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Learn how to use the ProconTEL SDK

Table of Contents

  1. Quick introduction
  2. Compatibility matrix
  3. SDK major changes
  4. Builder blocks
  5. Injected services
  6. Providers
  7. Attributes
  8. Advanced concepts
  9. UI Components
  10. Injected services for UI Components
  11. IoC
  12. Middlewares
  13. Using ProconTel API with SDK
  14. Legacy Sdk
  15. Standard Endpoints

1. Quick introduction

ProconTEL.Sdk is a modern .NET Standard SDK for porting your business logic with ProconTEL environment. The modular design and middleware oriented architecture makes the endpoint highly customizable while providing sensible default for topology, communication and extensions. Documentation for version 1.x is currently available under docs.

2. Compatibility matrix

As SDK version may change, we provide SDK compatibility matrix which shows which SDK versions is supported by which ProconTEL Engine.

ProconTEL SDK version ProconTEL Engine major version(s)
1.0.10 3.4.3
1.0.9 3.4.2
1.0.6 3.4.0 RC
1.0.5 3.0.17 - 3.3.8
1.0.4 3.0.16
1.0.3 3.0.15
1.0.2 3.0.13 - 3.0.14
1.0.1 3.0.11 - 3.0.12
1.0.0 3.0.9 - 3.0.10
0.11.0 3.0.8
0.10.0 3.0.7
0.9.0 3.0.6
0.8.0 3.0.5
0.7.0 3.0.4
0.6.0 3.0.3
0.5.0 3.0.2

3. SDK major changes

SDK 1.0.10

Task ID Topic Changes
PS-1214 IMetadataContext Add information about endpoint isolation
PS-1556 All interfaces Replace async methods with synchronous implementation

SDK 1.0.9

Task ID Topic Changes
PS-1499 IMessageObserver Changed the type of endpointId from string to GuidId

SDK 1.0.8

Task ID Topic Changes
PS-1545 ILogger Removed the warning about the logger getting overriden if the loggers have the same references

SDK 1.0.7

Task ID Topic Changes
PS-1223 IReportService Changed the type of endpointId from string to GuidId
PS-1392 SDK.UI.Configuration Fixing subscribers editor control when used from custom configuration dialog.

SDK 1.0.6

Task ID Topic Changes
PS-1230 Legacy.Logging.Logger Added possibility to set an instance inside the endpoint created in the new SDK
PS-1254 ICommandHandler Added TaskCanceledException handling in HandleCommandAsync when the function returns null

4. Builder blocks

  • IEndpointLifeTimeCycle

A endpoint has a lifecycle managed by ProconTEL. ProconTEL.Sdk offers interface IEndpointLifeTimeCycle that provide visibility into these key life moments and the ability to act when they occur. It also allows customization of default ProconTEL input pipeline for receiving messages. For more information see Middlewares.

  [EndpointMetadata(Name = "LifeTimeCycle", SupportedRoles = SupportedRoles.Both)]
  public class LifeTimeCycleEndpoint : IEndpointLifeTimeCycle
    private readonly ILogger _logger;
    public LifeTimeCycleEndpoint(ILogger logger) => _logger = logger;

    public void Initialize(IMiddlewareBuilder builder)

    public void AfterActivate()
      _logger.Information("After Activate");

    public void Terminate()
  • IHandler

IHandler is common communication interface which provide receiving data from another endpoint. We can filter incoming messages by implement method IHandler.CanHandle. Method Handle is responsible for processing data. This execution is a blocking call (synchronous). No execution will take place on the current thread until current processing returns some acknowledgement. We will not process new messages until the current processing is completed. We support few acknowledgement types : Ack, Retry, Reject. Handler implementation has to return acknowledgement (mandatory), but sender can ignore it (obligatory).

  [EndpointMetadata(Name = "Handler", SupportedRoles = SupportedRoles.Subscriber)]
  public class HandlerEndpoint : IHandler
    private readonly ILogger _logger;
    public HandlerEndpoint(ILogger logger) => _logger = logger;

    public bool CanHandle(string messageId, ICorrelationContext context = null) => true;

    public Acknowledgement Handle(string messageId, object message, ICorrelationContext context)
      _logger.Information($"Received id: {messageId}, message: {message}");
      return new Ack();
  • ICommandHandler

Interface ICommandHandler support handling messages from Status Control Component. Processing approach is similar like in IHandler.

  [EndpointMetadata(Name = "CommandHandler", SupportedRoles = SupportedRoles.None)]
  public class CommandHandlerEndpoint : ICommandHandler
    private readonly ILogger _logger;
    public CommandHandlerEndpoint(ILogger logger) => _logger = logger;

    public object HandleCommand(object command, ICorrelationContext context = null)
      _logger.Information($"Received command: {command}");
      return "Done";
  • IConfigurationCommandHandler

Interface IConfigurationCommandHandler support handling messages from Configuration Dialog Component. Configuration Command Handler mechanism will soon be deprecated.

  [Obsolete("Configuration Command Handler mechanism will soon be deprecated.")]
  [EndpointMetadata(Name = "ConfigurationCommandHandler", SupportedRoles = SupportedRoles.None)]
  public class ConfigurationCommandHandlerEndpoint : IConfigurationCommandHandler
    private readonly ILogger _logger;
    public ConfigurationCommandHandlerEndpoint(ILogger logger) => _logger = logger;

    public object HandleConfigurationCommand(object command, ICorrelationContext context = null)
      _logger.Information($"Execute command {command}");
      return "Done";
  • IOnlineConfigurationUpdate

Interface IOnlineConfigurationUpdate support observe configuration changed notification. To read current configuration version use IConfigurationReader service injection.

