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This API SDK was automatically generated by APIMATIC BETA v2.0

How To Configure:

The generated code might need to be configured with your API credentials. To do that, provide the credentials and configuration values as a constructor parameters for the controllers

How To Build:

The generated code uses a PHP library namely UniRest. The reference to this library is already added as a composer dependency in the generated composer.json file. Therefore, you will need internet access to resolve this dependency.

How To Use:

For using this SDK do the following:

1. Open a new PHP >= 5.3 project and copy the generated PHP files in the project
2. Use composer to install the dependencies. Usually this can be done through a 
   context menu command "Instal (dev)".
3. Import classes from your file in your code where needed for example,
       use MagicTelecomAPILib\Controllers\UsersController;
4. You can now instantiate controllers and call the respective methods.

Magic SDK examples

1. Get all accounts

try {

    // Create an AccountsController for account actions like:
    // create an account, a cart, cart items, checkout cart and so on
    $objController = new AccountsController();

    // Get the list of accounts
    $objResponse = $objController->getAccounts();
    $arrAccount = $objResponse->data->results;
} catch (APIException $e) {

You can get a limit result using parameters like page, limit, and filters. Take a look to the API doc. Here you have an example.

try {

    // Create an AccountsController
    $objController = new AccountsController();

    // Get a list of  accounts using pagination and filters
    // We are going to limit to first five elements with some requirements like firstname and email
    // The filters can be "number, email, contact_number, firstname, lastname"
    $objResponse = $objController->getAccounts(1, 5 "firstname::John|lastname::Doe");
    $arrAccount = $objResponse->data->results;
} catch (APIException $e) {

2. Create an account

try {

    // Create an AccountsController
    $objController = new AccountsController();

    // Create an account "99674698002" with roles "USER"
    $objAccount = new Account("99674698002", array("USER"), "", "14079876543", "John", "Smith");
    $objAccountForm = new AccountForm($objAccount);
    $objResponse = $objController->createAccount($objAccountForm);
    $strAccount = $objResponse->number;
} catch (APIException $e) {

This is a full response example.

class stdClass#13 (5) {
  public $number =>
  string(11) "99674698003"
  public $email =>
  string(19) ""
  public $contact_number =>
  string(10) "4079876543"
  public $firstname =>
  string(4) "John"
  public $lastname =>
  string(6) "Smith"

3. Get an account

try {
    // Create an AccountsController
    $objController = new AccountsController();

    // Get account "99674698003"
    $objResponse = $objController->getAccount("99674698003");
    $objAccount = $objResponse->data;
} catch (APIException $e) {
    echo "Can't accomplish this action, exception: [{$e->getMessage()}]";

If the account doesn't exist, you gonna get this message: Can't accomplish this action, exception: [Resource not found]

4. Update an account

try {
    // Create an AccountsController
    $objController = new AccountsController();

    // Create the account to update
    $objAccount = new Account("99674698004", array("USER"), "", "4079876543", "John", "New");
    $objAccountForm = new AccountForm($objAccount);
    // Update account "99674698002"
    $objController->updateAccount("99674698002", $objAccountForm);
    // Get the account with the new account value
    $objResponse = $objController->getAccount("99674698004");
} catch (APIException $e) {
    echo "Can't accomplish this action, exception: [{$e->getMessage()}]";

If the account doesn't exist, you gonna get this message: Can't accomplish this action, exception: [Resource not found]

5. Delete an account

try {
    // Create an AccountsController
    $objController = new AccountsController();

    // Delete account "99674698003"
} catch (APIException $e) {

6. Get account access tokens

try {
    // Create an AccountsController
    $objController = new AccountsController();

    // Get account "997766554" access tokens
    $objResponse = $objController->getAccessTokens("997766554");
    $arrToken = $objResponse->data->results;
    // Get the first access token
        $strFirstToken = $arrToken[0]->token;
} catch (APIException $e) {

7. Create account access tokens list

try {
    // Create an AccountsController
    $objController = new AccountsController();

    // Create access token 
    $objAccessToken = new Token(true);
    $objForm = new TokenForm($objAccessToken);
    // Save the access token for account "997766554"
    $objResponse = $objController->createAccessTokens("997766554", $objForm);
    // Get access token Key
    $strKey = $objResponse->token;
} catch (APIException $e) {

8. Get an account access tokens

try {
    // Create an AccountsController
    $objController = new AccountsController();

