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Project - a11y_tasks


This project is used to demonstrate a11y tests with a generated APEX application. This app can be installed with dbFlow:

  • clone the project: git clone
  • go into this folder: cd apex_a11y_demo_app
  • add dbFlow as submodul: git submodule update --init --recursive
  • run setup to configure project settings: .dbFlow/ --generate a11y_tasks --envonly
  • run setup to create user and workspace: .dbFlow/ --install
  • run inital deployment to create table and app: .dbFlow/ --init --version 1.0.0 --apply

If you don't want to use dbFlow, you can create the application by your own. This app was initaly made with the APEX Application wizard. Create an App from file and choose the demo dataset "Projects and Tasks".

dbFlow Summary

Your project a11y_tasks has been successfully created. Scripts have been added inside directory: db/_setup that allow you to create the respective schemas, workspaces as well as ACLs and features, as long as you specified them during the configuration.

a11y_tasks - directory structure

|-- _depot                 >> Path to store your build artifacts
|-- _logs                  >> Path to store installation logs to
|-- .dbFlow                >> dbFlow itself
|-- .hooks                 >> Scripts/Tasks to run pre or post deployment
|-- apex                   >> APEX applications in subfolders (f123)
|-- db                     >> All DB Schemas used
|   |-- _setup             >> Scripts to create schemas, features, workspaces, ...
|   |-- .hooks             >> Scripts/Tasks to run pre or post db schema deployments
|   |-- a11y_tasks         >> Main DB Schema mostly used for SingleMode
|-- reports                >> Place all your binaries for upload in a seperate folder here
|-- rest                   >> REST Modules
|   |-- access             >> Place all your privileges, roles and clients here (plsql)
|   |-- modules            >> The REST modules inside seperate folders
|-- static                 >> StaticFiles used to uploads go here (managed by dbFlux)
apply.env                  >> Environment configuration added to .gitignore
build.env                  >> Project configuration

To execute the installation just run: .dbFlow/ --install

For your daily work I recommend the use of the extension: dbFlux -

For more information refer to readme: .dbFlow/

To configure changelog settings, just modify corresponding parameters in build.env

Keep in mind that the script to create the workspace a11y_tasks will drop the one with the same name!

dbFlow CheatSheet

Setup / Configuration

Install setup (Only Once)

Prepared Scritps in folder db/_setup will be run

.dbFlow/ --install

!!! => Will remove users/schemas when running in force mode


Build initial deployment

All files will be bundeled and install files will be generated

.dbFlow/ --init --version 1.0.0

The deployment artefact will be placed in the configured depot folder

Apply initial deployment

Deplyment artifact will be unpacked in current folder and installation routines will run

.dbFlow/ --init --version 1.0.0

!!! Initial deployments will clear all included schemas at beginning

Build patch deployment

Any files that have been changed between commits, or between tags, will be bundled together and install files will be generated.

.dbFlow/ --patch --version 1.0.0 --start commit-a --end commit-b

Deployment artifact will be placed in configured depot folder

Apply initial deployment

Deployment artefact will be unpacked in current folder and installation routines will run

.dbFlow/ --patch --version 1.0.0


Demo Application to demonstrate accessibility checks






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