  [EndpointMetadata(Name = "OnlineConfigurationUpdate", SupportedRoles = SupportedRoles.None)]
  public class OnlineConfigurationUpdateEndpoint : IOnlineConfigurationUpdate
    private readonly ILogger _logger;
    private readonly IConfigurationReader _configurationReader;
    public OnlineConfigurationUpdateEndpoint(ILogger logger, IConfigurationReader configurationReader)
      _logger = logger;
      _configurationReader = configurationReader;

    public void ConfigurationChanged()
      _logger.Information($"Configuration was changed. Current values: {_configurationReader.GetConfiguration()})");
  • IOnlineUpgradeLifetimeCycle

Interface IOnlineUpgradeLifetimeCycle support visibility into upgrade plugin process and the ability to act when they occur. The plugin has to possess a .NET strong name(add key.snk to your soultion).

  [EndpointMetadata(Name = "OnlineUpgradeLifetimeCycle", SupportedRoles = SupportedRoles.None)]
  public class OnlineUpgradeLifetimeCycleEndpoint : IOnlineUpgradeLifetimeCycle
    private readonly ILogger _logger;
    private readonly IRuntimeContext _runtimeContext;
    public OnlineUpgradeLifetimeCycleEndpoint(ILogger logger, IRuntimeContext runtimeContext)
      _logger = logger;
      _runtimeContext = runtimeContext;
    public void AfterUpgrade()
      _logger.Information($"Update endpoint finished (id: {_runtimeContext.MetadataContext.Id})");

    public bool CanUpgrade() => true;
  • IAvatarsInsight

IAvatarInsight is an interface that allows to handle avatar connection and disconnection events in avatar source endpoint.

  [EndpointMetadata(Name = "Avatar Insight Endpoint", SupportedRoles = SupportedRoles.None)]
  class AvatarInsightEndpoint : IAvatarsInsight
    private ILogger Logger;

    public AvatarInsightEndpoint(ILogger logger)
      Logger = logger;

    public void AvatarConnected(IAvatarConfiguration avatarConfiguration)
      Logger.Information($"Avatar has been connected");

    public void AvatarDisconnected(IAvatarConfiguration avatarConfiguration)
      Logger.Information($"Avatar has been disconnected");
  • IFileHandler

Interface IFileHandler allows handling of uploaded files from client to server backend.

  [EndpointMetadata(Name = "FileReceiver", SupportedRoles = SupportedRoles.None)]
  public class FileReceiverEndpoint : IFileHandler
    private readonly ILogger _logger;

    public FileReceiverEndpoint(ILogger logger)
      _logger = logger;

    public object HandleFile(IUploadedFiles uploadedFiles)
      _logger.Information($"Execute {nameof(HandleFile)}. Uploaded files: {String.Join(",", uploadedFiles.TransferedFiles)}.");
      return new object();
  • IAuthorization

Interface IAuthorization provide authorization mechanism.

  [EndpointMetadata(Name = "Authorization", SupportedRoles = SupportedRoles.None)]
  public class AuthorizationEndpoint : IAuthorizationEndpoint
      private const string TOKEN = "secretToken";
      private const string ROLE = "administrator";

      public bool IsInRole(string authenticationToken, string roleName)
          => authenticationToken == TOKEN && ROLE.Equals(roleName);
  • IAuthentication

Interface IAuthentication provide authentication mechanism.

  [EndpointMetadata(Name = "Authentication", SupportedRoles = SupportedRoles.None)]
  public class AuthenticationEndpoint : IAuthenticationEndpoint
      private const string TOKEN = "secretToken";
      private const string PASSWORD = "secret";
      public string Authenticate(string authenticationString)
          => authenticationString == PASSWORD ? TOKEN : null;

      public byte[] ExecuteCustomAuthenticationCommand(byte[] command)
          => command;
  • IExportable

Interface IExportable is used to save some custom files in exported pex file. Method ImportContentDirectory should be used to recreate stored files to disk, method ExportContentDirectory for serialize files into byte array that will be stored in pex file.

  [EndpointMetadata(Name = "Exportable Endpoint", SupportedRoles = SupportedRoles.None)]
  public class ExportableEndpoint : IExportable
    public ImportContentDirectory(byte[] directory)
      /// Recreate files from byte array

    public byte[] ExportContentDirectory()
      /// Serialize files into byte array
  • IRequestMissedContent

In some cases endpoint can ask for messages that were delivered, but not acknowledged. Handling that event can be done by IRequestMissedContent interface.

  [EndpointMetadata(Name = "Missing Messages Endpoint", SupportedRoles = SupportedRoles.Both)]
  public class MissingMessagesEndpoint : IRequestMissedContent
    private readonly ILogger _logger;

    public MissingMessagesEndpoint(ILogger logger)
      _logger = logger;

    public void ProcessMissedContentsRequest(string subscriberId, IEnumerable<string> contentIds, DateTime? startingDateTime)
      _logger.Information("SubscribedId endpoint asked for messages with contentsIds sent from startingDateTime up to now");  
  • IRequestLastContent

In some cases endpoint can ask for last sent messages in channel, to handle that event IRequestLastContent was introduced.

