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Macrometa Watch Party


This demo showcases a video streaming platform with contextual faceted search and a watch party feature where users anywhere around the globe can watch a synchronized video so all viewers can watch the video simultaneously. The watch party can be shared using a unique URL, and all viewers can chat in real-time while watching the video together.

The app uses Macrometa Query Workers deployed to Akamai Edge Workers, Macrometa Graphs and Search, and videos are streaming from the Akamai CDN.



Macrometa GDN setup

Step 1. Create the Collections.

Follow the following steps for each of these collections:

  1. On the side menu, click Collections.

  2. Click New Collection.

  3. Click Document Store or Graph Edge based on the list of collections below.

  4. In Collection Name, enter a Collection name listed below.

  5. Click Create.

    Collection Name Type Distribution
    genres document global
    assets document global
    credits document global
    watch_party document global
    asset_credit_edge graph-edge global
    genres_asset_edge graph-edge global

Step 2. Create Persistent indexes on the collection.

Follow the following steps for each of these collection indexes:

  1. On the side menu, click Collections.

  2. Click the collection from the list above.

  3. Click indexes in the upper left of the collections window.

  4. Click on the plus button in the right side of the collection window.

  5. Choose persistent index from the dropdown selector.

  6. Add the field listed in the table above.

  7. Click Create.

    Collection Field
    assets id
    assets title
    assets original_title
    assets overview
    credits name

Step 3. Create Search views:

  1. On the side menu, click Search Views.

  2. Click New View.

  3. Name the view according to the view description above.

  4. Add the primary sort field.

  5. Add a mapping definition by choosing the collection from the drop down.

  6. Add a field Name.

  7. Choose the Analyzer.

  8. Add the other field names for the views listed above.

  9. Click Create.

    Search view name: asset_credit_view with Primary sort field popularity

    Mapping - Collection Field Analyzer
    assets title text_en
    assets original_title text_en
    assets overview text_en
    credits name text_en

    Search view name: asset_type_view

    Mapping - Collection Field Analyzer
    genres_asset_edge asset_type identity

Step 4. Create Graph:

  1. On the side menu, click Graphs.

  2. Click New Graph

  3. Name the graph OTT.

  4. Name the first edge definition and select the from and to collections from the dropdowns.

  5. Click the plus sign to the right of the first edge definition

  6. Fill out the information for the second edge definition listed above.

  7. Click Create.


    Edge Definitions From Collections To Collections
    genres_asset_edge genres assets
    asset_credit_edge assets credits

Step 5. Create Query workers:

Do the following steps for each Query Worker listed above. For the code for each query workers refer the link below the outlined steps.

  1. On the side menu, click Query Workers.

  2. Copy the code of the first Query Worker and paste it into the editor.

  3. Click the run query button to make sure you see results.

  4. Click Save Query.

  5. Name the query and click Create.

  6. Click New Query.

  7. Start back at step one until you have created all 7 Query Workers

    Code for Query workers: Query Workers


On the development machine, run the following commands in a console:

git clone
git fetch
cd demo-watch-party/react-app
npm install
npm run start