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This package provides nodes for n8n to work with SyncroMSP.


In a local NPM installation

npm i n8n-nodes-syncromsp

The nodes should be automatically discovered by n8n. If not, setting the environment variable as described below should work.

In a global installation

npm i -g n8n-nodes-syncromsp

You should then set the N8N_CUSTOM_EXTENSIONS variable to the path of the modules, e.g.

  • on Ubuntu:
export N8N_CUSTOM_EXTENSIONS="/usr/local/lib/node_modules/n8n-nodes-syncromsp"
  • on Windows
setx N8N_CUSTOM_EXTENSIONS "%appdata%\npm\node_modules\n8n-nodes-syncromsp"

In a Docker image

You'll have to spin your own Dockerfile that builds from the official n8n image:

FROM n8nio/n8n

USER root

RUN npm_config_user=root npm install -g n8n-nodes-syncromsp

ENV N8N_CUSTOM_EXTENSIONS "/usr/local/lib/node_modules/n8n-nodes-syncromsp"



The credentials uses 2 variables : API Token and API Subdomain.

  • API Token : You will need to generate a token using the API Token menu found in the Admin section of Syncro. Make sure that you add the necessary permissions in order for the node actions to work properly.
  • API Subdomain : This is your SyncroMSP subdomain that was chosen when creating your account. (e.g., XXXXX being your API subdomain)


The currently supported ressources are :

  • Appointment
    • List/Search
    • Create
    • View Details
    • Edit
    • Delete
  • Appointment Type
    • List/Search
    • Create
    • View Details
    • Edit
    • Delete
  • Assets
    • List/Search
    • Create
    • View Details
    • Edit
    • Delete (Not supported?)
  • Caller ID
  • Contact
    • List/Search
    • Create
    • View Details
    • Edit
    • Delete
  • Contract
    • List/Search
    • Create
    • View Details
    • Edit
    • Delete
  • Customer
    • List/Search
    • Create
    • View Details
    • Edit
    • Delete
    • View latest
    • Autocomplete
  • Estimate
    • List/Search
    • Create
    • View Details
    • Edit
    • Delete
    • Print
    • Email
    • Convert to invoice
    • line Item
      • Create
      • Edit
      • Delete
  • Invoice
    • List/Search
    • Create
    • View Details
    • Edit
    • Delete
    • Get ticket
    • print
    • email
    • Line Item
      • Create
      • Edit
      • Delete
  • Item
    • List/Search
  • Lead
    • List/Search
    • Create
    • View Details
    • Edit
  • Line Item
    • List/Search
  • New Ticket Form
    • List/Search
    • Create
    • View Details
  • Payment Method
    • List/Search
  • Payment Profile
    • List/Search
    • Create
    • View Details
    • Edit
    • Delete
  • Payment
    • List/Search
    • Create
    • View Details
  • Phone
    • List/Search
    • Create
    • View Details (Implemented?)
    • Edit
    • Delete
  • Portal User
    • List/Search
    • Create
    • View Details (Implemented?)
    • Edit
    • Delete
    • Create invitation
  • Product Serial
    • List/Search
    • Create
    • View Details (Implemented?)
    • Edit
    • Delete
  • Product Serial
    • List/Search
    • Create
    • View Details
    • Edit
    • Delete
  • Product
    • List/Search
    • Create
    • View Details
    • Edit
    • Delete (Implemented?)
    • Update Location Quantity
    • Image
      • Add
      • Delete
  • Purchase Order
    • List/Search
    • Create
    • View Details
    • Receive
    • Add product
  • RMM Alert
    • List/Search
    • Create
    • Mute
    • View Details
    • Delete
  • Schedule
    • List/Search
    • Create
    • View Details
    • Edit
    • Delete
    • line Item
      • Create
      • Edit
      • Delete
  • Search
  • Settings
    • List
    • List Tabs settings
    • List Printing settings
  • Ticket Timer
    • List/Search
  • Ticket
    • List/Search
    • Create
    • View Details
    • Edit
    • Delete
    • Settings
    • Print
    • Comment
    • line Item
      • Create
      • Edit
      • Delete
    • Timer Entry
      • Create
      • Edit
      • Delete
      • Charge
    • Worksheet Result
      • List
      • Add
      • View Details
      • Update
      • Delete
  • Timelog
    • List/Search
    • Update
    • View last
  • User
    • List/Search
    • View Details
  • Vendor
    • List/Search
    • Create
    • View Details
    • Update
    • Delete (Implemented?)
  • Wiki Page
    • List/Search
    • Create
    • View Details
    • Update
    • Delete