  [EndpointMetadata(Name = "Last Messages Endpoint", SupportedRoles = SupportedRoles.Both)]
  public class LastMessagesEndpoint : IRequestLastContent
    private readonly ILogger _logger;

    public LastMessagesEndpoint(ILogger logger)
      _logger = logger;

    public void OnRequestLastContentReceived(string requestingEndpointId, string providerId, params string[] contentIds)
         _logger.Information("requestingEndpointId endpoint asked for messages with contentsIds sent by providerId");    
  • IProtocolProvider

Interface IProtocolProvider provides a mechanism to support a dynamic list of protocols for cases when list of protocols can be changed in runtime.

  public class ProtocolProviderEndpoint : IProtocolProvider
    public IEnumerable<IProtocol> GetProtocols()
      List<IProtocol> protocols = new List<IProtocol>{ DefaultProtocol.Instance, new XmlProtocol(), new BinaryProtocol() };
      return protocols as IEnumerable<IProtocol>;

5. Injected services

ProconTEL environment provide set of features available via dependency injection. To use this mechanism developer has to use appropriate interface in endpoint constructor. In ProconTEL naming conventions these interfaces are called services.

  [EndpointMetadata(Name = "Rich", SupportedRoles = SupportedRoles.Provider)]
  public class RichEndpint
    private readonly ILogger _logger;
    private readonly IMessageBus _messageBus;
    private readonly IConfigurationReader _configurationReader;
    private readonly IRuntimeContext _runtimeContext;
    private readonly IServiceContext _serviceContext;
    private readonly IReportService _reportService;

    public RichEndpint(
      ILogger logger,
      IMessageBus messageBus,
      IConfigurationReader configurationReader,
      IRuntimeContext runtimeContext,
      IServiceContext serviceContext,
      IReportService reportService)
      _logger = logger;
      _messageBus = messageBus;
      _configurationReader = configurationReader;
      _runtimeContext = runtimeContext;
      _serviceContext = serviceContext;
      _reportService = reportService;
  • ILogger

Service provide logging mechanism.

  • IMessageBus

Service provide send and broadcast mechanism.

  • IConfigurationReader

Service provide read configuration mechanism.

  • IRuntimeContext

Service to aggregate other services related with endpoint runtime.

  • IMetadataContext

Service provide metadata about running endpoint. This service is part of IRuntimeContext.

  • INotificationService

Service provide notification from endpoint to status control. This service is part of IRuntimeContext.

  • IMetricsService

Feature in progress

  • IServiceContext

Service provide allows access to implementation of internal services registred by ProconTEL Engine and registered by endpoint. For more details see IoC.

  [EndpointMetadata(Name = "IoC", SupportedRoles = SupportedRoles.Provider)]
  public class IoCEndpoint 
    private readonly Func<string, ILogger> _loggerFactory;
    private readonly IServiceContext _serviceContext;

    public IoCEndpoint(IServiceContext serviceContext)
      _serviceContext = serviceContext;
      _loggerFactory = _serviceContext.Resolve<Func<string, ILogger>>();
      _loggerFactory("Custom Origin").Information("Invoke constructor for endpoint IoC");
  • IReportService

Service to inform about warnings in runtime.

  • IStreamingService

Service provides access to stream with given id. The service can be pass through constructor in endpoint and in status control (implementing IEndpointStatusControl interface). This service is marked as obsolete and is strongly recommended to not use it in new projects.

The stream can be send by corresponding version of IMessageBus methods Send and Broadcast. In case of communication between two endpoints:

 _messageBus.Send("receiverId", "messageId", "message body", 
        streamInstance, StreamCallbackDelegate, new ExampleProtocol(), null);
  /// or
 _messageBus.Broadcast("messageId", "message body", streamInstance, StreamCallbackDelegate, new ExampleProtocol(), null);       

The stream passed to the method is not send itself, but the stream is registered and stored in procontel backend and available for everybody that know a stream id. The received message object should be cast to IStreamDescriptor to recognise whether the message contains stream or no:

public Acknowledgement Handle(string messageId, object message, ICorrelationContext context = null)
   if (message is IStreamDescriptor descriptor)
     // get stream using IStreamingService instance and a stream id
     _stream = _streamingService.GetStream(descriptor.StreamId);
   return new Acknowledgement();

In case of send stream between endpoint and UI status control can be used method NotifyUI from INotificationService:

_notificationService.NotifyUI($"status information message body", streamInstance, StreamCallbackDelegate);

then DisplayStatus from IEndpointStatusControl will be called with IStreamDescriptor as parameter:

public void DisplayStatus(object statusInformation)
 if (statusInformation is IStreamDescriptor descriptor)
   // get stream using IStreamingService instance and a stream id
   _stream = _streamingService.GetStream(descriptor.StreamId);

Original message body can be obtained by accessing to Data property of IStreamDescriptor<T> and it's necessary to use a reflection:

public void DisplayStatus(object statusInformation)
 if (statusInformation != null)
   var statusInformation = statusInformation.GetType();
   if (type.IsGenericType)
     var originalMessageBody = type.GetProperty(nameof(StreamDescriptor<object>.Data))?.GetValue(statusInformation);
  • IMessageObserver

Interface IMessageObserver provide access to listening logger events.

Example usage:

using ProconTel.Sdk.Attributes;
using ProconTel.Sdk.Builders;
using ProconTel.Sdk.Communications.Middlewares;
using ProconTel.Sdk.Logger;
using ProconTel.Sdk.Services;

namespace NewSdk.Tests
  [EndpointMetadata(Name = "[TestEndpoint]", SupportedRoles = SupportedRoles.None)]
  public class TestEndpoint : IEndpointLifeTimeCycle
    private readonly IMessageObserver _observer;

    public TestEndpoint(IMessageObserver observer)
      _observer = observer;

    public void Initialize(IMiddlewareBuilder builder)
      // the Initialize has to be callled once before you start connection
      if (!_observer.IsInitialized)
      _observer.MessageReceived += ObserverOnMessageReceived;
      _observer.EnableMessagesListener(new ReceiverMessagesFilter()
        Severities = new [] { MessageSeverity.Fatal, MessageSeverity.Error}

    private void ObserverOnMessageReceived(object sender, LogMessageEventArgs e)
      // Handle messages here

    public void Terminate()
      _observer.MessageReceived -= ObserverOnMessageReceived;

    public void AfterActivate()

The first thing to use the service is to initialize instance with port number of AdministrationService (Initialzie method), then we are able to establish connection using Connect method. Next step is subscription for event MessageReceived which will be triggered each time when message will logged. Then we can start lsitening for events by using EnableMessagesListener, which take filter parameter ReceiverMessagesFilter. So there is possibillity to filter out some of the messages, for which event is not triggered.

