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A workflow descriptive steps for the comparison of AFs and Genotypes among the Egyptian population genome database and the 1000 genome different subpopulations.


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GenoVis(Genomic Visualization and Insight System)

A workflow descriptive pipline for the comparison of AFs and Genotypes among the Egyptian population genome database and the 1000 genome different subpopulations for the genes responsible for the 4 metabolic diseases [Diabetes,Obesity,Hypertension,hyperlipidemia].Total of 19 genes were found to be sharing variants of the 4 diseases [ALDH2, APOE, CDKAL1, FTO, GIPR, HECTD4, LPL, MIR642A, MIR642B, MIR6761, OAS1, PDILT, POC5, PPARG, RNU6-680P, RPL7AP60, SLC39A8, TOMM40, UMOD].The aim for this project is to step on the genetic distance among the 1000 genome populations and the Egyptian one in those speicif diseases. Data for this project was obtained from [Wohlers, I., Künstner, A., Munz, M. et al. An integrated personal and population-based Egyptian genome reference. Nat Commun 11, 4719 (2020).].

Genes Data Pre-processing

1- 1000 genome 19 genes files indexing, concatenation, Deduplication, and normalization to Biallelic

mkdir analysis
cd ~/EgyRef/2022.metabolic_elhadidi \ 
;readarray -t genes < genes \
; for i in ${genes[@]}; do bcftools index ${i}/${i}_1000g.vcf.gz; done \ 
;bcftools concat -D -a -o analysis/genes_1000_DEDUP -O z */*_1000g.vcf.gz && bcftools norm -m-any -o analysis/genes_1000_DEDUP_biallelic.vcf.gz -O z analysis/genes_1000_DEDUP

2- EGYREF 19 genes files concatenation, Deduplication, and normalization to Biallelic

for i in ${genes[@]}; do bcftools index ${i}/${i}_egyptians.vcf.gz; done \
; bcftools concat -D -a -o analysis/genes_EGYREF_DEDUP -O z */*_egyptians.vcf.gz && bcftools norm -m-any -o analysis/genes_EGYREF_DEDUP_biallelic.vcf.gz -O z analysis/genes_EGYREF_DEDUP

3- Creation of the intermediate files needed for the extraction of the Allele frequenceies for each subpopulation variant in the 1000 genome

In this step we aim to create a tab separated subfile from the orginial VCF file to be used as a grep target for the next step

zcat analysis/genes_1000_DEDUP_biallelic.vcf.gz| awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\t"} gsub (";","\t",$8)' | cut -f 1-17 > analysis/1000_all_tab

Column 8 contains the info for the AFs of the individual subpopulations so we aim to change its separator to make each subpopulation in a separate columns and then cut all the needed information only

4- Same Creation of the intermediate file needed for the extraction of the Allele frequenceies for the variants in the EGYREF genome

zcat analysis/genes_EGYREF_DEDUP_biallelic.vcf.gz | sed '/^#/d' |sed 's/;/\t/g'| cut -f 1-9 | sed 's/chr//g' > analysis/EGYREF_all_tab

EGYREF VCF file chromosome field was normalized like the previous 1000g file by removing the "chr" from the begining of each entry at the first column

6- creating a list that contains all the chr_position from the 2 concatenated VCF files to be used as the base of the joining process in the next step

(cat analysis/1000_all_tab | cut -f 1,2 | sed 's/\t/_/g' && cat analysis/EGYREF_all_tab | cut -f 1,2 | sed 's/\t/_/g')|sort | uniq > analysis/EGYREF_1000g_all_chr_positions  

7- creation of the subpopulations' AFs files based on the existence of an AF value for such a chromosome_position in each subpopulation

To do so we have to join the 2 files [EGYREF_1000g_all_chr_positions] and [1000_all_tab] based on the chromosome and position and then check for the state of AF if it euqals zero or not. By the end we'll have 5 files for each subpopulation that contains the variants that exist in each of them resembled by chr_position_Alternative allele to be used for the intersection and comparison in the next step

