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manish srivastava edited this page Mar 16, 2020 · 1 revision


The United Nations, in a 1950 statement, opted to “drop the term ‘race’ altogether and speak of “ethnic groups”. In this case, there are more than 5,000 ethnic groups in the world, according to a 1998 study published in the Scientific American.The word ‘RACE’ is used unintentionally in OSINT-HRH and requests you to treat it only as reference word for simplicity.

What Is OSINT?

If you’ve heard the name but are wondering what it means, OSINT stands for open source intelligence, which refers to any information that can legally be gathered from free, public sources about an individual or organization. In practice, that tends to mean information found on the internet, but technically any public information falls into the category of OSINT whether it’s books or reports in a public library, articles in a newspaper or statements in a press release. OS stands for Open Source while INT stand for Intelligent System. If you have data available from public / labs / hospitals / doctors then you can analyze it in different ways for betterment of Human Health races.

The Good OSINT vs Bad OSINT

A Good OSINT will help to use data and technology for future betterment while Bad OSINT is used by companies, hackers etc for commercial usage by fetching personal details etc. If we adopt these two definitions about good and bad OSINTs we will found that most of OSINTs are developed for Bad Cause. The Mission of HRH is to use technology & data for protecting human races from different health diseases caused by various pathogens ( not limited to virus, bacteria etc) , eating habits , genetic modified foods, parasites, mosquitoes, water etc . The Vision: To be a global Open source intelligent system that is available for free to all on Human Health diseases (Past+Present+Futures). It can be bridge between globally spread universities, labs, governments, pharmaceutical companies etc for analyzing and taking curative steps.

IT People + Biological People = Great OSINT

What we want to achieve?

1. User Friendly representation of data to common people on maps / data-tables/ graphs etc.

2. A global open database that can be used by universities, labs, doctors etc on various diseases.

3. A common global platform for keeping eye on diseases outbreaks and flow.

4. To Alarm a situation of disease based on numbers. This will help Governments to identify unknown geographical areas and take curative actions.

5. Low code system for freedom to create survey, Planning etc.

Are there any other systems like this? is open source but they are limited to pathogens only.

Further, there data is submitted by selected labs and universities. These data are more usable to scientists. They did wonderful work by covering countries but a locality data is missing. Everyone should thumb up for their wonderful work and keeping it open source.

So what is OSINT HRH?

It is not limited to pathogens only. Database of OSINT may get feed from various sources like websites, clinic management software and general public.

A representation is here:

Let us again come on what we want to achieve?

1.User Friendly representation of data to common people on maps / data-tables/ graphs etc.

Real case : Fluorosis ( change it with corona virus) Sonbhadra district of Uttar Pradesh, India was in news for natural reserves, but about 10,000 villagers of 269 villages here have become disabled due to fluorosis reportedly caused by air and water pollution. Fluorosis (flʊəˈrəʊsɪs,flɔːˈrəʊsɪs) A chronic condition caused by excessive intake of fluorine compounds, marked by mottling of the teeth and, if severe, calcification of the ligaments.

This means govt has to take steps. These figures may be less reported by government.

So if you are about to visit to Sonebhadra you will be alarmed by OSINT. Further, local authorities and universities will get suggestions from different labs/ universities around the world to tackle these problems. The analytic reports by local doctors (received on our free clinic software) will help to analyse the situation better. A university or lab thousands miles away can request for vital information from locals on form designed by them in low-code module.

Data availability?

As per this figure :

The data feeding will be from :

  1. Different opensource / non open source present databases on request.
  2. Data can be also submitted from Free HRH software for clinics , hospitals etc. This will provide them a global level software to run and to become part of Opensource .
  3. Data from public. We can tie up with different websites apps to add our link. Public can provide us anonymous data to play with.

2. A global open database that can be used by universities, labs, doctors etc on various diseases.*

Our database is opensource i.e available to everyone to use it. A global database on Fluorosis will help to study and counter the disease.

3. A common global platform for keeping eye on diseases outbreaks and flow.

See above figure showing button of help

*4. To Alarm a situation of disease based on numbers. *

This will help Governments to identify unknown geographical areas and take curative actions. See above figure Alarming situations in different parts of the world.

5. Low code system for freedom to create survey, Planning etc.

Low code will help universities/ labs/ etc to create a form to get feedback from others. IT team will concur view that it’s difficult and impossible to design a common form for every disease. Let’s give freedom to our scientists, researchers doctors etc to design their own form and get the data as they wish. Further certain vital information about disease can be lifted to database from free clinical software. The good thing about this free opensource software is that it will as per international standard.

Different Modules?

Broadly we can make define the projects into 4 teams. Each team will have their own modules:

1. Biomedical Team: members from universities, labs, research institutions, medical practitioners. The primary job is to tell Technical team what exactly they need. 2. Technical Team: IT software engineers who will deliver the project as per requirement of Biomedical team . 3. Expansion Team: Team expansion will contact different stakeholders to be part of it.also getting sponsors for this OSINT in there country. 4. Coordination Team: to coordinate between above 3 teams.

Backers Financial Help?

We want best minds to create and be part of this OSINT . 90% Sponsorship will be distributed among backers. 10 % is for maintaining servers etc.

Where to team up?

Github is best place 