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Health Wagon

Transforming Tomorrow with Affordable Tech Solutions Today.Simplifying Lives,Your go-to online destination for hassle-free gadget shopping, eliminating daily purchasing challenges.

Project Details

1. Project Demo URL:
2. Demo Video URL:
3. GitHub Repository URL:
4. Industry :Health Care

Roles and responsibilities

1.T. Kavya Sree (project management) :Manages the web development project.
2.T. Manohar(Deployment) :Deployment and maintenance of project infrastructure.
3.K. Mukesh goud (Documentation) :Responsible for managing the documentation process.
3.E. Vijaya lakshmi :Responsible for managing the documentation process.

Azure services used:

1. Azure blob storage
2. Storage account
3. Azure Backup service
4. Azure AI services
5. chatbot
6.Azure Role Based access Control(RBAC)

Problem Statement:

These days, many find it challenging to go to the hospital due to scheduling conflicts and time restraints. The "Medical Wagon" will help customers treat their health issues and save them time by offering online consultations. Patients can schedule appointments for at-home medical examinations. For the patients, it is very convenient and easy to use. It provides ENT, dental, eye care and skin treatments. This innovative approach ensures that emergency medical care and examinations are accessible.

Project Description:

A medical wagon is intended to offer ENT, dental, skin, and eye care services. Online doctor consultations offer patients the ease and comfort of home-based access to competent healthcare professionals. Patients can ask questions about their health, get medication refills, or have a virtual check-up. Accessing healthcare services is made easy and secure with the help of this platform. Key Features of medical wagon : Expertise Professionals: Professionals in the fields of ENT, dental, skin, and eye care comprise our platform. Our experts will provide you with guidance and support based on your health issue. Doorstep Consultations: Our team of skilled healthcare professionals can provide doorstep consultations that will provide you with comfort and certainty. You can make an appointment to save time and obtain expert medical advice without having to leave your house. Organizing Flexible Schedules: Due to today's fast-paced lifestyle and hectic schedules, there is less time. Locate a moment of spare time that works with your schedule and make contact with an expert specialist. Services Prescription: Our knowledgeable experts can easily supply online prescriptions and pharmaceuticals without requiring you to leave your house. Secure and Private: We safeguard your privacy and confidentiality here. All of your communications with our medical professionals are secure and private, and your data is safeguarded.

Core Azure Services:

Azure Blob Storage:- Azure Blob Storage is Microsoft's scalable object storage solution in the Azure cloud. It enables secure and cost-effective storage of unstructured data, such as documents and images. Offering seamless integration with applications, it supports data of any size and optimizes accessibility through a globally distributed network. Azure Storage Account:- Azure Storage Account is a foundational component in Microsoft Azure, providing secure and scalable cloud storage. It supports various storage services like Blob, File, Queue, and Table, accommodating diverse data types. With features such as redundancy options and access controls, it ensures reliable and efficient data management. Azure Backup Service:- Azure Backup Service by Microsoft safeguards critical data in the Azure cloud. It offers automated and scalable backup solutions for virtual machines, applications, and files. With features like long-term retention and geo-redundancy, it ensures data resilience and facilitates efficient disaster recovery, enhancing overall data protection strategies.

Azure AI Service

Azure Chatbot :- The Azure AI Language Chatbot is a cutting-edge conversational agent powered by Microsoft's Azure platform. Leveraging advanced natural language processing capabilities, it facilitates dynamic and context-aware interactions. This intelligent chatbot employs machine learning algorithms to comprehend user queries, providing personalized responses and assistance across diverse domains. Seamlessly integrating with Azure services, it ensures scalability and reliability.


Storage Account

Storage account

Static Website

Static website



Backup od Blob

Backup blob

Backup Policy

Back up policy

Role Assignment

role assignment

AI Chatbot

AI Chatbot

Test in web chat

chatbot test

Resource Visualizer

resource visualizer


Here I am attaching the final working website's screenshot for the reference.

Working Live Project Display:



About Us

About Us

Our Treatments


Our Partners


Final Project Statement:

Patients can schedule appointments for at-home medical examinations. For the patients, it is very convenient and easy to use. It provides ENT, dental, eye care and skin treatments. This innovative approach ensures that emergency medical care and examinations are accessible.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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