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Annotate Earth's magnetic components from Swarm into GPS tracks


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MagGeo: Data fusion tool to combine Earth's magnetic data from Swarm satellites with GPS trajectories

DOI nbviewer nbgitpuller-VRE Binder

Authors | Fernando Benitez-Paez, Urška Demšar, Jed Long, Ciaran Beggan

Contact |,,,

Keywords | Bird migration, data fusion, Earth’s magnetic field, Swarm, GPS tracking

Citation | Benitez-Paez, F., Brum-Bastos, V.d., Beggan, C.D. et al. Fusion of wildlife tracking and satellite geomagnetic data for the study of animal migration. Mov Ecol 9, 31 (2021).

How to install and Run MagGeo on your machine

To install and run MagGeo you need to follow the following steps.

1. Install Miniconda

Recommended setup if starting without Python already

Install Miniconda:

2. Clone the MagGeo repository:

You will need Git (version control system) to clone MagGeo, install first accordingly (

Open a new terminal (MacOS, Linux) or command prompt (Windows) and run:

git clone

3. Change the directory

You will need to change the directory to where you cloned/downloaded the MagGeo repository. If you donwloaded it--Do not forget to unzip the folder before using it. If you're using the terminal on Linux or macOS, it is the same syntax to change directory.

cd MagGeo-Annotation-Program

4. Create MagGeoEnv environment -- this should take around five minutes.

We have create a new virtual environment for you, thus you can keep MagGeo isolated from other python environment you might have. In the terminal run:

conda env create --file environment.yml

5. Activate MagGeoEnv

conda activate MagGeoEnv

6. Sign Up at VirES for Swarm - VRE and get a web client Token

MagGeo use VirES (Virtual environments for Earth Scientists) a platform for data & model access, analysis, and visualization for ESA’s magnetic mission Swarm. This is a powerful client with the viresclient API that provide several classes and methods defined in the vires client package. The viresclient Python package allows you to connect to the VirES server to download Swarm data and data calculated using magnetic models.

  1. First to all you need to create an account and Sign up using
  2. Once you have created the account, Log In
  3. Follow the instructions in to get your token.
  4. Copy and Paste your token after --token in the following command

7. Run MagGeo using the sample data.

MagGeo can be excuted using the same terminal you have been using in the previous steps. If you want to get familiar with MagGeo and get an annotated GPS trajectory using the data we have included as an example (data folder), run the following command (replace your virES token where is requiered):

python -p parameters/default.yml --token YOUR_TOKEN_HERE

Now MagGeo will start to download the Swarm Data.


Once the data has been downloaded, MagGeo will process it to make the annotation process ( for more information about how this is done, visit our methodological paper in Movement Ecology)

The last step MagGeo does is annotating the gathered data, that would take more time depending how big is your dataset. In our example it only takes 4 seconds.


And Congrats you got annotated data. The results will be stored in the folder results for your futher analysis. You will find a .csv file named like GeoMagResult_+name_of_your_csv_file_trajectory.

7.1 Run MagGeo using your data.

If you are ready to annotate your GPS trajectories. You need to update the parameters file in MagGeo to let the program know what are the correct values of your data.

  • Copy the csv file with your trajectories into the data folder.
  • Open and Update the following parameters in the file default.yml located in parameters folder:
  • gpsfilename: "name_of_your_trajectory.cvs" Include the name of your Input data. The GPS trajectory you need to annotate with the geomagnetic satellite data.
  • Lat: "latitude_column_name_in_your_trajectory"
  • Long: "longitude_column_name_in_your_trajectory"
  • DateTime: "Date_Time_column_name_in_your_trajectory" make sure you have one column that includes Date and Time values together.
  • altitude: "altitude_column_name_in_your_trajectory" if you do not have any altitute column, you can leave that in blank, including only ""

Save your changes, return to the Terminal and run:

python -p parameters/default.yml --token YOUR_TOKEN_HERE

8. Run MagGeo step by step, using Jupyter Notebook.

MagGeo includes a set of Jupyter Notebooks, you will find four notebooks (.ipynp) in the Notebooks folder.