Here we Will be using a bash script like follows:

cd analysis ; \
nano script
#! /bin/bash
readarray -t pop < pop;
readarray -t colnum < colnum; 
sed -i 's/_/\t/g' EGYREF_1000g_all_chr_positions;
for i in {0..4};
	awk -v j="${colnum[i]}" 'NR==FNR{a[$1,$2]=$3;next} ($1,$2) in a{print $1,$2,$5,$j,$3, a[$1,$2]}' EGYREF_1000g_all_chr_positions  1000_all_tab|
		 sed "s|${pop[i]}_AF=||g" |awk '$4 !=0 {print}' > "${pop[i]}"_sub_SharedPositions_AF &&
			sed 's/ /\t/g' "${pop[i]}"_sub_SharedPositions_AF|cut -f 1,2,3| sed 's/\t/_/g' > "${pop[i]}"_sub_SharedPositions;
bash script

"pop" is a list that contains names of the subpopulations [EAS,AMR,AFR,EUR,SAS] each in a line. While "colnum" is another list with the same length that contains the column numbers where each subpopulation's AF exists [13,14,15,16,17] repectively.

8- creation of the the EGYREF AF list

awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\t"} NR==FNR{a[$1,$2]=$3;next} ($1,$2) in a{print $1,$2,$5,$9,$3, a[$1,$2]}' EGYREF_1000g_all_chr_positions EGYREF_all_tab > EGYREF_SharedPositions_AF && cut -f 1,2,3 EGYREF_SharedPositions_AF| sed 's/\t/_/g' > EGYREF_SharedPositions

Populations genotype principal component analysis (PCA) extraction

mkdir plink ; cd plink

1- Samples sorting ,indexing and finally Annotating the IDs both EGYREF and 1000g

bcftools sort ../genes_EGYREF_DEDUP_biallelic.vcf.gz -o genes_EGYREF_DEDUP_biallelic_sorted.vcf.gz -O z ;bcftools index genes_EGYREF_DEDUP_biallelic_sorted.vcf.gz ;bcftools annotate -Ob -x ID -I +'%CHROM:%POS:%REF:%ALT' genes_EGYREF_DEDUP_biallelic_sorted.vcf.gz  -o EGYREF.vcf.gz -O z
bcftools sort ../genes_1000_DEDUP_biallelic.vcf.gz -o genes_1000_DEDUP_biallelic_sorted.vcf.gz -O z ;bcftools index genes_1000_DEDUP_biallelic_sorted.vcf.gz ;bcftools annotate -Ob -x ID -I +'%CHROM:%POS:%REF:%ALT' genes_1000_DEDUP_biallelic_sorted.vcf.gz -o 1000g.vcf.gz -O z 

2- Files preparation for the merging process using R

zcat EGYREF.vcf.gz | sed '/^##/d' > EGY.tsv; sed -i 's/chr//g' EGY.tsv
zcat 1000g.vcf.gz | sed '/^##/d' > g1000.tsv

3- Joining the 2 files to get the common IDs with their samples genotypes in one file

merged <-join(x= EGY,y = g1000, by="ID",type ="inner",match="all")
write.table(merged,quote = FALSE,row.names = FALSE,sep = "\t","~/EgyRef/2022.metabolic_elhadidi/analysis/plink/merged.vcf")

4- Clean the merge output from the extra columns and adjust the header for the bcftools to recognize it

cat merged.vcf | cut -f 120-127 --complement| sed '1s/^/#/' > merged_complete.vcf
zcat ../genes_EGYREF_DEDUP_biallelic.vcf.gz | grep "##" > header; cat header merged_complete.vcf > temp; mv temp merged_complete.vcf

5- bcftools final sorting and indexing before going to the plink

bgzip merged_complete.vcf; tabix merged_complete.vcf.gz
bcftools sort merged_complete.vcf.gz -o merged_complete_sorted.vcf.gz -O z ; bcftools index merged_complete_sorted.vcf.gz