Closing connection and cleaning up is done in Terminate method, so basically we starting with disabling receiving events by calling DisableMessagesListener, then we unsubscribe from event and finally Dispose instance.

There are more features available, such as:

  • UpdateMessagesListenerFilter - it allows to change filters on active listener
  • GetCachedMessages - it returns cached messsages, by default cache contains up to 100k last log messages
  • There is possible to set autoconnect feature or listen on connection based events

6. Providers

  • IMessageMetadataProvider

Interface IMessageMetadataProvider provide mechanism to define runtime mutable list of sending message metadata. However, this provider should be used only in case when list of provided messages can be obtined only in runtime. In all other cases, MessageMetadata attribute should be used, to declare provided messages in a static way.

  public class MessageMetadataProviderEndpoint : IMessageMetadataProvider
    public IEnumerable<MessageDetails> MessagesMetadata => Enumerable.Empty<MessageDetails>();

    public MessageMetadataProviderEndpoint() 

7. Attributes

  • EndpointMetadata Attribute

This is simple example how we can decorate endpoint class.

  [EndpointMetadataAttribute(Name = "Empty", SupportedRoles = SupportedRoles.Both)]
  public class EmptyEndpoint
  • MessageMetadata Attribute

MessageMetadata attribute is used to declare an information about single message that might be provided by endpoint. Multiple attributes can be used. Using MessageMetadata attribute is the recommended way of declaring information about messages provided by endpoint.

This is simple example how we can decorate endpoint class as provider of message with ID message_id.

[MessageMetadata("message_id", "Message caption")]
[EndpointMetadataAttribute(Name = "Empty", SupportedRoles = SupportedRoles.Both)]
public class EmptyEndpoint
  • MessageMetadataProvider Attribute

In case when it is not possible to declare type of message IDs provided by endpoint in a declarative way, MessageMetadataProvider attribute can be used. It allows to define a provider which can execute a custom code to obtain the list of provided messages. However, it is possible to use MessageMetadataProvider it should be used only when required in favor of MessageMetadata attribute.

This is simple example how we can decorate endpoint class.

public class MessageMetadataProvider : IMessageMetadataProvider
  public IEnumerable<MessageDetails> MessagesMetadata => Enumerable.Empty<MessageDetails>();

[EndpointMetadata(Name = "MessageMetadataProvider", SupportedRoles = SupportedRoles.Provider)]
public class MessageMetadataProviderEndpoint

8. Advanced concepts

  • Supported protocols

Defining supported protocols can be done by creating custom attribute and marking endpoint with it.

  public class CustomEndpointProtocol : IProtocol
    public string Id => "Custom Endpoint Protocol";

  public class CustomEndpointProtocolAttribute : ProconTel.Sdk.Communications.Attributes.SupportedProtocolAttribute
    public CustomEndpointProtocolAttribute()
      Name = new CustomEndpointProtocol();
  [EndpointMetadata(Name = "CustomProtocols", SupportedRoles = SupportedRoles.Both)]
  public class CustomProtocolsEndpoint : IEndpointLifeTimeCycle, IHandler
  • Persistent messages

To persist messages which are sent to an endpoint the PersistMessage attribute has to be set during implementation of an endpoint. The parameters of PersistMessage attribute are QueueSize and Retention. They are used to configure the message retention policy of an persisted endpoint. Queuesize defines the maximum number of messages that get stored in the database of an persisted endpoint. Retention defines how long messages of an perstited endpoint are stored. The format is D.HH:MM:SS

  [PersistMessage("message", QueueSize = 100, Retention ="0.00:10:10")]
  [EndpointMetadata(Name = "PersistentMessage", SupportedRoles = SupportedRoles.Both)]
  public class PersistentMessageEndpoint : IHandler
    private readonly ILogger _logger;
    public PersistentMessageEndpoint(ILogger logger) => _logger = logger;

    public bool CanHandle(string messageId, ICorrelationContext context = null) => true;

    public Acknowledgement Handle(string messageId, object message, ICorrelationContext context = null)
      _logger.Information($"Received id: {messageId}, message: {message}");
      return new Ack();

9. UI Components

We are able to bind and communicate user interface to hosted business logic.

  • Configuration Dialog

ProconTEL.Sdk provide few features:

  • read endpoint configuration,
  • write endpoint configuration,
    add line DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;to commit configuration changes
  • send command to deactivated endpoint (does not have full access to endpoint resource )
  • upload file from configuration dialog to endpoint

To define Configuration UI Element binding endpoint has to be decorate with attribute ConfigurationDialogAttribute. Windows Forms dialog type should be put as a attribute constructor parameter.

