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a4jp-com edited this page Sep 27, 2022 · 15 revisions


Usage and Workflow

Once activated, a new Snap Utilities panel will be added to the viewport toolbar, so long as a mesh object is selected. The toolbar is shown in both Object Mode and Edit Mode under the Snap Utilities tab. The basic workflow is to first select an object, select LINE tool, and perform the operation with the LMB, when satisfied, finalize the transaction with a double click of the RMB.

Using LINE tool

After selecting the first point with the "RMB" you can specify the length of the line just by typing a value and pressing "Enter". When approaching the cursor to a face, edge or vertex, the cursor is automatically snapped to the element - The cursor can also be snapped to center or perpendicular of an edge. The controllers "x", "y", "z" and "Shift" constrain the cursor movement around the highlighted element.

Using constraint Shift

The constraint key ‘Shift’ is useful for making parallel lines. To see this constraint working, you need to have your cursor over an edge.


Creating Faces

In version 3.9, was implemented the option "create faces". A face is defined by enclosed edges:


When it detected the drawing of a closed segment:

When the last vertex of the segment binds to an edge that connects another vertex of the segment:

When detected isolated edges loop:

When redrawn existing edges and the vertex of the last segment binds to an edge that connects another vertex of the segment:



'x' = Constrain the cursor movement along the x-axis

'y' = Constrain the cursor movement along the y-axis

'z' = Constrain the cursor movement along the z-axis

'Shift' = Constrain the cursor movement towards an edge

'Enter' = Confirms the numerical value written in the header for the line length

'LeftMouse' = Adds a point so you can draw a line

'RightMouse' = 1 click stops the line drawing tool. 2 clicks completes the line tool's execution

'TAB' = Snap limited to faces only

'ESC' = Cancel