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Releases: Mahdi-zarei/nekoray


11 Jul 04:30
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This is a small bugfix release

  • Fix a bug where configurations that don't use DNS direct cannot be started
  • Fix TLS plugin not being included
  • Fix a visual bug in the TUN settings section
  • Fix log colors being wrong when starting with QDarkStyle theme on Linux systems


10 Jul 06:44
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  • Fix Updater (again)
  • Fix a crash when speedtesting groups
  • Add rule condition inbound
  • Add search functionality for Front and Landing proxies
  • Configure domain rules that use direct outbound to use Direct DNS 1
  • Improve themes and add the QDarkStyle theme 2
  • Fix Linux system proxy setter not working 3
  • Improve log visibility in dark mode
  • Fix Chinese bypass route profile missing cn_SITE rule-set
  • Other fixes and improvements

All rule conditions that match domains and use direct outbound will also be applied to dns direct rules. This will fix a slowdown reported in accessing domestic websites.

Since Qt does not properly handle dark mode in Linux based systems, a custom theme with dark color settings has been added for such environments.

Due to some library mismatch this feature was broken. The libxcb-cursor lib is no longer shipped with Nekoray, if the app failed to launch please make sure to manually install this library. For ubuntu sudo apt-get install -y libxcb-cursor-dev can be used. For other distros, please find out which package provides this library and install it. In case the app did not run even with the said steps taken, please run ./launcher in terminal and then copy LD_LI... ./nekoray and run it in the terminal, it will report the missing library which then you can install manually. Also please report the missing library in issues so that it can be shipped if needed.

  • This version has been re-released once to hotfix a bug regarding an error with system proxy set when allow other devices to connect is on.


28 Jun 20:55
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  • Fix external core config build
  • New Linux Build system 1
  • Add Win7 Build 2
  • Add a pop up to restart the core when Tun is misbehaving
  • Improve themes and Remove legacy themes
  • Upgrade Qt to 6.7.2
  • Fix direct speed not being shown
  • Remove unused UI elements
  • Fix macOS Tun Interface name 3
  • Add built-in Routing profiles to bypass Iran and China traffic
  • Add context menu to Group tab for easier management
  • Update translations ( Thanks @xchacha20-poly1305 )
  • Other fixes and improvements

The new Linux build uses common tools and uses the latest Qt version. If you encountered any bugs regarding necessary Libraries when starting the Launcher, report them in the issues.

This build uses a Core built with Go 1.20, to run it, you need to use , Only gVisor Tun mode works on Windows 7.

macOS does not provide a way to ask for administration privileges, to use Tun Mode you need to run nekoray as root.


16 Jun 17:53
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  • Fixed bugs related to update button
  • Fixed bugs related to configuration testing
  • Fixed a bug concerning proxy outbound in routing sections
  • This release has been re-released to fix a small bug regarding the update button


16 Jun 08:32
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4.0.8-beta.1 Pre-release
  • Fix an issue with configuration that used IP and not domain
  • Minor improvements


15 Jun 23:33
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4.0.7 Pre-release
  • Important: This release introduces numerous changes, keep a backup of the previous copy in case something goes too wrong.
  • Updated sing-box to 1.9.3
  • Redesigned the routing section 1
  • Added an option to allow adjusting the clash API's listen address
  • Fixed an issue with keyboard navigation (Thanks @TheWeirdDev)
  • Fixed using deprecated golang APIs (Thanks @xchacha20-poly1305)
  • Removed unused GUI sections
  • Added darwin builds 2

This allows for intricate routing rules, but there might still be some bugs, report them if you encountered any.

These builds have not been tested and thus are considered experimental, provide feedback about any problems you encounter.

  • This Release has been re-released multiple times due to broken linux builds. Linux build may still face more bugs than other platforms, this is due to a very messy and undocumented build workflow that has been inherited from the original project. If you faced serious issues while using nekoray for Linux, please fallback to the latest stable release until the build pipeline gets properly configured.


24 May 21:08
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  • Fix Update Button suggesting incorrect old updates
  • Fix Brutal Settings not being persisted
  • Add disable traffic report (Might improve ping and performance)
  • Fix core being exhausted after excessive profile starts
  • Update sing-box to 1.9.0-rc.22


15 May 21:11
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  • Added Toggle Proxy Hotkey
  • Upgraded The Subscription File parser ( See ReadMe )
  • Added Landing Proxy Setting To Groups
  • Improved Profile Selection For Landing And Front Proxy Settings
  • Upgraded Sing-box To 1.9.0-rc.18


07 May 11:47
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Updated sing-box to 1.9.0-rc.15
Added TCP Brutal support
Added GSO support for Linux devices
Added NTP Client support
Minor improvements


30 Apr 10:08
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Updated sing-box to 1.9.0-rc.14
Added import/export feature for mux and UoT
Enabled httpupgrade transport
Removed Support for Xray and Port hopping (hysteria)
Simplified the structure of the project and its dependencies