    // Getting the access token "justatoken" for account "997766554"
    $objResponse = $objController->getAccessToken("997766554", "justatoken");
    $objToken = $objResponse->data;
    // Check if the token is active
} catch (APIException $e) {

9. Update an account access tokens

try {
    // Create an AccountsController
    $objController = new AccountsController();

    // Fill a access token as not active
    $objAccessToken = new Token('false');
    $objForm = new TokenForm($objAccessToken);
    // Updating the access token "b3086c8ef1d4ee975d55b7fbce1e5a4eb893d6d3" for account "997766554" as not active
    $objController->updateAccessToken("997766554", 'b3086c8ef1d4ee975d55b7fbce1e5a4eb893d6d3', $objForm);
} catch (APIException $e) {

10. Delete an account access tokens

try {
    // Create an AccountsController
    $objController = new AccountsController();
    // Delete access token with key "b3086c8ef1d4ee975d55b7fbce1e5a4eb893d6d3" for account "997766554"
    $objController->deleteAccessToken("997766554", 'b3086c8ef1d4ee975d55b7fbce1e5a4eb893d6d3');
} catch (APIException $e) {

11. Get the list of caller locations for an account

try {
    // Create an AccountsController
    $objController = new AccountsController();
    // Get the caller locations list
    $objResponse = $objController->getCallerLocations("997766554");
    $arrCallerLocation = $objResponse->data->results;
    // Get the amount of elements
    $intTotal = $objResponse->data->total;
} catch (APIException $e) {

12. Create a caller locations for an account

try {
    // Create an AccountsController
    $objController = new AccountsController();
    // Create a caller location
    // Take care unit_type must be "unit, suit or apt"
    $objCallerLocation = new CallerLocation(
                                    "John Smith",
                                    "123 Street Name",
    $objForm = new CallerLocationForm($objCallerLocation);
    // Save the caller location
    $objResponse = $objController->createCallerLocations("997766554", $objForm);
} catch (APIException $e) {

13. Delete caller locations for an account

try {
    // Create an AccountsController
    $objController = new AccountsController();
    // Delete caller locations
} catch (APIException $e) {

14. Get a caller locations for an account by Id

try {
    // Create an AccountsController
    $objController = new AccountsController();
    // Get a caller locations with id equal 7 for account "997766554"
    $objResponse = $objController->getCallerLocationById("997766554", 7);
    $objCallerLocation = $objResponse->data;
} catch (APIException $e) {

15. Update a caller locations for an account by Id

try {
    // Create an AccountsController
    $objController = new AccountsController();
    // Create the update caller location object 
    $objCallerLocation = new CallerLocation(
                                    "John Smith",
                                    "125 Street Name",
    $objForm = new CallerLocationForm($objCallerLocation);
    // Update the caller location with id equal 7
    $objController->updateCallerLocationById("997766554", 7, $objForm);
} catch (APIException $e) {

16. Delete a caller locations for an account by Id

try {
    // Create an AccountsController
    $objController = new AccountsController();
    // Delete a caller locations with id equal 7 for account "997766554"
    $objController->deleteCallerLocationById("997766554", 7);
} catch (APIException $e) {

17. Get the cart list for an account

try {
    // Create an AccountsController
    $objController = new AccountsController();
    // Get the car list for account "997766554"
    $objResponse = $objController->getCarts("997766554");
    $arrCart = $objResponse->data->results;
} catch (APIException $e) {

18. Create a cart for an account

try {
    // Create an AccountsController
    $objController = new AccountsController();

    // Create Cart for account "997766554"
    $objCart = $objController->createCarts("997766554");

    // Getting cart id
    $intCartId = $objCart->cart_id;
} catch (APIException $e) {

19. Delete all the cart for an account

try {
    // Create an AccountsController
    $objController = new AccountsController();

    // Delete carts for account "997766554"

} catch (APIException $e) {

20. Get a cart for an account by Id

try {
    // Create an AccountsController
    $objController = new AccountsController();

    // Get the cart for account "997766554" with id equal 3
    $objResponse = $objController->getCart("997766554", 3);
    $objCart = $objResponse->data;

} catch (APIException $e) {

21. Delete a cart for an account by Id

try {
    // Create an AccountsController
    $objController = new AccountsController();

    // Delete a cart for account "997766554" with id equal 6
    $objController->deleteCart("997766554", 6);
} catch (APIException $e) {

22. Create cart items

Creating a trunk item

try {

    // Create routing object        
    $objRouting = new Routing("load-balanced", 
                                array(new Endpoint("", "maxChannels=100")), 

