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Folder structure of an application

zucchetti-mklein edited this page May 31, 2022 · 1 revision
│   ├───AddOnsInventory
│   │   └───Obj
│   │       └───Debug
│   │           └───AddOnsInventory.tlog
│   ├───AddOnsItems
│   │   └───Obj
│   │       └───Debug
│   │           └───AddOnsItems.tlog
│   ├───Componentslib
│   │   └───Obj
│   │       └───Debug
│   │           └───Componentslib.tlog
│   ├───DatabaseScript
│   │   ├───Create
│   │   │   └───All
│   │   └───Upgrade
│   │       └───All
│   │           ├───Release_2
│   │           ├───Release_3
│   │           └───Release_4
│   ├───Dbl
│   │   └───Obj
│   │       └───Debug
│   │           └───Dbl.tlog
│   ├───Documentlib
│   │   └───Obj
│   │       └───Debug
│   │           └───Documentlib.tlog
│   ├───EFCore
│   ├───Files
│   │   └───Images
│   ├───Menu
│   ├───ModuleObjects
│   │   ├───CDCollectionItems
│   │   │   └───JsonForms
│   │   ├───CDLoadBoxInventoryReasons
│   │   │   └───JsonForms
│   │   ├───CollectionsCopy
│   │   │   └───JsonForms
│   │   ├───DBoxes
│   │   │   ├───Description
│   │   │   └───JsonForms
│   │   └───DCollection
│   │       ├───Description
│   │       └───JsonForms
│   └───ReferenceObjects

An application can have multiple modules.
In this case the application Comics has a single module named comics.
Inside of the module folder are the libraries AddOnsInventory, AddOnsItems, Componentslib, Dbl and Documentlib. Each type of library will be explained later on.
The DatabaseScript folder contains the SQL-Scripts which prepare the database for the necessary data (e.g. adding fields or tables).
The Files folder contains assets needed by the application (e.g. images).
The Menu folder contains the menu elements that are visible in the main menu of Mago4.
The ModuleObjects folder conains the definition of the graphical elements of each document (tbjson files) as well as all the objects used by the module, which will be explained later.
The ReferenceObjects folder contains the definition of the defined hotlinks in the application.