In a Terminal, make sure you are using MagGeoEnv environment, and run:

jupyter notebook

A Jupyter Notebook dashboard will comes out in your browser locally (e.g. http://localhost:8888) then you can explore MagGeo and its content. Go to Notebooks folder and open any of the following notebook for a step by step process. You can add cells to make your own test or analysis, but be aware that any change you do at the code migth affects the correct performance of the program.


  • Main Notebook : An initial and descriptive notebook where you can get detail information about MagGeo, the sample data used, background concepts and software requirements.
  • Sequential Mode: Annotation Notebook applying a sequential mode. Using a traditional loop to going through the GPS track rows and process every row computing the magnetic components. Particularly useful for small datasets.
  • Parallel Mode: If you have a "big" dataset ( e.g. 1 million of records) you might want try the parallel mode. The parallel mode has some differences when you run the required libraries in a windows or Linux environment. We have tested MagGeo in a windows server environment.
  • Notebook basics: If you are not familiar with Jupiter Notebooks and want to learn about the basics over how to run the notebooks before try the annotate tool. You can try this notebook to get the basics elements to run cells, read data, and plot some a basic chart.

The following image will help you to understand how the sequential and parallel mode differ, and how in parallel mode you should be able to use the full capacity of your machine. However it is quite important to identify when we need to use a parallel mode. For small datasets running MagGeo in Parallel mode could be even slower than the sequential mode.

What's MagGeo

MagGeo is a tool that helps ecologists or animal movement researchers to link earth's magnetic field data from satellite source to GPS trajectories. Inspired by the Environmental Data Automated Track Annotation System (Env-DATA) Service a tool from Movebank and help researcher to get a better understanding about the geomagnetic variations across the GPS trajectories.

MagGeo is entirely built-in python and using a set of Jupyter Notebooks that offer several ways to link GPS tracks with the geomagnetic components using the data from one of the up-to-date satellite sources - Swarm Constellation. MagGeo will create an enriched GPS track with the following components:

  • Latitude from the GPS Track.
  • Longitude from the GPS Track.
  • Timestamp from the GPS Track.
  • Magnetic Field Intensity mapped as Fgps in nanoTeslas (nT).
  • N (Northwards) component mapped as N in nanoTeslas (nT).
  • E (Eastwards) component mapped as E. in nanoteslas (nT).
  • C (Downwards or Center) component mapped as C in nanoTeslas (nT).
  • Horizontal component mapped as H in nanoTeslas (nT).
  • Magnetic Declination or dip angle mapped as D in degrees
  • Magnetic Inclination mapped as I in degrees
  • Kp Index mapped as kp
  • Total Points as the amount of Swarm measures included in the ST-IDW process from the trajectories requested in the three satellites.
  • Minimum Distance mapped as MinDist, representing the minimum distance amount the set of identified point inside the Space Time cylinder and each GPS point location.
  • Average Distance mapped as AvDist, representing the average distance amount the set of distances between the identified Swarm Point in the Space Time cylinder and the GPS Points location.

Researchers, particularly ecologists now can study the annotated table to analyze the geomagnetic Spatio-temporal variation across any GPS trajectory.


  • Command prompt does not find conda: After step No 3, windows users do not find conda command.

    Cause: The miniconda/anaconda path is not included in your %PATH environment

    Solution: Add miniconda path to Windows environment. Instructions:

    Usually located in C:\ProgramData\Miniconda3\condabin You should search for file conda.bat and copy the path where this file is.

  • Python not found: Before step step 7, for windows users in some cases python command is not found.

    Cause: In some cases for windows users, when python is installed using MagGeoEnv, the path is not included. Solution: Add the conda python path to your environment


Problems? Suggestions? - Contact us

MagGeo is work in progress and we are constantly making improvements that you can follow up with the commits made in the pubic GitHub repo. For general enquiries, scientific concepts, suggestions please email:,,

For errors, or improvements please submit an issue in this repo, describing the problem you have.