6- making the bed file required for the plink

Here we're using plink v2

plink2 --vcf merged_complete_sorted.vcf.gz --vcf-idspace-to _ --const-fid --allow-extra-chr 0 --make-pgen --sort-vars --out genes_all  --vcf-half-call r
plink2 --pfile genes_all --make-bed --out genes_all 

7- Variants Pruning with MAF=0.05 and indep-pairwise 50 5 0.5 and exclusion of the pruned varianted

mkdir pruned && cd pruned
plink2 --bfile ../genes_all --maf 0.05 --indep-pairwise 50 5 0.5 --out genes_all; plink2 --bfile ../genes_all --extract --make-bed --out genes_all

8- extraction of the eigen values and eigen vectors of the PCA

mkdir PCA && cd PCA
plink2 --bfile ../genes_all --pca

R analysis and visualization

1- Subpopulation lists intersection with the Egyptian list

UpSetR package was used to draw the intersection of the six populations’ lists

x <- list('AFR'=AFR_sub_SharedPositions$V1, 'EGYREF'=EGYREF_SharedPositions$V1, 
      'AMR'= AMR_sub_SharedPositions$V1,'EUR'= EUR_sub_SharedPositions$V1,
      'SAS' = SAS_sub_SharedPositions$V1 )

upset(fromList(x),sets = c("EGYREF","AFR","AMR","EAS","EUR","SAS"),sets.x.label="Sets Size",
      show.numbers = "yes",line.size = 0.5,set_size.numbers_size=10,set_size.scale_max= 70000
      , = "freq",matrix.color = "gray32", = "brown",,"blue4",point.size = 2,text.scale=c(1.3, 1.4, 1.3, 1, 1.3, 1.1))

2- Allele Frequencies heatmap and PCA Visualization

(1) Join function in R “plyr” package was used on the 1000 and the Egyptian genome files based on the chromosome, position, and alternative allele columns

joined <- join(x= all_tab_1000,y = all_tab_Egyref, by= c("V1"="V1","V2"="V2","V5"="V5"),type ="inner",match="all")
write.table(joined,sep = "\t","~/EgyRef/2022.metabolic_elhadidi/analysis/joined")

(2) AFs [joined] table is Prepared for a heatmap to be drawn

cd ~/EgyRef/2022.metabolic_elhadidi/analysis
sed -i 's/"//g' joined; \
sed 's/NA/0/g' joined| sed 's/EAS_AF=//g'| sed 's/AMR_AF=//g'|sed 's/EUR_AF=//g' | sed 's/AFR_AF=//g'| sed 's/SAS_AF=//g'|cut -f 2,3,6,14-18,24 |sed 's/AF=//g'|sed '1d' |sed '1i\Chr\tPosition\tALT_Allele\tEAS_AF\tAMR_AF\tAFR_AF\tEUR_AF\tSAS_AF\tEGYREF_AF' > joined_full

Note: A possible pruning for the AFs based on the AF value if it happened to be large number of records that cannot fit the Heatmap would look like this:

cd ~/EgyRef/2022.metabolic_elhadidi/analysis ; \
nano AF_prune
#! /bin/bash
readarray -t colnum < col ;
sed -i 's/"//g' joined;
sed 's/NA/0/g' joined| sed 's/EAS_AF=//g'| sed 's/AMR_AF=//g'|sed 's/EUR_AF=//g' | sed 's/AFR_AF=//g'| sed 's/SAS_AF=//g'|sed 's/AF=//g' > joined_temp
for i in {0..5};

        awk -v j="${colnum[i]}" 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"} { if ($j >= 0.05) {print; next}}' joined_temp| cut -f 2,3,6,14-18,24 \
                |sed '1i\Chr\tPosition\tALT_Allele\tEAS_AF\tAMR_AF\tAFR_AF\tEUR_AF\tSAS_AF\tEGYREF_AF' > joined_full
done; rm joined_temp
bash AF_prune

here the record of the variant would be dropped out if it happened to be less than 0.05 in any population