  [EndpointMetadata(Name = "Configurable Endpoint", SupportedRoles = SupportedRoles.None)]
  public class ConfigurableEndpoint 
    private readonly IConfigurationReader _configurationReader;
    public ConfigurableEndpoint(IConfigurationReader configurationReader)
      _configurationReader = configurationReader;
  public partial class ConfigurationDialog : Form
    private readonly IConfigurationWriter _configurationWriter;
    private readonly IConfigurationReader _configurationReader;
    private readonly IEndpointCommandSender _endpointCommandSender;

    public ConfigurationDialog()

    public ConfigurationDialog(
      IConfigurationWriter configurationWriter,
      IConfigurationReader configurationReader,
      IEndpointCommandSender endpointCommandSender) : this()
      _configurationWriter = configurationWriter;
      _configurationReader = configurationReader;
      _endpointCommandSender = endpointCommandSender;
      txtAdress.Text = _configurationReader.GetConfiguration();

    private void SaveConfiguration_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
      DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;

    private void SendCommandToServerEndpoint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
      txtConsole.Text = "Wait ...";
      var result = _endpointCommandSender.SendCommand(txtCommand.Text);
      txtConsole.Text = result.ToString();

In order to use more sophisticated behavior we recommend use attribute ConfigurationDialogProviderAttribute with own implementation of IEndpointConfigurationDialogProvider interface.

  • Status Control

Procontel.Sdk provide few features:

  • send command to endpoint,
  • send notification from endpoint to frontend (push notification)
  • read/write storage for current running machine
  • use endpoint authorization/authentication mechanism
  • send files from status control to endpoint

Supported fronted framework:

  • Wpf
  • WinForms

To define Configuration UI Element binding endpoint has to be decorate with attribute StatusControlAttribute. User control type should be put as a attribute constructor parameter.

  [StatusControl(typeof(WpfStatusControl), EndpointStatusControlType.Wpf)]
  [EndpointMetadata(Name = "WpfStatus", SupportedRoles = SupportedRoles.None)]
  public class WpfStatusEndpoint : ICommandHandler
    private readonly ILogger _logger;
    private readonly IRuntimeContext _runtimeContext;
    public WpfStatusEndpoint(ILogger logger, IRuntimeContext runtimeContext)
      _logger = logger;
      _runtimeContext = runtimeContext;

    public object HandleCommand(object command, ICorrelationContext context = null)
      _logger.Information($"Received command from status control {command}");
      switch (command)
        case "dowork": _logger.Information($"Let's do some work!"); break;
        case "notify": _runtimeContext.NotificationService.NotifyUI($"Notify from { _runtimeContext.MetadataContext.Caption} ", false); break;
        default: throw new NotSupportedException($"Command {command} is not supported.");
      return "Done";

Status control has to implement interface IEndpointStatusControl.

  public partial class WpfStatusControl : UserControl, IEndpointStatusControl
    private readonly IEndpointCommandSender _sender;
    public WpfStatusControl() => InitializeComponent();
    public WpfStatusControl(IEndpointCommandSender sender) : this() => _sender = sender;

    public void DisplayStatus(object statusInformation)
      if (statusInformation != null)
        txtNotifications.Text = txtNotifications.Text.Insert(0, $"{DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss")} {statusInformation.ToString()}{Environment.NewLine}");

    public void OnStatusControlHidden() { }
    public void OnStatusControlShown() { }

    private void Button_Click(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e)
      txtConsole.Text = "Running...";
        var result = _sender.SendCommand(txtCommand.Text);
        txtConsole.Text = result.ToString();
      catch (Exception ex)
        txtConsole.Text = $"Something goes wrong. {ex.Message}";

In order to use more sophisticated behavior we recommend use attribute StatusControlProviderAttribute with own implementation of IEndpointStatusControlProvider interface.

  • Updating a status of control

In many cases status control can pretend to work with a delay or be not responding at all, this is connected with a way of calling updates on the endpoint side. To update status control we are using NotifyUI method which is only a facade for WCF update status methods. To make it more sufficient, there is a tool called SmartMethodInvoker which is helping to manage all calls.

The SmartMethodInvoker is a tool which registers all calls and runs them in the background task. The way of execution depends on InvokePolicy settings, there are two options InvokeIfNotBusy and InvokeAlways. The type of policy is passed in constructor and is immutable during object life. All synchronization work is done in the background.

In InvokeIfNotBusy mode of invocation all registered methods are stored in dictionary, the value is just a method itself and the key is given during registration. In the meantime, the background task is executing all registered methods in a few steps. The first step is to take all available (already registered) methods. The second one is about calling all of them one by one. The last step is to wait a given period of time before it starts the whole process again from the first step. Because only executing task is waiting and registration is available at this time, there is possibility to register a new bunch of methods. It also means that some of them can be replaced without being called in case of usage of the same key many times.

In InvokeAlways mode the methods are registered in a queue, so there is no chance to replace anything, it also means that all of the registered methods have to be executed eventually. In this case, background task is executing methods one by one without any waiting.

The UpdateStatusControl is using both of the SmartMethodInvoker modes, the indicator is a flag ensureDelivery. It basically means that if the flag is set to true, the InvokeAlways policy is used, and the InvokeIfNotBusy in opposite case. The standard delay in InvokeIfNotBusy mode can be changed in ServerConfigurationManager in section Administration Service in field Callback Delay.

  • Custom Menu Items

Procontel.Sdk provide feature for endpoint to have own custom menu item, with own icon and list of children item.

Supported fronted framework:

  • Wpf
  • WinForms

To define Custom Menu Items binding endpoint has to be decorate with attribute MenuItemAttribute. Children items action type should be put as a attribute constructor parameter.

