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Releases: MarangoniCow/PlotDefaults

Added feature: Fetch colour by index

09 Dec 16:07
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Added a new feature: Fetch colour by index.

To assign colours to a plot in a loop, you can now use the command:
PlotDefaults.fetchColourByIdx(index, initial_shade),
where index is the index of your current for loop, and initial_shade is an additional argument specifying the shade (how light/dark) you want the colours to be.

Added feature: Apply equal axes

06 Dec 09:40
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Added a new feature: applyEqualAxes.

Matlab's default setting is to have unequal aspect ratios for plots. This is a good feature for many cases, but leaves circles looking like ellipses. When the geometry of your problem of interest is important, the feature applyEqualAxes can be used to modify the aspect ratio of the current figure without changing the limits.

Any two axes, or all three axes of a plot can be set equal by the command PlotDefaults.applyEqualAxes('xy'), for setting the x and y axes equal, where x-y can be any combination of x,y,z.

PlotDefaults.applyEqualAxes defaults to PlotDefaults.applyEqualAxes('xyz').

Initial Release

05 Dec 13:39
Choose a tag to compare

Initial release for PlotDefaults, a small Matlab class for encapsulating several common methods on plots and maintaining a house style.