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Based on the Roman Numerals Kata which is based on Roman Numerals Kata

Roman Numeral rules:

  • Roman numerals consist of the following letters: I, V, X, L, C, D, and M which mean one, five, ten, fifty, hundred, five hundred and one thousand respectively.
  • An example would be "XIV" + "LX" = "LXXIV" 
 Numerals can be concatenated to form a larger numeral ("XX" + "II" = "XXII").
  • If a lesser numeral is put before a bigger it means subtraction of the lesser from the bigger ("IV" 
means four, "CM" means ninehundred).
  • If the numeral is I, X or C you can't have more than three ("II" + "II" = "IV" not “IIII”).
  • If the numeral is V, L or D you can't have more than one ("D" + "D" = "M" not “DD”) The maximum roman numeral is 3999 (MMMCMXCIX) 


User Story: Addition

As a Roman bookkeeper, I want to be able to add two numbers together; so that I can do my work faster with fewer mathematical errors. 

User Story: Subtraction

As a Roman bookkeeper, I want to be able to subtract one number from another; so that I can do my work faster and with fewer mathematical errors.


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