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MalContentFL edited this page Aug 1, 2018 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the DayMc wiki!

Here is a full guide for the DayMc modpack, as it can be hard to explain everything through the quest book. If you have issues with this wiki or the pack, please submit an issue on our issue tracker here on Github.


Getting Started

Go over to the Twitch App and download the pack.

The world is scattered with torn towns, looming cities, and standalone structures courtesy of our amazing build team. In these towns a single point of interest, such as a factory or hospital spawns. These buildings are much harder than normal buildings, but have lots of loot and an NPC to trade and quest with.


Besides lots of combat and progression, this pack aims to grab the player's attention with improved aesthetics. A few mods include Dynamic Trees, Stellar Skies, Weather2, Hardcore Darkness, and Better Foliage. Crispy clouds and stellar skyboxes really grab your attention.


No world is safe from hostilities. These mobs are unforgiving and ever-evolving. Never go out at night. Creeper jockeys, armed raiders, and swarming zombies are the least of your worries in the world of DayMc.

Quests and NPCs

Questing is central to progression in this pack. In order to unlock chapters in the quest book, explore the world to find NPC's, who give you their journals to open the chapters. Each NPC also has expensive trades for epic and legendary loot.

The World

Outside of buildings, the world is much different compared to the vanilla or even most modded experiences. Trees are scarce and the earth is tough. The crust has been split into 5 layers to keep the player from mining down. Only stronger pickaxes can break the layers of limestone, brownstone, and basalt that guard the earth's treasures.