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Mag‐Tools Misc

Mag-nus edited this page May 19, 2020 · 10 revisions

Inventory Packer

  • Used to automatically sort and pack all your inventory.
  • Uses Virindi Tank Classic Looter profiles.
  • Stacks items as it packs.
  • Profile must be in "My Documents\Decal Plugins\Mag-Tools" and named <CharacterName>.autopack.utl
  • Type "/mt autopack" to start the sort and pack process.
  • Cntrl+P hotkey to start if you're using Virindi Hotkey System.
  • Check out the sample profiles attached.
  • Classic Looter profile limitations:
    • Only Keep # supported.
    • Keep # is the pack(s) the items that pass the rule belong to where 0 is your main pack and 1 is your first side pack.
    • An item that can go into both the first two side packs would have a keep number of 12.
    • An item that can go into side packs 3 through 5 would have a keep number of 345.
    • Do not use requirements that are red.
  • Equipped items will not be auto packed.
  • My Mage.autopack.utl
  • My Melee.autopack.utl  

Item Info on Ident

  • When you right click an item, it shows you information about that item:
  • The first char of the line is a + or -, which lets you know if the item would be looted under the current loot profile in vtank.
  • Then (rule name), is the rule name. This only works if you're using vtank classic looter.

When the ItemInfoOnIdent.ShowBuffedValues option is checked, weapons include special values surrounded by (), for example: (61.9/30 11.0/8.0)

  • Melee Weapon: (CalcedBuffedTinkedDoT/BuffedMaxDamage BuffedAttackBonus/BuffedMeleeDefenseBonus)
  • Missile Weapon: (CalcedBuffedMissileDamage BuffedAttackBonus/BuffedMeleeDefenseBonus)
  • Caster: (BuffedElementalDamageVersusMonsters BuffedMeleeDefenseBonus/BuffedManaCBonus)
  • Source Code


Vendor Auto Buy/Sell on Open Trade

  • Can be used to sell items (salvage/peas), or completely recomp your character.
  • Uses Virindi Tank Classic Looter profiles.
  • Uses Virindi Item Tool to do the work.
  • When you open a trade with a vendor, the VendorName.utl file is loaded from "My Documents\Decal Plugins\Mag-Tools"
  • If a profile exists, buy/sell will automatically begin using the rules of the profile.
  • Check out the sample profiles attached.
  • Classic Looter profile limitations:
    • Keep, Keep #, and Sell are the only rules supported.
    • Keep # items are purchased before Keep items.
    • Do not use requirements that are red.
  • Equip-able items will not be sold, but can be purchased.
  • Aun Amanaualuan the Elder Shaman.utl
  • Master Celdiseth the Archmage.utl
  • Master Celdiseth the Archmage (More Tapers).utl remove the (More Tapers) from the file name to use.
  • Tunlok Weapons Master.utl
  • Ellimar Jorning the Healer.utl  

Auto Add To Trade

  • Automatically adds items to the trade based on a profile that exists for the character you're trading with.
  • Only works when you open a trade with someone, not when someone opens a trade with you.
  • The profile is searched for in "My Documents\Decal Plugins\Mag-Tools" matching their name.
  • Classic Looter profile limitations:
    • Only Keep rules supported (Not Keep #).
    • Red requirements are supported.
  • No equipped items will be added.
  • Items are added at a rate of 10 per second.
  • If you do not want to auto-add inscribed items, add a rule to your profile: String Value Match, Acts on: Inscription, String Value Pattern: ^$
  • I Hold Steel.utl
    • With the above sample, any time you open a trade with a player named "I Hold Steel", you will automatically add all your full bags of salvaged steel to the list.
  • I Hold Unimbued Weapons.utl
    • The above sample is for a mule that takes all unimbued weapons. We check that material >= 1 to see if its loot generated, and has 0 total tinks.
    • Because these rules have a red requirement, you may need to re-initiate the trade with the mule after a few seconds so the game has time to identify all of the weapons in your inventory.  