(3) heatmap Visualization

All_var <- joined_full[,-3][,-2][,-1]
matrix <- as.matrix(All_var)
pheatmap::pheatmap(mat = matrix,scale = "column", cellheight = 0.02, cellwidth = 60 ,main = "Common positions Allele Frequencies",
                   labels_col =c("EAS","AMR","AFR","EUR","SAS","EGYREF"),angle_col = 315,
                   fontsize_col= 13,cluster_cols= TRUE, cluster_rows= TRUE, color=colorRampPalette(c("navy", "white", "red"))(50) )

(4) calculation and visualization the AFs' PCA

#Load needed libraries 
#Load the main file AF
joined_full <- data.frame(read.table("~/EgyRef/2022.metabolic_elhadidi/analysis/joined_full"
                                     , header=TRUE, skip=0,))
#Convert the data frame to a matrix and clean the first 3 columns to retain only numbers  
pop_mat <- as.matrix(joined_full[,-3][,-2][,-1])
#Transpose the matrix
pop_mat_t <- t(pop_mat)
#extract populations' names and set the populations' names as to be used as metadata 
x <- colnames(pop_mat)
pop<- data.frame(x)
#Calculate the PCA
PCA <- prcomp(pop_mat_t,rank. = 3)
#check the Cumlative proportions for each PC
PCA_Summary <- summary(PCA)
PCA_importance <- PCA_Summary$importance
#extract the PCA components
components <- PCA[['x']]
components <- data.frame(components)
# PCs proportion of variances
PC1_proportion <- PCA_importance[2,1]
PC2_proportion <- PCA_importance[2,2]
PC3_proportion <- PCA_importance[2,3]
#Plotting the PCA in 2D brewer.pal(n = 8, name = "Set1")
tit = 'PCA Populations total variations'
fig <- plot_ly(components, x=components$PC1,y=components$PC2, color = pop$x, colors = brewer.pal(n = 8, name = "Set1")  , name = pop$x) %>%
  add_markers(size = 20)
fig <- fig %>%
    title = tit,
    xaxis=list(title=paste0("PC1 (", scales::percent(PC1_proportion),")")),
    yaxis=list(title=paste0("PC2 (", scales::percent(PC2_proportion),")")),
    scene = list(bgcolor = "#e5ecf6")


# Create a data frame with PC1, PC2, and pop$x columns
df <- data.frame(PC1 = components$PC1, PC2 = components$PC2, Populations = pop$x)

# Set the color palette
color_palette <- brewer.pal(n = 8, name = "Set2")

# Create the ggplot plot
ggplot(df, aes(x = PC1, y = PC2, color = Populations)) +
  geom_point(size = 4) +
  labs(title = tit,
       x = paste0("PC1 (", scales::percent(PC1_proportion), ")"),
       y = paste0("PC2 (", scales::percent(PC2_proportion), ")")) +
  scale_color_manual(values = color_palette) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype = "solid", color = "black") +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "solid", color = "black") +
  theme_linedraw() +  # Optional: Apply a classic theme to the plot
  plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, vjust = 0.5)

3- Genotype PCA Visualization

** samples_names were extracted from the merged file and then joined with the meta data file downloaded from the 1000g website (Auton et al., 2015)to annotate the 1000g samples, while the rest 110 samples were the Egyptian samples obtained from (Wohlers et al., 2020).

#Loading needed libraries 
#Loading the EigenValues and EigenVectors
eigenvectors <- data.frame(read.table("~/EgyRef/2022.metabolic_elhadidi/analysis/plink/pruned/plink2.eigenvec"
                               , header=FALSE, skip=0,))
eigenvalues <- data.frame(read.table("~/EgyRef/2022.metabolic_elhadidi/analysis/plink/pruned/plink2.eigenval"
                                     , header=FALSE, skip=0,))
rownames(eigenvectors) <- eigenvectors[,2]
eigenvectors <- eigenvectors[,3:ncol(eigenvectors)]
#Check Summary 
#Getting the Proportion of Variances in different PCs
proportionvariances <- data.frame(PC = 1:10, proportionvariances = eigenvalues/sum(eigenvalues)*100)
#Visualization of the proportions of variances
a <- ggplot(proportionvariances,aes(x = PC,y=V1))+ geom_bar(stat = "identity")
a + ylab("Percentage variance explained") + theme_light()
# calculate the cumulative sum of the percentage variance explained 
#2D Basic plot 
plot(eigenvectors[,1], eigenvectors[,2])
#Loading the samples metadata (populations)
samples <- data.frame(read.table("~/EgyRef/2022.metabolic_elhadidi/analysis/plink/samples_pop_meta.csv"
                                 , header=FALSE, skip=0,sep = "\t"))
samples_names <- data.frame(read.table("~/EgyRef/2022.metabolic_elhadidi/analysis/plink/samples_names"
                                 , header=FALSE, skip=0,sep = "\t"))
#sorting the samples based on the first columns(names) by joining the 2 files from the 1000g website and the samples we had in our file
samples <- join(samples_names,samples,by="V1")

