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WebVR OSC Bridge

screen shot 2017-03-20 at 11 03 49 pm


This project is derived from:

Follow the instructions below to install webvr_osc:

git clone
cd webvr_osc
npm install

Run the demo locally

To start locally sending OSC data use the following command:

npm run local-osc

Then in another terminal run:

npm run start

This command starts a Node.js server that listens to HMD rotation data on localhost:9900

Run the demo with external OSC servers

To start sending HMD data to an external OSC server, use the following command:

npm run external-osc

Then in another terminal run:

npm run start

This command will now send HMD data over OSC to the server specified in external_server.js. To change the OSC server/port change the variables on lines 3 and 4 in external_server.js



The WebVR link should be opened in Firefox. The OSC server must be running before the web-server is started. If you reload the page you will need to restart the OSC server.

Testing: 6.3.18 - Demo compatible with MacOS and Windows