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Mahmoud Mabrok Fouad edited this page Apr 20, 2020 · 2 revisions


  • model contains code deals with data such as local database using Room, remote that send audio files to api developed using flask and retrieve corresponding text.
  • feature screens that appear to user (home activity, SuralList, Listen Fragment, ..etc).
  • util
    utilities classes(date operation, parser for json, some text processing).

1. model

contains sub-packages

  • local :- deals with local data using Room, contains Entities, Dao, Database class some entities

    • AyahItem, SuraItem.
  • remote :- connect to api developed by flask using Retrofit

    • use model classes used to convert Responce of networking calls into Java Objects such as

    • use MLModelService to define GET and POST calls.

    • ApiClient create singleton instance from Retrofit with defing baseUrl.

  • repository it uses reposotory-like pattern to provide access to all data sources (local, remote) from only one place.

2. feature.

each feature represent a screen to user, contains logic and ui for it.

  • home_Activity: home & launcher activity for app. control fragments used with PageSliding such as (ListenFragment,SuralListFragment, .. etc). it include these fatures

    • ListenFragment: allow user to select ayahs and listen to them, with text is appeared on screen, user can control playback.
    • SuralListFragment: display list of surahs of quran, user click on sura to open, read it.
    • TafseerDetails: display tafseer of ayahs, allow user to select sura & ayah num to show its tafseer.
    • TestQuran : test save of user by two main methods:-
      • Text: which allow user to write quran and app will evalute it and get results with score
      • Sound: which allow user to record ayahs and upload it, then get results.
    • test_sound: test quran iwth sound contails
      • RecordFragment:- allow user to record.
      • RecordList: show saved records with score & upload audio to be evaluated.
    • ReadLog: that store pages user read. Display every day with pages user read, its count.
    • Bookmark: display bookmarks user saved while reading and allow deleting & navigate to page saved with bookmark.
  • ayahs_search: search of ayahs with display count of results, get with some options:-

    • show tafseer of ayah.
    • play sound of it.
    • open page that contains that ayah.
  • Download :- download Quran & Tafseer and ayahs audio files.

  • Setting :- select modes of read:-

    • Night mode.
    • Normal mode:- here user select background color for ayahs.
  • scores :- display score of user, collect from quran test tries.

3. Util

some util classes used as helper classes.

  • Constants : contain constants used in app such as KEYS for intents, bundle.
  • Data : contains list of surahsnames.
  • DateOperation : some date operation such as getCurrentDate formated, get current day, month, year.
  • TestText :- used to evalute texts and provide score.
  • Util : some util functions such as (parse json, create dialoge, span texts, check internet connection, ...etc).
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