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Storefront Core

This package contains an API wrapper around the Makaira API.

How to use

To get started you'll have to implement your own Makaira client. This can be done by creating a new class that extends from the Makaira class.

import { Makaira } from '@makaira/storefront-core'

class MakairaClient extends Makaira {
  apiUrl = 'https://[your-shop]'
  apiInstance = '[instance]'
  productsPerPage = 36

export const makairaClient = new MakairaClient()

You can now use the Makaira Client instance to perform all types of requests to the Makaira API.


const menuData = makairaClient.request('menu').fetch()
const searchData = makairaClient

In order to avoid having to call .fetch() on every request, especially when performing multiple requests at once, storefront-core provides a fetchMultiple utility function.

import { fetchMultiple } from '@makaira/storefront-core'

const [pageData, menuData] = fetchMultiple(


If you want to use this api client in a server side rendered context or have other needs to automate some of the request building away, you can always override the request method on the MakairaClient class.

Next.js example

// MakairaClient.ts
import type { FetchType, RequestBuilderMapping } from '@makaira/storefront-core'

class MakairaClient extends Makaira {
  request<T extends FetchType>(
    type: T,
    ctx?: NextPageContext
  ): RequestBuilderMapping[T] {
    const builder = super.request(type)

    // do something with the builder

    return builder

// server side data fetching
export async function getServerSideProps(ctx: GetServerSidePropsContext) {
  const menuData = makairaClient.request('menu', ctx)