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API Funds App

This is the API for the Funds App.

This API gets the funds list from the database in order to provide the Frontend with the needed data. API Funds App is responsible of adding new funds to the database when a user supports the porject. It implements a Token based Auth middleware so it can be used only by the clients with ADMIN access and params validation in order to check that the received data is valid. This is important in order to keep transparency in the project funding.


If you're looking for the FrontEnd App you can find it in the front-funds-app repo.


The app is deployed using Heroku services as a NodeJS server. You can check the service status by in

You should receive the following response:

Status Code: 200 OK
  "data": {
    "service": "READY"
  "message": "OK"


The API implements the following endpoints in order to interactuate with the Frontend:

Description Endpoint Method
Get the API Auth Token '/api/auth/token' POST
Get the Funds List '/api/funds' GET
Add a new Fund '/api/funds' POST

Example Requests:

POST 'api/auth/token'
Headers: {
  Authorization: Basic base64(username:password)

Success Response: 
STATUS: 200 'OK'
  "access_token": "jasndjkAKSJDKJNnsdajskd......"

Failed Response: 
STATUS: 401 Unathorized
GET 'api/funds'
Headers: {
  Authorization: Bearer jasndjkAKSJDKJNnsdajskd......

Success Response: 
STATUS: 200 'OK'
  data: [
      _id: "5f76ec42ca1cd5283b710503",
      amount: 50
      created_at: "2020-10-02T09:00:48.467Z",
      email: "",
      _id: "5f7d6b7cbf9a5000046cbf7b",
      amount: 200
      created_at: "2020-10-07T07:17:16.931Z",
      email: "",

Failed Response: 
STATUS: 401 Unathorized
POST 'api/funds'
Headers: {
  Authorization: Bearer jasndjkAKSJDKJNnsdajskd......

Success Response: 
  data: {
    _id: "5f7e39ebfd0b750004f323a5",
  message: "CREATED"

Failed Response: 
STATUS: 401 Unathorized

Local Development


The project is build with NodeJS v.12. In order to get the app working in local, we recomend to install nvm:
In MacOS you can install it using Homebrew:

brew update
brew install nvm
mkdir ~/.nvm

Now add these lines to ~/.bash_profile ( or ~/.zshrc for macOS Catalina or later)

export NVM_DIR=~/.nvm
source $(brew --prefix nvm)/

Run nvm -v to make sure you have access to nvm.

  • Clone this repo to your local environment.
  • cd into api-funds-app
  • Run nvm install 12 in order to get the NodeJS v.12
  • Run nvm use && npm i.

Environment Variables

We provide a testing environment for local development with the following settings:




Just run cp .env in the root dir and that's it. Feel free to setup your own MongoDB and change these data in your .env

Seed Admin User

If you are using our testing variables, you can ommit this step. If you choose to use your own DB, fill the AUTH environment variables in your .env file and run the provided script in order to generate the Admin User to access the DB:

  • Open your terminal in the root folder and run node ./scripts/mongo/seed-admin.js. The Admin user will be generated using the mentioned configs.
  • Check your Mongo Database to check if the user was generated successfuly.

Run the App locally

Once you have your configs and your admin user in the database, you can run the app with the following:

  • npm run start:development (development mode).
  • Install Postman and configure the AUTH endpoint in order to get the AdminAPI Token (Using Basic Authentication providing your AUTH_ADMIN_USERNAME and your AUTH_ADMIN_PASSWORD).


  • Go to Test tab and add the following lines in order to save the token as an environment variable:
var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("access_token", jsonData.access_token);
  • Make the GET Request to 'api/funds' using the Token to get the Funds List.


  • Make the POST Request to 'api/funds' using the Token in order to create a new fund with the following body data. Make sure you are using JSON format:
    "amount": 50,
    "email": ""


The Development Process

If you're interested in the background behind this app, you can read more at our Development Process Docs.


  • Fork this repo
  • Clone in to your local
  • Make your awesome contributions
  • Push to your remote repo
  • Create a Pull Request against master
  • Ask us for a code review.