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Malcolm McLean edited this page Sep 1, 2016 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the Baby X wiki!

Let's try to get Baby X to take off.

The idea is that Baby X will be a simple, lightweight windowing system, and it will be a one-man job to port Baby X to any new system, allowing any Baby X program to run. It's not an attempt to bankrupt Apple and Microsoft by competing with those operating systems and Windowing environments, it provides a few simple facilities to get graphical program up and running, not a massive million lines of code feature set. It's an alternative to Qt if you want something less heavy, or to GTK if you want something that is more likely to scale to small or embedded systems.

Currently I'm trying to get the codebase into some sort of order. There are two real programs, BabyBridge, a playable contract bridge game, and WordCatch, which was designed to test out audio and realtime animations. It mocks up a little mobile phone game quite nicely.

Working towards v0.4. The goals for 0.4:

Integrate Windows and Linux. Widgets working. Audio system working on Windows and Linux. Documentation started.

Baby X is designed to be used with the Baby X resource compiler, a standalone project - you don't need to be developing for Baby X to find the resource compiler useful, but you will need the resource compiler to get images and fonts into Baby X.

The Linux bindings are a bit behind, though as the name suggests, Baby X was originally developed on Linux.

But Linux and Windows are now starting to merge, currently you compile from linux or windows directories No audio for Linux yet.

Here are the files which can be made portable easily:

BBX_Button.c BBX_ListBox.c bbx_graphicssupport.c BBX_Checkbox.c BBX_Menubar.c datepicker.c BBX_Colours.c BBX_MessageBox.c fixedfont.c BBX_EditBox.c BBX_RadioBox.c tabpanel.c BBX_FilePicker.c BBX_ScrollPanel.c tabpaneltest.c BBX_Font.c BBX_Spinner.c verattf.c BBX_LineEdit.c bbx_graphicscontext.c

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