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Few new interesting things I learnt while developing this portfolio website:

Contact Form (No Server-side Code)

Formspree is an easy way to receive notifications when someone submits a message without having to set up your own server-side code or configure an SMTP service. It provides a simple and secure way to handle form submissions by proxying the form data to your email address. It eliminates the need to write backend code or set up a server, making it an easy and hassle-free way to add a contact form to your website.

Google Analytics

  1. Create a Google Tag Manager account and set up a container for your website.
  2. Obtain the GTM tracking code provided by Google Tag Manager.
  3. Add the GTM tracking code to the head section of every page on your website, immediately after the opening tag.
  4. Publish your container in GTM.
  5. Verify that the GTM tracking code is installed properly on your website by using the GTM preview and debug mode.
  6. Add and configure tags (such as Google Analytics) through the GTM interface to track specific user interactions on your website.
  7. Publish your container again with the new tags.
  8. Monitor your website's data in Google Analytics to ensure that it is being tracked correctly. image