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Project 2 GA-SEI Full Stack Application

Live Site


  • Git clone this repo
  • Make a cloudinary account. get the required info
    • create an upload profile
    • upload your keys to the .env
  • Npm init and install
  • Uncomment the function in createTypes.js and run the file
  • You should be good to go.

The Daily User

Say you want to be able to make a plan for the day, either what you'll be doing, or what you need to be doing. pLan is the app for you! Create a pLan to keep track of what needs doing. If you love inspiration create a pLan with images, and text Spark your next idea

User Stories

  • as a user I would like to sign up for an account
  • as a user I would like to be able to log in and out of the website
  • as a user I would like to create personal pLans and keep track of them
  • as a user I would like to be able to edit my pLans and allow them to have photos if I so wish
  • as a user I would like to be able to delete my pLans if they have angered me
  • as a user I would like to see my pLans ordered neatly on the main page

What is it?

A personal planner

Create, Edit, and Schedule pLans. An intuitive and fun way of scheduling your week. Be the best you, you can be with pLans a new app from the developer that brought you Safe Space Dots Journey Home.

What API will I implement?


I will be relying on Cloudinary for media processing and editing.

Will I be using a CSS Framework?

Yes, Bootstrap 5 Tailwind

I will be using Bootstrap for the styling of the application as it is easy to use and very flexible in usage.

I've used Bootstrap before many times and I want to learn something new so I will be using Tailwind

What will be used for this Project?

As mentioned above I will be using Cloudinary, and Bootstrap. I will also be using Vanilla Javascript, HTML, CSS, Postgres, as well as an assortment of modules.

ERD and Wireframes


imgur, ERD

Main Screen

imgur, main screen

Content Screen

imgur, content screen

User Creation Screen and Form

imgur, user create screen

pLan Creation Screen and Form

imgur, pLan create screen

RESTful routing


Method Action Description
POST /users Create new user
GET /users/new Render form for creating new User
PUT /users/profile/edit Edit User
GET /users/profile show user main page


Method Action Description
GET /plans/all Show all pLans
POST /users/plans Create new pLan
GET /users/:id/plans/new Render form for creating new pLan
PUT /users/:id/plans Edit pLan
DELETE /users/plans/:id Delete pLan

MVP and Stretch Goals


To have a full MVP I will have

  • A functioning login, and authentication system
  • Clean and correct routes
  • A form for creating a new user, and pLan
  • A display of all existing pLans
  • Images for the user, and pLans
  • A well styled website

Stretch Goals

Stretch Goals I hope I can implement

  • Exporting pLans
  • Animations for creating and deleting pLans
  • PLan folders

Potential Roadblocks

Potential issues I could have

  • Formatting issues with content
  • Layout issues
  • Route issues

Post Project Reflection

This was a difficult project, I wasn't able to use cloudinary to the best of its abilities and I want to go back and do that. I also had some issues with routes. I did however get closer to understanding how I should break these projects down, and how to make an application that fits all my neeeds.

Proof of API usage