[EndpointMetadata(Name = "Custom Menu Items", SupportedRoles = SupportedRoles.Both)]
[MenuItem("1", "Items")]
[MenuItem("2", "1", "MenuItem1", typeof(MenuItemAction))]
[MenuItem("3", "1", "MenuItem2", typeof(MenuItemAction))]
public class MenuItemsEndpoint
  public MenuItemsEndpoint()

Item action has to implement interface IMenuItemAction.

public class MenuItemAction : IMenuItemAction
  private readonly IConfigurationReader reader;
  private readonly IConfigurationWriter writer;
  private readonly IEndpointCommandSender sender;
  private readonly IMetadataContext metadataContext;
  private readonly IMenuItemCommand command;

  public MenuItemAction(IConfigurationReader reader, IConfigurationWriter writer, IEndpointCommandSender sender, IMetadataContext metadataContext, IMenuItemCommand command)
    this.reader = reader;
    this.writer = writer;
    this.sender = sender;
    this.metadataContext = metadataContext;
    this.command = command;
  public void Execute()
    new MyDialog(writer, reader).ShowDialog();

10. Injected services for UI components

ProconTEL environment provide set of features available via dependency injection. To use this mechanism developer has to use appropriate interface in control or provider constructor. In ProconTEL naming conventions this interfaces called services.

  • IConfigurationWriter

Service providing possibility to store endpoint configuration. Available only in confguration dialog.

public partial class ConfigurationDialog : Form
  private readonly IConfigurationReader _configurationReader;
  private readonly IConfigurationWriter _configurationWriter;

  public ConfigurationDialog()

  public ConfigurationDialog(IConfigurationReader configurationReader, IConfigurationWriter configurationWriter)
    : this()
    _configurationWriter = configurationWriter;
    _configurationReader = configurationReader;
    txtAdress.Text = _configurationReader.GetConfiguration();

  private void SaveConfiguration_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
  • ILocalStorage

Service provide read/write storage for current running machine.

public partial class WpfStatusControl : UserControl, IEndpointStatusControl
    private readonly ILocalStorage _localStorage;
    public WpfStatusControl() => InitializeComponent();
    public WpfStatusControl(ILocalStorage localStorage) : this()
        _localStorage = localStorage;

    public void DisplayStatus(object statusInformation){}

    public void OnStatusControlHidden(){}

    public void OnStatusControlShown()
        var theme = _localStorage.ReadValue<object>("theme");
        cbxTheme.SelectedItem = cbxTheme.Items.OfType<ComboBoxItem>().SingleOrDefault(x => x.Content.Equals(theme));

    private void cbxTheme_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
        if (cbxTheme.SelectedItem is ComboBoxItem item)
            _localStorage.WriteValue("theme", item.Content);

Data stored by this interface can be found in

...\AppData\Local\Macrix\ProconTEL\{Version Number}\EndpointStatus
  • ISecurityService

Service provide usage of security mechanism hosted by Authorization/Authentication endpoint.

public partial class WpfStatusControl : UserControl, IEndpointStatusControl
    private readonly ISecurityService _securityService;
    public WpfStatusControl() => InitializeComponent();
    public WpfStatusControl(ISecurityService securityService) : this() => _securityService = securityService;

    public void DisplayStatus(object statusInformation) { }
    public void OnStatusControlHidden() { }
    public void OnStatusControlShown() { }

    public void Logout(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e)

    public void Login(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e)
        var isAdministrator = false;
        var authorized = _securityService.Authenticate(hashLoginAndPassword);
        if (authorized)
            isAdministrator = _securityService.IsInRole("administrator");


Service providing functionality of uploading files to endpoint backend server from client (configuration dialog or status control).

public partial class FileUploadConfigurationDialog : Form
  private readonly IFileUploaderService _fileTransfer;

  public FileUploadConfigurationDialog()

  public FileUploadConfigurationDialog(IFileUploaderService fileTransfer) : this()
    _fileTransfer = fileTransfer;

  private async void btnUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var result = openFileDialog1.ShowDialog();
    if(result == DialogResult.OK)
      await _fileTransfer.UploadFiles(new[] { new FileDescriptor() { Location = openFileDialog1.FileName } });

    DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;


Service provides information about the roots, folders and files available on the server (configuration or status control dialog).

public interface IVirtualFileSystem
  /// Returns name of referencing file system.
  string GetFileSystemName();
  /// Returns an array of roots existing in referencing file 
  IRootInfo[] GetRoots();
  /// Returns an array of directories existing in referencing file system.
  IVirtualDirectoryInfo[] GetDirectories(IVirtualDirectoryInfo parent);
  /// Returns an array of files existing in referencing file system.
  IVirtualFileInfo[] GetFiles(IVirtualDirectoryInfo parent, 
  string pattern);
  /// Returns whether a file under specified path exists.
  bool FileExists(string path);
  /// Returns whether a directory under specified path exists.
  bool DirectoryExists(string path);
  /// Creates directory.
  bool CreateDirectory(string path);
public partial class VirtualFileSystemStatusControl : UserControl, IEndpointStatusControl
  private readonly IVirtualFileSystem _virtualFileSystem;
  public VirtualFileSystemStatusControl()
  public VirtualFileSystemStatusControl(IVirtualFileSystem virtualFileSystem, IRootInfo[] rootInfo) : this()
    _virtualFileSystem = virtualFileSystem;
  public void OnStatusControlHidden(){}

  public void OnStatusControlShown(){}

  public void DisplayStatus(object statusInformation)
    string filePath = @"C:\testDirectory\test.txt";
    string directoryPath = @"c:\testDirectory";
    var roots = _virtualFileSystem.GetRoot();
  • Streaming

See IStreamingService

11. IoC

ProconTEL Engine offers access to implementation of internal services. Described mechanism is deliver by service IServiceContext and allows to resolve any service that was previosly registered. What is also possible is that endpoint can register it's own custom services. This is possible by implementing a static method in endpoint class with following signature Configure(IApplicationBuilder).