    // Create Trunk Item
    $objTrunk = new TrunkItem(10, "WORLD_WIDE", "", "sms,fax",  $objRouting);

    // Set the item type ("TRUNK", "LOCATION", "DID")
    $objTrunk->__set("itemType", "TRUNK");

} catch (APIException $e) {

Create Location Item

try {

    // Create a caller location
    $objCallerLocation = new CallerLocation(
                                    "John Smith", 
                                    "123 Street Name", 

    // Create Location Item for the trunk 23
    $objLocation = new LocationItem("ORLANDO__407___FL", 3, "sms,fax", "STANDARD", 23, objCallerLocation);

    // Setting the item type
    $objLocation->__set("itemType", "LOCATION");

} catch (APIException $e) {

Create Did Item

try {

    // Create a caller location
    $objCallerLocation = new CallerLocation(
                                    "John Smith", 
                                    "123 Street Name", 

    // Creating a Did Item for trunk 5
    $objDid = new DidItem("14701234567", 5, "STANDARD", $objCallerLocation);
    $objDid->__set("itemType", "DID");

} catch (APIException $e) {

Create Trunk Channels Item

try {
    // Create a Trunk Channels Item with 2 additional channels for trunk 5
    $objChannelsItem = new MagicTelecomAPILib\Models\TrunkChannelsItem(2, 5);
    $objChannelsItem->__set("itemType", "TRUNK_CHANNELS");

} catch (APIException $e) {

23. Add an Item to cart

try {

    // Create an AccountsController
    $objController = new AccountsController();

    // Create a item like the examples before
    // Could be an TrunkItem, LocationItem or DidItem
    $objTrunk = ...

    //Create an form item
    $objForm = new ItemForm($objTrunk);

    // Add the item to the cart 3
    $response = $objController->createItems("997766554", 3, $objForm);

    // Get Item id from the response
    $intItemId = $response->item_id;

} catch (APIException $e) {

This is the full response (Trunk Item) example

object(stdClass)#15 (6) {
  string(15) ""
  string(7) "sms,fax"
  string(115) "{"sip_user":"sip_user_1","logic":"load-balanced",
  string(5) "TRUNK"

24. Get the cart items list

try {

    // Create an AccountsController
    $objController = new AccountsController();

    // Get the list of items from the cart 7 for account "997766554" using filter (page = 1) and (limit = 10) default values
    $objResponse = $objController->getItems("997766554", 7);
    $arrItem = $objResponse->data->results;
    // Get the list of items using filter (page = 2) and (limit = 5)
    $objResponse = $objController->getItems("997766554", 7, 2, 5);
    $arrItem = $objResponse->data->results;

} catch (APIException $e) {

25. Delete the cart items list

try {

    // Create an AccountsController
    $objController = new AccountsController();

    // Delete the list of items from the cart 7 for account "997766554"
    $objController->deleteItems("997766554", 7);

} catch (APIException $e) {

26. Get a cart item

try {

    // Create an AccountsController
    $objController = new AccountsController();

    // Get the items from the cart 7 for account "997766554" with id equal 9
    $objResponse = $objController->getItem("997766554", 7, 9);
    $objItem = $objResponse->data;

} catch (APIException $e) {

27. Delete a cart item

try {

    // Create an AccountsController
    $objController = new AccountsController();

    // Get the items from the cart 7 for account "997766554" with id equal 9
    $objResponse = $objController->getItem("997766554", 7, 9);
    $objItem = $objResponse->data;
    // Check the item type ('TRUNK', 'DID' or 'LOCATION')
    if($objItem->item_type == 'TRUNK')
        // Delete the item with id equal 9 from the cart 7 for account "997766554"
        $objController->deleteItem("997766554", 7, 9);

} catch (APIException $e) {

28. Checkout a Cart

try {

    // Create Checkout object with using and external reference
    // "1234567899000dfhdfhdf1234"

    // External reference could be a generated string
    $objCheckout = new Checkout("1234567899000dfhdfhdf1234");

    // Create a checkout form using the checkout object
    $checkoutForm = new CartCheckoutForm($objCheckout);

    // Checkout Cart with id 3 in account "997766554"
    $response  = $objController->createCartCheckout("997766554", 3, $checkoutForm);

    // Getting Order id generated by the cart checkout
    $intOrderId = $response->order_id;

