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Made by Aakash Ramaswamy and Sivagnanam Maheshwaran.

TroopTrak 🚀


Your Comprehensive Military Management App

TroopTrak is a cutting-edge mobile application designed for military organizations, built using Dart and Flutter. It streamlines the management and tracking of soldiers, conducts, duties, and more, offering a seamless user experience.

TroopTrak Demo Video

Installation Guide

Android Users:

  1. Download the APK file from here on your mobile phone.
  2. Open the file with a "Package Installer."
  3. Click "Install" to initiate the installation process.
  4. If prompted with a security warning, select "Install anyway."
  5. Opt for "Don't send" if prompted for a security check.
  6. Open the installed "TroopTrak” app and enjoy!

iOS Users:

Access the application through an online Android emulator here.

Login Details

Commander View:

Man View:

  • Mobile Number: 98765432
  • OTP: 123456

Software Engineering Principles


  • User Interface Widgets: Dividing UI elements into reusable modules for better code readability and flexibility.
  • Attendance and Statuses Tracking: Separate document subcollections for efficient data organization and access.
  • Conducts and Duties Management: Structured collection with specific fields for conduct and guard duty information.

DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) Principle

  • Add and Edit Screens: Reusing the same UI components with parameterization for efficient functionality.
  • Version Control with Git and GitHub: Implementing branching and pull requests for effective collaboration without code duplication.

Version Control

  • Branching: Creating separate branches for distinct features and ensuring smooth integration with the main branch.
  • Pull Requests: Facilitating a formal review process before merging changes, ensuring accountability and minimizing conflicts.

Project Management

  • Sprint Cycles and Timeline: Organizing work into weekly sprints with specific goals and deliverables.
  • Kanban Board: Tracking feature implementation status and progress in a clear and organized manner.
  • Regular Communication: Employing both live and asynchronous communication for effective collaboration and problem-solving.

Use of Design Patterns

  • Observer Pattern: Enabling real-time data updates and seamless communication between UI elements.
  • State Management: Implementing centralized data management and application state handling for enhanced user experience.


  • Dashboard: Overview of key metrics and real-time information for efficient decision-making.
  • Conduct Tracker: Monitoring and managing conduct-related activities with detailed tracking features.
  • Guard Duty Tracker: Planning, scheduling, and overseeing guard duty activities seamlessly.
  • User Authentication: Secure login and access control for different user roles and permissions.
  • Nominal Roll: Comprehensive list of all soldiers with essential details for reference and management.
  • Detailed Information Screen: Individual screens for each soldier with in-depth information and data representation.
  • Sync Calendar Extension: Integration with external calendar systems for synchronized event tracking and management.
  • Access Control: Implementation of hierarchical access levels for improved data security and management.
  • QR Scanner and Generator: Integration of QR code functionalities for streamlined data retrieval and validation.

Known Issues

  • Heavy reliance on user inputs without a means for assessment
  • Security concerns and lack of multiple access levels
  • Limited access to MINDEF Intranet for streamlined data retrieval
  • Slow loading due to real-time data updates
  • Cross-platform compatibility issues, particularly with iOS devices

We are actively working on resolving these issues to enhance the app's functionality and security.

TroopTrak is a work in progress, and we are dedicated to continuously improving its features and usability. Join us on this journey to revolutionize military management.