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Create a small Instagram-like site allowing users to create and share photo montages. Thus implement, with a bare hands (frameworks are prohibited), the basic functionalities encountered on the majority of sites with a user base.

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Create a small Instagram-like site allowing users to create and share photo montages. Thus implement, with a bare hands (frameworks are prohibited), the basic functionalities encountered on the majority of sites with a user base.

Development Plan

Here’s a high-level plan to tackle this project:

  1. Setup Development Environment:
    • Configure local development environment with PHP, MySQL (or any SQL database), and basic client-side technologies.
    • Setup Docker for containerization.
  2. Backend Development (PHP):
    • Implement core backend features such as user authentication, image handling, and email services.
    • Develop APIs for frontend-backend communication.
    • Ensure security practices are integrated, like input sanitation, CSRF protection, and secure password storage.
  3. Frontend Development:
    • Create the user interface with HTML and CSS.
    • Implement interactive elements using JavaScript, particularly for the editing features.
    • Ensure responsiveness and cross-browser compatibility.
  4. Testing and Debugging:
    • Conduct thorough testing on both client and server sides.
    • Debug any issues found during testing, ensuring no console errors or warnings.
  5. Deployment:
    • Prepare Docker containers and scripts for deployment.
    • Deploy to a test environment to validate functionality in a production-like setting.
  6. Documentation and Final Review:
    • Document the application setup and user guide.
    • Review the entire application for any potential improvements or missing requirements.

Mandatory Part

Common features

  • You will develop a web application. Even if this is not required, try to structure your application (as a MVC application, for instance).
  • Your website should have a decent page layout (meaning at least a header, a main section and a footer), be able to display correctly on mobile devices and have an adapted layout on small resolutions.
  • All your forms should have correct validations and the whole site should be secured. This point is MANDATORY and shall be verified when your application would be eval- uated. To have an idea, here are some stuff that is NOT considered as SECURE:
    • Store plain or unencrypted passwords in the database.
    • Offer the ability to inject HTML or “user” JavaScript in badly protected variables.
    • Offer the ability to upload unwanted content on the server.
    • Offer the possibility of altering an SQL query.
    • Use an extern form to manipulate so-called private data

User features

  • The application should allow a user to sign up by asking at least a valid email address, an username and a password with at least a minimum level of complexity.
  • At the end of the registration process, an user should confirm his account via a unique link sent at the email address fullfiled in the registration form.
  • The user should then be able to connect to your application, using his username and his password. He also should be able to tell the application to send a password reinitialisation mail, if he forget his password.
  • The user should be able to disconnect in one click at any time on any page.
  • Once connected, an user should modify his username, mail address or password.

Gallery features

  • This part is to be public and must display all the images edited by all the users, ordered by date of creation. It should also allow (only) a connected user to like them and/or comment them.
  • When an image receives a new comment, the author of the image should be notified by email. This preference must be set as true by default but can be deactivated in user’s preferences.
  • The list of images must be paginated, with at least 5 elements per page.

Editing features

  • A main section containing the preview of the user’s webcam, the list of superposable images and a button allowing to capture a picture.
  • A side section displaying thumbnails of all previous pictures taken.
  • Superposable images must be selectable and the button allowing to take the pic- ture should be inactive (not clickable) as long as no superposable image has been selected.
  • The creation of the final image (so among others the superposing of the two images) must be done on the server side.
  • Because not everyone has a webcam, you should allow the upload of a user image instead of capturing one with the webcam.
  • The user should be able to delete his edited images, but only his, not other users’ creations.

Constraints and Mandatory things

Authorized languages:

  • [Server] Any (limited to PHP standard library)
  • [Client] HTML - CSS - JavaScript (only with browser natives API)

• Authorized frameworks:

  • [Server] Any (up to PHP standard library)
  • [Client] CSS Frameworks tolerated, unless it adds forbidden JavaScript.

You project should contain imperatively:

  • One (or more) container to deploy your site with one command. anything equivalent to docker-compose is ok.

Bonus part 4/5

  • “AJAXify” exchanges with the server.
  • Propose a live preview of the edited result, directly on the webcam preview.
  • Do an infinite pagination of the gallery part of the site.
  • Offer the possibility to a user to share his images on social networks.


Summary of Relationships

  • users -> medias (media_id can be NULL, meaning a user may or may not have a profile picture)
  • pages -> medias (media_id can be NULL, meaning a page may or may not have a media attachment)
  • posts -> users (user_id references the creator of the post)
  • posts -> medias (media_id references the media attached to the post)
  • likes -> users (user_id references the user who liked the post)
  • likes -> posts (post_id references the liked post)
  • comments -> users (user_id references the user who made the comment)
  • comments -> posts (post_id references the post on which the comment was made)
  • medias -> users (user_id references the owner of the media)


Create a small Instagram-like site allowing users to create and share photo montages. Thus implement, with a bare hands (frameworks are prohibited), the basic functionalities encountered on the majority of sites with a user base.