} catch (APIException $e) {

This is the full response (Checkout Cart) example

object(stdClass)#17 (5) {
  string(28) "1234567899000dfhdfhdf1234eee"
  string(24) "2016-03-11T21:16:25+0000"

  string(1) "2"
  array(1) {
    object(stdClass)#18 (9) {
      string(1) "1"
      string(8) "COMPLETE"
      string(5) "TRUNK"
      string(15) ""
      string(7) "sms,fax"
      string(115) "{"sip_user":"sip_user_1","logic":"load-balanced",
      string(10) "WORLD_WIDE"
1  ["account_number"]=>
  string(9) "997766554"

29. Get Order status

try {

    $intOrderId = ...    
    $response = $objController->getOrder("997766554", $intOrderId);
    $strStatus = $response->data->status; 
} catch (APIException $e) {

30. Get the list of cdr request for an account

try {

    // Create an AccountsController
    $objController = new AccountsController();

    // Get the list of cdr request for account "997766554" using filter (page = 1) and (limit = 10) default values
    $objResponse = $objController->getCdrs("997766554");
    $arrCDR = $objResponse->data->results;
    // Get the list of cdr request for account "997766554" using filter (page = 2) and (limit = 5)
    $objResponse = $objController->getCdrs("997766554", 2, 5);
    $arrCDR = $objResponse->data->results;
    // Get the list of cdr request for account "997766554" using filter (page = 1) and (limit = 2) 
    // and filter (service_type = "ORIGINATION")
    $objResponse = $objController->getCdrs("997766554", 1, 2, "service_type::ORIGINATION");
    $arrCDR = $objResponse->data->results;

} catch (APIException $e) {

31. Create a cdr for an account

try {

    // Create an AccountsController
    $objController = new AccountsController();

    // Create a cdr for account "997766554" for a service type "TERMINATION"
    // Service type could be "ORIGINATION" or "TERMINATION"
    $objCDR = new Cdrs("TERMINATION", "2016-01-13", "2016-01-13");
    $objForm = new CdrForm($objCDR);
    // Save cdr object
    $objCDR = $objController->createCdrs("997766554", $objForm);

} catch (APIException $e) {

32. Delete the list of cdr request for an account

try {

    // Create an AccountsController
    $objController = new AccountsController();

    // Delete the cdrs list for account "997766554"

} catch (APIException $e) {

33. Delete a cdr for an account by id

try {

    // Create an AccountsController
    $objController = new AccountsController();

    // Delete the cdrs for account "997766554" with id 2
    $objController->deleteCdrById("997766554", 2);

} catch (APIException $e) {

34. Get the list of numbers (Dids) for an account

try {

    // Create an AccountsController
    $objController = new AccountsController();

    // Get the Dids list for account "997766554" using filter (page = 1) and (limit = 10) default values
    $objResponse = $objController->getDids("997766554");
    $arrDid = $objResponse->data->results;
    // Get the Dids list for account "997766554" using filter (page = 1) and (limit = 5)
    // and filter (region_handle::FL)
    $objResponse = $objController->getDids("997766554", 1, 5, "region_handle::FL");
    $arrDid = $objResponse->data->results;

} catch (APIException $e) {

35. Delete the list of numbers (Dids) for an account

try {

    // Create an AccountsController
    $objController = new AccountsController();

    // Delete the Dids list for account "997766554"

} catch (APIException $e) {

36. Get a telephone number (Did) for an account

try {

    // Create an AccountsController
    $objController = new AccountsController();

    // Get the Did for account "997766554" with number "13211234567"
    $objResponse = $objController->getTelephoneNumber("997766554", "13211234567");
    $objDid = $objResponse->data;

} catch (APIException $e) {

37. Update a telephone numbers (Dids) for an account

try {

    // Create an AccountsController
    $objController = new AccountsController();

    // Create the routing to be updated
    $objRouting = new RoutingBase(
                               array(new Endpoint("", "maxChannels=10"))
    $objTelephoneNumber = new TelephoneNumber(4, "", "My new did alias", 5, $objRouting);
    $objTelephoneNumberForm = new TelephoneNumberForm($objTelephoneNumber);
    $objController->updateTelephoneNumber("997766554", "13211234567", $objTelephoneNumberForm);

} catch (APIException $e) {

38. Delete a telephone numbers (Dids) for an account

try {

    // Create an AccountsController
    $objController = new AccountsController();

    // Delete Dids for account "997766554" with number "13211234567"
    $objController->deleteTelephoneNumber("997766554", "13211234567");

} catch (APIException $e) {