Auto Trade Accept

  • Automatically accepts trade when trading with someone on your whitelist hits trade.
  • Whitelist supports regex.
  • Useful for muling, passing items to other mains that have accept gifts off, and to/from your trade bot.
  • Management of the whitelist is currently manual.
  • To Edit the white list
    • In AC, Open the Mag-Tools plugin and on the Misc tab, enable: Auto Trade Accept Enabled
    • Open Mag-Tools.xml
    • Look for a section that looks like:
    • Replace that section with the following:
  • The following would automatically accept trades with chars that have names that begin with Hero or HeroMules.
  • Replace the text inside with the exact names of your chars or regex expressions.  

Auto Looter

  • Automatically loots corpses and/or chests.
  • Uses the current loaded loot profile in VTank to determine loot rules.
  • Does not loot salvage rule items.
  • Corpse looter can be enabled while running Virindi Tank without conflict.  

One Touch Healing

  • Assign a hotkey for one touch healing in the Virindi Hotkey window.
  • If you have less than a 50% chance with kits and have food/potions, it will use a food/potion.  

Auto Crafting

  • Auto Aetheria Revealer
    • Automatically uses Aetheria Mana Stone on Coalesced Aetheria
  • Auto Shattered Key Fixer
    • Automatically uses Intricate Carving Tool on Shattered Keys for characters that have lockpick. Will automatically click the Yes confirmation box no matter what the percent chance of success is.
    • When an Asherons Call client window performs this action, it will semi-regain focus in a way that doesn't take your screen focus/cursor, but will return to normal focus CPU % even if you're using the FPS Manager of Mag-Tools. This is observable using windows task manager. Simply clicking the client and then off of the client again will kick back in the idle fps manager feature of mag-tools (or the default 10 fps that AC normally runs at when not focused).
  • Auto Heart Carver
    • Automatically uses Intricate Carving Tool on Hearts for characters that have lockpick. Will automatically click the Yes confirmation box no matter what the percent chance of success is.
  • Auto Key Ringer
    • Automatically adds Aged Legenary Keys to Burning Sands Keyring. Will not function within a distance of 10 from any Chest.
  • Auto Key Deringer
    • Automatically removes Aged Legenary Keys from Burning Sands Keyring to make sure you have at least 1 key available for a meta. Will not function outside a distance of 10 from any Chest.
    • DekeyAndPull v2.met  


  • Open Main Pack On Login: simply opens the main pack automatically when the character is finished logging in.
  • Debugging Enabled: Prints exceptions to chat and logs them in a file in "My Documents\Decal Plugins\Mag-Tools"
  • Verbose Debugging Enabled: Helps diagnose where the plugin is spending the most time, or to provide state info. Outputs to chat
    • Ex: <{Mag-Tools}>: Export Persistent Stats: 54ms
  • Log Out On Death  


  • Ability to filter many specific in-game messages.
  • NPK Fails: "You fail to affect .. because you are not a player killer!"  


  • Remove Window Frame On Login: Removes the windows title bar and window frame from the AC Client.
  • Set/Del Window Position: Sets the startup position for an account/server pair. The AC Client window will be moved to these desktop coords
    • Allows you to set a persistent spot on your desktop where a particular account@server belongs.
    • Makes it easy to position your clients in a tile or cascade manner.
    • Has separate settings cross server for those that play the same account on other servers.
    • Can be used on conjunction with Remove Window Frame On Login.
    • For fine tuning manually edit the My Documents\Decal Plugins\Mag-Tools\Mag-Tools.xmlon login.
  • NoFocusFPSManager. The AC client will run at 10 fps when it doesn't have focus (you're alt tabbed). Setting a value other than 10 allows you to control what FPS the client runs at when in this state. Recommended value of 20.
  • MaxFPS. Keeps the client from exceeding this value at any point while in-world.



  • Ability to export all equipped items to the windows clipboard.
  • Ability to export all inventory to the windows clipboard.