#Better looking Visualization with colors annotation 
names(eigenvectors)[1] <- "PC1"
names(eigenvectors)[2] <- "PC2"
names(eigenvectors)[3] <- "PC3"
names(eigenvectors)[4] <- "PC4"
names(eigenvectors)[5] <- "PC5"
PC1_proportion <- round(proportionvariances[1,2])/100 
PC2_proportion <- round(proportionvariances[2,2])/100 
PC3_proportion <- round(proportionvariances[3,2])/100 
tit = 'PCA genotypes'
### 2D
fig_2D <- plot_ly(eigenvectors,x= ~PC1,y= ~PC2, color = samples_annotation$V9, colors = brewer.pal(n = 8, name = "Set1")) %>%
  add_trace(type = "scatter", mode = "markers", marker = list(size = 5))%>%
    title = tit,
    xaxis=list(title=paste0("PC1 (", scales::percent(PC1_proportion),")")),
    yaxis=list(title=paste0("PC2 (", scales::percent(PC2_proportion),")")),
    scene = list(bgcolor = "white"),
    legend = list(itemclick = "toggleothers", itemsizing = "constant", itemwidth = 30, itemheight = 30)
      ) %>%
  config(toImageButtonOptions = list(
    format = "svg",
    filename = "GT_PCA_2d",
    width = 930,
    height = 540

### 3D
axx <- list(title=paste0("PC1 (", scales::percent(PC1_proportion),")"))
axy <- list(title=paste0("PC2 (", scales::percent(PC2_proportion),")"))
axz <- list(title=paste0("PC3 (", scales::percent(PC3_proportion),")"))

fig_3D <- plot_ly(eigenvectors,z= ~PC1,y= ~PC2,x=~PC3, color = samples_annotation$V9, colors = brewer.pal(n = 8, name = "Set1")) %>%
    add_trace(type="scatter3d",mode = "markers", marker = list(size = 2))%>%
    title = tit,
    scene = list(bgcolor = "white",xaxis=axz,yaxis=axy,zaxis=axx),
    legend = list(itemclick = "toggleothers", itemsizing = "constant", itemwidth = 30, itemheight = 30)
  config(toImageButtonOptions = list(
    format = "svg",
    filename = "GT_PCA_3d",
    width = 948,
    height = 600

# Create the ggplot
df <- data.frame(PC1 = eigenvectors$PC1, PC2 = eigenvectors$PC2, PC3 = eigenvectors$PC3)

ggplot_2D <- ggplot(df, aes(x = PC1, y = PC2, color = samples_annotation$V9)) +
  geom_point(size = 1) +
  labs(title = tit,
       x = paste0("PC1 (", scales::percent(PC1_proportion), ")"),
       y = paste0("PC2 (", scales::percent(PC2_proportion), ")") ) +
    scale_color_manual(values = brewer.pal(n = 8, name = "Set1")) +
  theme_minimal() +
  theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill = "white"),
        panel.grid = element_blank(),
        axis.line = element_line(color = "black"),
        axis.ticks = element_blank(),
        legend.position = "none")


A workflow descriptive steps for the comparison of AFs and Genotypes among the Egyptian population genome database and the 1000 genome different subpopulations.








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