Service IApplicationBuilder allows registering custom services implementation under specified interfaces. It is possible to register service to be resolved to just one single instance with method IApplicationBuilder.UseInstance<TImplementation>(TImplementation) or IApplicationBuilder.UseInstance<TImplementation, TInterface>(TImplementation).

Example belows shows how to register custom service into ProconTEL IoC and resolve it along with other ProconTEL services.

[EndpointMetadata(Name = "Example IoC endpoint", SupportedRoles = SupportedRoles.Provider)]
public class ExampleIoCEndpoint
  public static void Configure(IApplicationBuilder builder)
    builder.Use<DatabaseService, IDatabaseReaderService>();
    builder.Use<ConfigurationDeserializer, IConfigurationDeserializer>();

  private readonly ILogger _logger;
  private readonly IDatabaseReaderService _databaseService;

  // let ProocnTEL IoC resolve required services including custom ones
  public ExampleIoCEndpoint(ILogger logger, IDatabaseReaderService databaseService)
    _logger = logger;
    _databaseService = databaseService;

class DatabaseService : IDatabaseReaderService
  private readonly ILogger _logger;
  private readonly IDatabaseServiceConfiguration _configuration;

  // let ProocnTEL IoC resolve required services for custom service
  public DatabaseService(IConfigurationDeserializer configurationDeserializer, ILogger logger)
    _logger = logger;
    _configuration = configurationDeserializer.Get<DatabaseAccessConfiguration, IDatabaseServiceConfiguration>();
    // TODO: establish database connection based on parameters from configuration

public class ConfigurationDeserializer : IConfigurationDeserializer
  private readonly IConfigurationReader _reader;

  // let ProocnTEL IoC resolve required services for custom service
  public ConfigurationDeserializer(IConfigurationReader reader) => _reader = reader;

Service IServiceContext can be also very useful in scenario where developers would like to use their own IoC framework or when they are forced to use one, like provided by AspNetCore DI. Example below shows how to combine AspNetCore DI with ProconTEL IoC by registering ProconTEL ILogger inside AspNetCore DI.

public class ExampleWebEndpoint : IEndpointLifeTimeCycle
  private IWebHost _host;
  private CancellationTokenSource _cts = new();

  public void Initialize(IMiddlewareBuilder builder)
    _host =
        .ConfigureServices(ioc =>
          ioc.AddTransient(ctx => ctx.GetService<IServiceContext>().Resolve<Func<ProconTel.Sdk.Services.ILogger>>()());


  public void Terminate()

More information about IServiceContext can be found in injected services chapter

12. Middlewares

ProconTEL engine offers dynamic configuration for input messages pipeline. Described mechanism is deliver in IEndpointLifeTimeCycle.Initialize(IMiddlewareBuilder) method parameter. IMiddlewareBuilder allows registration of custom middlewares inside ProconTEL messages pipeline. It is possible to combine it with already exisiting ProconTEL built-in middlewares or completly replace ProconTEL built-in functionality. Complete list of possible registration options is shown below.

  public interface IMiddlewareBuilder
    IMiddlewareBuilder UseMiddleware(Func<IMiddlewareRequest, Func<Task>, Task> middleware);
    IMiddlewareBuilder UseMiddleware(Type middleware);
    IMiddlewareBuilder UseMiddleware<TMiddleware>();
    bool HasMiddlewares { get; }
    MiddlewareRequestDelegate Build();
    void Reset();

    IMiddlewareBuilder UseDefaultDeserializeMetadataMiddleware();
    IMiddlewareBuilder UseDefaultDeserializeMiddleware();
    IMiddlewareBuilder UseDefaultProcessMiddleware();
    IMiddlewareBuilder UseDefaultAcknowledgementMiddleware();

Example: adding interceptor middleware

Below example shows how to add additional middleware into existing in ProconTEL. Notice, method next() is necessary in each middleware. In code example you see additional logging added before and after message will be processed in IHandler.Handle() method.

public void Initialize(IMiddlewareBuilder builder)
  builder.UseMiddleware(async (request, next) =>
    _logger.Information($"Before processing message {request.Content.ContentId} by endpoint.");
    await next();
  builder.UseMiddleware(async (request, next) =>
    _logger.Information($"After processing message {request.Content.ContentId} by endpoint.");
    await next();

Example: replace ProconTEL built-in middlewares

Below example shows how to completely replace ProconTEL built-in middlewares. Notice, that still method next() is necessary. Code example, stores all incoming messages into database and because there is no other middleware registered, handling will be finished.

public void Initialize(IMiddlewareBuilder builder)
  builder.UseMiddleware(async (request, next) =>
      var entity = new MessageEntity()
        MessageId = request.Content.ContentId,
        Content = request.Content.SerializedContent,
        ProtocolId = request.Content.ProtocolId,
        Metadata = request.Content.SerializedMetadata,
      await _databaseService.StoreAsync(entity);
    catch (Exception ex)
      _logger.Error($"Unable to store message with ID {request.Content.ContentId} in database.", ex);
    await next();

  if (!_databaseService.IsStorageTableAvailable())
    throw new Exception("Database table is not available.");


13. Using ProconTel API with SDK

ProconTel SDK may be used together with ProconTel API. It may be needed e.g. to use MessageLoggerClient. To use it, API dll's need to be referenced manually from the ProconTel installation folder (e.g. C:\Program Files\Macrix\ProconTEL\{Version Number}\Client\):

  • ProconTel.CommunicationCenter.Administration.Api.dll
  • ProconTel.CommunicationCenter.Kernel.dll
  • ProconTel.Logging.dll

Depend on the API feature used, some other libraries may be required. E.g. MessageLoggerClient require ProconTel.CommunicationCenter.Administration.dll, ProconTel.Mapping.dll and ProconTel.Mapping.BinaryXmlTranslator.dll. Compiler will throw an error during code editing or building explaining what library is missing:

CS0012	The type 'RemoteManagerBase' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'ProconTel.CommunicationCenter.Administration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=43b2a5dae6e35ee1'.

