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Releases: Majestic-dev/Tester69

Tester69 Version 1.2.5

29 Mar 09:14
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With this release the project has switched it's python version to 3.12.1 due to certain features, that means this project will NOT work without 3.12.1


This is an early release of v1.3, but due to the economy system still not being interactive enough, I've decided to name it v1.2.5, because there are still some bigger changes that could be marked as a release

What's Changed

  • Changes in codebase

    • Everything is now logged to a separate file
    • Refactored everything to be in snake_case (why everything? idk)
    • Created a file for custom error throwing, currently only used for cooldown management, but maybe something else in the future
  • Features related to guilds

    • Added a giveaway system (including ending the giveaway immediately, rerolling the giveaway, etc.)
    • Added a ticketing system, this includes creating a panel and customizing it, and even editing the panel after
  • Economy

    • Added a new and unique mining system, which is fully customizable through the JSON file
  • Database

    • Added a separate database for the giveaways
    • Added a function to create a database backup
  • Paginator

    • Stopped using the old paginator and created my own one
    • Paginator consists of 5 buttons, where the middle button acts as a "stop" or a "jump to page" button

Full Changelog: v1.2...v1.2.5

Tester69 Version 1.2

06 Sep 17:12
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Tester69 v1.2

Hello everyone!
This is version 1.2 of Tester69, the biggest update by far I've EVER made.
This update includes a lot of features I would've never thought I'd add, especially the new DataManager replaced!

I hope you enjoy this update, a lot of effort has been put in to this and I am super proud of this so please star the project if you find it interesting/helpful

What's Changed

 - Moderation System
    * Improved muting and unmuting
    * Use the dispatch event for certain actions

- Logging System
    * Log deletion protection
    * Log moderation actions inside using dispatch events instead of inside the moderation commands

- Miscellaneous
    * Many miscellaneous commands to search random stuff, get random images, gifs, etc.

- Commands
    * Cooldowns for most commands using discord's built in cooldown system
    * Cooldowns using the new cooldown handler for longer duration commands (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly)

- Economy
    * Updated all the economy items and a command to view the descriptions of items
    * Banking system and a global leaderboard
    * Archived all gambling commands to ensure a safe future for Tester69 on discord, and blackjack being broken anyways

- Database
    * Migrated from a JSON database (if you call it a one) to PostgreSQL (asyncpg)

Full Changelog: v1.1...v1.2

Tester69 Version 1.1

14 Apr 16:59
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Tester69 v1.1

Hello once again!
This is v1.1 of Tester69, my discord bot project written in
I've cleaned a lot of code, made huge changes to some of the biggest features of my bot and added some new stuff
I hope you've enjoyed the journey so far if you've been here since the start.

I hope you enjoy the update! Please star the project to support me 🥰!

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.0...v1.1

Tester69 Version 1.0

27 Jan 19:35
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Tester69 V 1.0

Hello, this is Tester69 V 1.0.
In this release I've changed all commands to slash commands (Except sync which is for me [the owner] only),
I have made the code a lot cleaner and moved all different category commands into cogs.
I have also added tons of economy related commands, and a new moderation commands (Manually warning).

I hope you enjoy this update and star this project. It has been real fun coding this bot with the help of my cool friend Jakob#2222