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The goal of this project is to provide a set of generic directives and/or services to be used across multiple angular-based projects.

Current state:

mlClickOutside directive

That directive $evals attached expression whenever user will click outside the element on which directive is applied. Expression is executed using scope.$evalAsync. It's similar to ngBlur however ngBlur works only for elements like input, select, textarea or a. Also ngBlur didn't always work properly with a for me.

Example usage:

<a class="menu-opener" ng-click="toggleMenu();" ml-click-outside="closeMenu();"></a>


Service MadlinesCommonNotificationsQueue provides you with an easy way to create notifications area. Each notification can

  • have a different type
  • different timeout after which it will be automatically closed
  • have a closable flag set to true or false which can be used in UI to display closing button or not.

MadlinesCommonNotificationsQueue is just a service so it doesn't provide you with any html or styles. That's your job. Yet connecting it is really easy, see demo.


In your html you need to write code which will display your notifications. It can look like this:

<div class="notification"
     ng-repeat="notification in notifications"
    {{ notification.message }}
    <a ng-if="notification.closable"
       class="close" ng-click="notification.close()">&times;</a>

In controller which controls this part of html you need to inject MadlinesCommonNotificationsQueue service and bind callback to it's changes. This will update notifications every time you add something.

app.controller('DemoController', ['$scope', 'MadlinesCommonNotificationsQueue', function ($scope, Notifications) {
    // notice that we use Notifications as shorthand for MadlinesCommonNotificationsQueue
    Notifications.bind(function (queue) {
        $scope.notifications = queue;

    // rest of your controller

Finally add some notifications (anywhere in your app)

Notifications.add(type, message, options); // third parameter is optional

In options you can specify timeout and closable flag

Notifications.add('myType', 'Contents of message', {
    closable: true,
    timeout: 10000

MadlinesCommonNotificationsQueue comes preconfigured with few types:

  • success
  • alert
  • warning
  • notify
  • progress

For those types there is a set of handy shorthand functions:

// second parameter is optional for all of those
Notifications.success(message, options);
Notifications.alert(message, options);
Notifications.warning(message, options);
Notifications.notify(message, options);
Notifications.progress(message, options);

You can easily override those default settings and also add you own defaults if you need to:

    notify: {
        closable: true,
        timeout: 10000
    success: {
        closable: true,
        timeout: 10000
    alert: {
        closable: true,
        timeout: 10000
    warning: {
        closable: true,
        timeout: 10000
    progress: {
        closable: false,
        timeout: false

To close items with closable flag set to true you can use close method of notification (the same method is used in html).

var progress = Notifications.progress('Loading data');

// when data is loaded