOfQuadrics}
  • packages should have a top level node:
i10 : select(separate_" " version#"packages", p -> try (fetchRawDocumentation makeDocumentTag p).Description === {} else false)

o10 = {Browse, SchurFunctors, ChainComplexExtras, OpenMath, SCSCP, Graphs,
      RandomPlaneCurves, RandomCurves, SectionRing, Hadamard}
  • M2-emacs and other syntax highlighting files should be updated

  • refer to the section "Preparing new releases" of the file "INSTALL" for other things to do

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