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README Ultimate Cat Site

It has a header where you can navigate between 3 sites, the logo and the "Ultimate Cat Site" label navigates you to the same as Cat Facts.

Each site has different content:

  • Cat facts page contains cat facts
  • Saved Cat facts contains your saved cat fact (if you entered a username)
  • Picture of a cat shows you a picture of a cat

Under the header is a "Welcome" panel where you should give your username. Either Save Selected Facts nor Saved Facts would not work until you has not give a username!

Under this you find the content of the actual site.

  • If you are on the Cat fact page then you can see a checkbox on the left side of each fact. By clicking them they are added to a temporary list. After that when you click the Save Selected Items button they will be saved to your user profile. There are two other buttons to navigate between facts one for the previous 4 and one for the next 4.

  • If you are on the Saved Cat Facts page you see your username in uppercase letters and you can delete all the facts you saved, but then you have to log in again.

To make staying on this site more enjoyable there is an audio player, to play you cat purr for approx. 1.5 minute long. You can adjust the volume, play or stop the purr or set the time to play from and you can download this sound to your own device!

At the bottom of the page there is a button to show you the developer of the website, his University and Faculty and there is link to the source code of the website.