Currently supported triggers :

  • API Token
    • Created
    • Changed
  • Admin
    • 10 Snail Mail Stamps Remaining
    • 15 SMS Credits Remaining
    • SMS Credits have run out
    • Snail Mail Credits have run out
  • Appointment
    • (for me) - due in the next hour
    • Created
    • Booking - Created from widgets
    • (for me) - Created
  • Asset
    • SNMP was enabled
    • has a date field 30 days in the future
    • has a date field 7 days in the future
  • Chat
    • New unassigned message while I’m offline
    • New unassigned message while I’m online
    • New unread message while I’m offline
    • New unread message while I’m online
  • Contact
    • Was created
  • Contract
    • Someone replied
    • Was created
  • Customer
    • New Phone Call (caller id system)
    • Prepay Hour balance reaches zero
    • Scripting was disabled
    • Was created
  • Custome Email
    • Someone replied
  • Employee
    • Clocked in or out
    • Edited Time Clock entry
  • Estimate
    • (of mine) - is approved/declined
    • is approved/declined
    • An Estimate was emailed to the customer
    • email is replied to
    • is approved/declined in portal
  • Invoice
    • A late fee was added/increased
    • A payment failed on a recurring Invoice
    • A recurring Invoice was created
    • A recurring Invoice was skipped due to no line items
    • An Invoice email was replied to
    • An Invoice was emailed to the customer
    • Created (5 minute delay)
  • Lead
    • Assigned to me
    • Created
    • Created via SMS
    • Replied
  • Parts/Logistics
    • order was created
    • order was received any Ticket
    • order was received for my Ticket
  • Payments
    • A new card was stored in the Customer Portal
    • A payment was made
    • A payment was made from a Xero Sync
    • A payment was made from the Customer Portal
    • A stored card is expiring in 15 days
    • A stored card is expiring in 30 days
    • A stored card is expiring in 60 days
    • A stored card was removed in the Customer Portal
    • A stored card was updated in the Customer Portal
  • Products
    • pending order was fulfilled
    • product or quantity was changed
  • Purchase Order
    • Created
    • (of any) - Past Due
    • (of mine) - Past Due
  • RMA
    • Created
  • RMM Alert
    • getting stale (daily rollup)
    • was auto-resolved
    • was created
  • RMM Asset
    • Approved
    • Denied
    • Pending Approval
    • application installed
    • application uninstalled
    • application updated
    • Created
  • Reminder
    • due within the next hour
  • Return
    • Created
  • SLA
    • Breached on any Ticket
    • Breached on my Ticket
    • Breaching soon on any Ticket
    • Breaching soon on my Ticket
  • Script
    • failed
  • Stock Take
    • A recurring Stock Take was created
    • A stock take has been assigned to me
  • Ticket
    • A hidden comment was added to any Ticket
    • A hidden comment was added to my Ticket
    • A ticket has been assigned to me
    • An Intake Form was emailed to the ticket contact
    • An Outtake Form was emailed to the ticket contact
    • Automation was triggered
    • Billing Status was changed
    • Someone replied to any Ticket
    • Someone replied to my Ticket
    • Status was changed
    • created (for anyone)
    • created from email
    • is due in the next 15 mins
    • of yours is due in the next 15 mins
    • was resolved


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Custom n8n SyncroMSP node







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