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@MadimetjaShika MadimetjaShika released this 17 Dec 21:00
· 48 commits to master since this release

This release converts the project from being written in vue specific language and terms to being written in vanilla JS. The big change was moving the lib from a .vue file to a .js file, and thereby replacing the template with a render function instead.

NB: From a usage perspective, not much has changed with this release, i.e. the docs for v1.* can still be used. Although it has not been fully regression tested.

What's New

  • There's no longer a need to initialise the Google Places SDK by importing the script within the head tag of your html. You can now simply pass the key as a prop to the component. e.g.
- <script src=""></script>
+ <vuetify-google-autocomplete :google-api-key="yourGoogleApiKey"></vuetify-google-autocomplete>

Along with this, you can also specify further props to the components:

:google-api-version - Defaults to '3', but you may specify any version you wish.

:load-google-api - If your app already loads the google places SDK, you can set this to false to tell this library not to re-load the SDK (reloading may cause problems). If an SDK has already been loaded, the library will locate and use that instead.

What's Fixed

  • #15 - Fixed by allowing the component to self-load the SDK on demand, i.e. point 1 above.
  • #14 - The country prop is now reactive and will update the SDK when changed.
  • #13 - The types prop is now reactive and will update the SDK when changed.
  • A bug noted with the enable-geolocation prop where the component would keep asking permissions. The component will react properly to the prop and only ask once, unless reset.
  • The library should now be usable with plain html/js projects without requiring any fancy loaders/parsers.


  • Document this release.
  • Regression test this release.