Example: use SDK with MessageLoggerClient from API

using ProconTel.CommunicationCenter.Administration.Api.MessageLogger;
using ProconTel.CommunicationCenter.Kernel;
using ProconTel.Logging;
using ProconTel.Sdk.Attributes;
using ProconTel.Sdk.Builders;
using ProconTel.Sdk.Communications.Middlewares;
using ProconTel.Sdk.Services;
using ProconTel.Sdk.StandardEndpoints;

namespace ProconTelSDKwithAPI
  [EndpointMetadata(Name = "SDK with API", SupportedRoles = ProconTel.Sdk.Attributes.SupportedRoles.Provider)]
  public class ProconTelSDKwithAPIEndpoint : IEndpointLifeTimeCycle
    private readonly ILogger _logger;
    private readonly IMessageBus _bus;
    private MessageLoggerClient _logClient;

    public ProconTelSDKwithAPIEndpoint(ILogger logger, IMessageBus bus)
      _logger = logger;
      _bus = bus;

    public void Initialize(IMiddlewareBuilder builder)
      #region Use API here

      _logClient = new MessageLoggerClient(9000);

      ReceiverMessagesFilter messageFilter = new ReceiverMessagesFilter() { Severities = new MessageSeverity[] { MessageSeverity.Fatal, MessageSeverity.Error } };
      _logClient.MessageReceived += OnLogMessageReceived;


      Task.Factory.StartNew(async () =>
        var telegram = new Telegram(true);
        string telegramXml = telegram.GetXml();
        await _bus.BroadcastAsync(telegram.ID, telegramXml, new ProconTel.Sdk.StandardEndpoints.XmlProtocol());
        _logger.Information($"Send telegram: {telegramXml}");


    public void AfterActivate()

    public void Terminate()

    private void OnLogMessageReceived(object sender, LogMessageEventArgs e)
      // Process e.Message

Please note that some class names may be ambiguous between SDK and API, like SupportedRoles and XmlProtocol in example above. API classes should be used only for API code. Ensure SDK classes are used elsewhere.

14. Legacy Sdk


For those who are familiar with previous ProconTEL SDK it's obvious that new SDK is breaking the compatibility. However, in order to make the migration less painfull we created Legacy SDK which is build on new SDK, but preserves the old SDK conventions, names, classes (at least to some degree).

In order to migrate to Legacy SDK perform following steps:

  • remove all existing ProconTEL reference

  • install ProconTEL Legacy SDK nuget package

  • replace:

    • Endpoint attribute with EndpointMetadata and add using ProconTel.Sdk.Attributes;,
    • using ProconTel.CommunicationCenter.Kernel; with using ProconTel.Sdk.Legacy;
  • generate ctor and pass all necessary parameters to base ctor, add using ProconTel.Sdk.Services; example

    using ProconTel.Sdk.Services;
    public Endpoint(IMessageBus messageBus, ILogger logger, IRuntimeContext runtimeContext, IConfigurationReader configurationReader, 
      INotificationService notificationService, IReportService reportService)
      : base(messageBus, logger, runtimeContext, configurationReader, notificationService, reportService)
  • add status control to endpoints:

    • add using ProconTel.Sdk.UI.Attributes; and using ProconTel.Sdk.UI.Models;
    • add StatusControl attribute to endpoints, example
      [StatusControl(typeof(StatusControl), EndpointStatusControlType.WinForms)]
    • remove HasStatusControl and GetStatusControl methods in status control class
    • add using ProconTel.Sdk.UI.Models;
    • remove IEndpointStatusController Context property
    • extend ctor with new parameter IEndpointCommandSender, example
      private readonly IEndpointCommandSender _sender;
      public StatusControl(IEndpointCommandSender sender)
        _sender = sender;
  • add configuration control to endpoints:

    • add using ProconTel.Sdk.UI.Services; and using ProconTel.Sdk.UI.Models;
    • add ConfigurationDialog attribute to endpoints, example
    • remove HasConfigurationControl and GetConfigurationControl methods
  • use new _sender variable instead of Context

  • when using XmlProtocol or BinaryProtocol install ProconTEL StandardEndpoints SDK nuget package

    • add reference to using ProconTel.Sdk.StandardEndpoints; where it's necessary
  • when using ProconTel.Security.EndpointSecurity class, make the necessary modifications described below:

    • Replace IStatusDialogControler with IEndpointStatusControl
    • Replace EndpointSecurity with ISecurityService


All features from Sdk which requires using attributes (i.e. Custom Menu Items) or can be used only in UI context (i.e. IVirtualFileSystem) are available for SDK Legacy too.

15. Standard Endpoints

This section describes how to receive and send telegrams that are processed by ProconTEL Standard Endpoints.

All custom definitions that are required to work with telegrams and ProconTEL Standard Endpoints can be found in assembly/nuget package called ProconTel.Sdk.StandardEndpoints. Use this package instead of direct references to old SDK like ProconTel.CommunicationCenter.Kernel.

Complete example

In the samples you can find a complete example of receiving and sending telegrams using custom endpoints written using ProconTEL SDK. Example consits of 3 parts:


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